Workdrive - can I give access to one folder to someone outside my biz; without them having access to everything else?
With Workdrive, can I give access to one folder to someone outside my biz; without them giving access to everything else? I am considering the move from docs to Workdrive.
For example If I put files into a folder for a virtual assistant to access from their own free personal Zoho docs or workdrive account - so she can access that folder, without also having access to my sensitive financial documents. They are not an employee or team member.
Or if I have a client, with whom I wish to share a folder, but again, I don't want them to be a team member or have access to anything other files -
and do they have to have a free or paid zoho account to do that - or can they access it from whatever email account I invite them to access the folder with?
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