Time Zone Calculation and Field Update in Zoho CRM

Time Zone Calculation and Field Update in Zoho CRM

  1. I have leads who are all in the U.S., but they are in different time zones.

  2. I want to have the Zoho CRM automatically calculate the time for that specific lead based on the zip code that we obtain and then update a time field in CRM so that I can trigger emails/texts for webhooks to fire at a specific time for their time zone based of their zip code.

  3. Does anyone have any insight on this as using workflows and such with people in different time zones is NOT ideal, hence, me having to add in this extra step...? I’m honestly not even sure if this is possible?

    An example of this use case would be someone in New York (I'm in CA and 3hrs behind) that fills out my lead form at 2am NYC time, but I don't want the CRM to email/text at 2:00am and I'd like it to only trigger automation based on reasonable hours (ie: 8am-8pm) for THEIR TIME ZONE, and if the lead form is submitted after this time window, then it would be pushed to fire the next day at 8am.

    Thanks in advance!

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