I've made a flow that works like a charm when I test it, but it doesn't when I'm executing it normally.
The flow starts when a ticket is created. It then goes on fetching the ticket thread, then checking the ticket thread for a priority term, then updating the ticket with that priority and some other classifications and eventually send the ticket nr back through email.
The thing is, when I test it, it finds all the information correctly and works. When the flow is executed it fails at the custom function. That happens because the custom function has no data. So I look at the fetch_ticket_thread action and that one has no output. And then the input tells me there is no ticketID inserted. But when I look at the ticket_created output I clearly see an ID. I know they are mapped correctly because the test works.
Can Zoho help me? I've mailed multiple times but no reaction. Or maybe some good samaritan browsing this topic would know it as well.
Kind regards, Dennis van Gulik