Zoho -
The server you have that we are forced to use when sending emails through Zoho Campaigns
is blacklisted and results in nearly all of our (myself and other Zoho users)
emails going straight to our recipients junk/spam folder!!
We want a reliable product, and you are not providing us with quality tools. This is
NOT an issue on our end, nor is it the issue with our clients/recipients - it is the domain/server Zoho uses for sending email campaigns.
Will you fix it immediately, or should we all cancel our service and use reliable email clients such as: MailChimp, Vertical Response, iContact, or Constant Contact?
What do you recommend we do? -
If you do not fix it, leaving Zoho is the only option.
Every Zoho Campaign User.
Ps. Please response and do not ignore this request. This is a HUGE problem with your product.