I admit, this idea/thought is quite niche.
WhatsApp allows us to somewhat reuse the same template based on different languages. In many cases, we don't know which language a new lead will prefer to use for communication. However, in other cases we do have that knowledge. For example:
1. The lead's Display name is in a language other than English.
2. We ask for a preferred language during a chatbot session, or even allow our agents to fill in a "Language" field in the lead/contact record.
Now, once we know which language the lead/contact prefer, how about we automate the usage of templates?
Sure, we can design the workflows to take into account the preferred/detected language. This will require rather complex workflows, with too many branches and a rather high risk of errors.
Here's a scenario:
A company's client base spans over 5 different languages. The agents working in the company are capable of handling all such languages and. theoretically, are required to log all CRM entries in one specific language (for internal simplicity).
During automated processes, such as a new lead welcome message on WhatsApp, the company would like to communicate to the lead in the language of their preference. If Zoho CRM would know that template A has a version in each of these 5 different languages, it would know which template version to use (assuming the system will also automatically detect, or will be manually instructed regarding, the preferred language for the lead/contact). This will repeat itself with all other templates that have such versions. If a template doesn't have a version in the chosen language, the system will revert to a pre-defined "base" language for which a template would also be available.
As said, it's a niche and I'm sure it can be done much more effectively/intelligently than the crude example I gave above.
Any thoughts?