Hello, I am trying to build reports based off of record counts, in this example I have a field in my contacts module witch is a checkbox for "Active" I want to include this record in my count for every day that it is active for until it is unchecked being listed as "Inactive"
So for example I have 30 contacts marked as Active in the CRM and i want to build a report in comparison to another record (incident reports) There is a date field in the incident report module of when the incident happened, I want to compare how many active contacts there were on the day the incident happened.
Adding a date field to the contacts module doesn't help as this will only be listed as the added date once they are added they are considered active for each day after until they are marked inactive.
From what i can see this will be system limitation so I am looking for alternative ideas on how I could build my reporting or create a record count based on a field in the module for each day not based on a date field.