Unable to load your extension. Please check your plugin-manifest or Resources.json.

Unable to load your extension. Please check your plugin-manifest or Resources.json.

Hi Team,

I am using the config module with multiple fields of different types, such as checkboxes and picklists. However, I am encountering the following issues:

  1. Error Message:
    When loading the extension, I get the error:
    "Unable to load your extension. Please check your plugin-manifest or Resources.json."

  2. Picklist Issue:
    In some cases, when I remove the picklist field, the extension works, but instead of showing the displayName, the name field is displayed for checkbox fields.

Could you please advise why this is happening? Additionally, I couldn’t find an example of using the picklist field in the documentation.

For reference, below is the plugin-manifest.json file I am using.

  1. {
  2.   "locale": ["en"],
  3.   "service": "DESK",
  4.   "storage": false,
  5.   "type": "personal",
  6.   "whiteListedDomains": ["https://api.com"],
  7.   "modules": {
  8.     "widgets": [
  9.       {
  10.         "location": "desk.ticket.detail.rightpanel",
  11.         "url": "/app/widget.html",
  12.         "name": "Sample app",
  13.         "logo": "/app/img/logo.png",
  14.         "icon": "/app/img/icon.png"
  15.       },
  16.       {
  17.         "location": "desk.ticket.detail.lefttab",
  18.         "url": "/app/widget.html",
  19.         "name": "Sample Left Tab Widget",
  20.         "logo": "/app/img/logo.png",
  21.         "icon": "/app/img/icon.png"
  22.       },
  23.       {
  24.         "location": "desk.background",
  25.         "url": "/app/background.html",
  26.         "name": "Sample Background Widget"
  27.       }
  28.     ]
  29.   },
  30.   "cspDomains": {
  31.     "connect-src": []
  32.   },
  33.   "zohoAuthorisation": {},
  34.   "connectors": [],
  35.   "config": [
  36.     {
  37.       "name": "feature_one",
  38.       "displayName": "Enable Feature One",
  39.       "mandatory": false,
  40.       "secure": false,
  41.       "type": "checkbox",
  42.       "userdefined": true,
  43.       "authType": "personal",
  44.       "defaultValue": false,
  45.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature One"
  46.     },
  47.     {
  48.       "name": "feature_two",
  49.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Two",
  50.       "mandatory": false,
  51.       "secure": false,
  52.       "type": "checkbox",
  53.       "userdefined": true,
  54.       "authType": "personal",
  55.       "defaultValue": false,
  56.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Two"
  57.     },
  58.     {
  59.       "name": "feature_three",
  60.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Three",
  61.       "mandatory": false,
  62.       "secure": false,
  63.       "type": "checkbox",
  64.       "userdefined": true,
  65.       "authType": "personal",
  66.       "defaultValue": false,
  67.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Three"
  68.     },
  69.     {
  70.       "name": "feature_four",
  71.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Four",
  72.       "mandatory": false,
  73.       "secure": false,
  74.       "type": "checkbox",
  75.       "userdefined": true,
  76.       "authType": "personal",
  77.       "defaultValue": false,
  78.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Four"
  79.     },
  80.     {
  81.       "name": "feature_five",
  82.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Five",
  83.       "mandatory": false,
  84.       "secure": false,
  85.       "type": "checkbox",
  86.       "userdefined": true,
  87.       "authType": "personal",
  88.       "defaultValue": false,
  89.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Five"
  90.     },
  91.     {
  92.       "name": "feature_six",
  93.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Six",
  94.       "mandatory": false,
  95.       "secure": false,
  96.       "type": "checkbox",
  97.       "userdefined": true,
  98.       "authType": "personal",
  99.       "defaultValue": false,
  100.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Six"
  101.     },
  102.     {
  103.       "name": "feature_seven",
  104.       "displayName": "Enable Feature Seven",
  105.       "mandatory": false,
  106.       "secure": false,
  107.       "type": "checkbox",
  108.       "userdefined": true,
  109.       "authType": "personal",
  110.       "defaultValue": false,
  111.       "description": "Check this box to enable Feature Seven"
  112.     },
  113.     {
  114.       "name": "priority",
  115.       "displayName": "Set Priority",
  116.       "mandatory": false,
  117.       "secure": false,
  118.       "type": "picklist",
  119.       "userdefined": true,
  120.       "authType": "personal",
  121.       "options": [
  122.         {
  123.           "value": "low",
  124.           "display": "Low"
  125.         },
  126.         {
  127.           "value": "medium",
  128.           "display": "Medium"
  129.         },
  130.         {
  131.           "value": "high",
  132.           "display": "High"
  133.         }
  134.       ],
  135.       "defaultValue": "medium",
  136.       "description": "Select the priority level"
  137.     }
  138.   ],
  139.   "moduleSupport": true
  140. }

Looking forward to your guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you!

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                                                                                        Nederlandse Hulpbronnen


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