I am using Zoho Desk as a ticket system and Zoho Bookings to schedule different services.
Zoho Desk is my nerve centre and i would like to use Desk to invite the ticketcreator to book a Services in Zoho Bookings.
Example. I am having a Service called Bring In, so people can bring in there device for a repair.
First they create a ticket (with Zoho Forms) and then i send and invitation link to use my calendar to bring in the device.
This works great but my problem: in Desk i cannot see if this client booked an appointment and when.
So sending a link is working but then i lost the control of the process. I need to mannualy check Bookings from time to time to see if the client booked a service or not.
Sometimes tickets will remain in the same status of this "problem" while i cannot auto resend the invite when people didnt booked a service in 48hours.
The more tickets and Services you have, the more "mannualy" task you have to control the state of a process for each ticket.
It would be great if i could see (in the canvas view) which service (in bookings) is booked and when.
This would make Zoho more One and integrated instead working next to each other.