Which is the snippet code for this workflow?

Which is the snippet code for this workflow?

Hi, we want to create the following workflow:
1. When a quotation is created and the status changes to "ACCEPTED", then...
2. ....auto create a Sales Order with satus "CONFIRMED", or "NOT CONFIRMED" it doesnt matter
3. Then, after the Sales Order is created in whatever status, auto create its correspondent Invoice in Status "DRAFT" (not digital stamped)

Via support they told me that this workflow is possible to work, but I'm not sure which is the proper code. Trying to find out by myself and with all my ignorance by using IA, it gave me a snippet, but it doesn't work. It is my understanding that after creating a personalized function I have to add it to the workflow as the consequence of the trigger.

Thanks in advance and excuse my bad English. Greetings from Mexico!

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