Need help on reports (Actuals vs Plan)
Hey guys, I need some assistance on a problem im facing. Currently we have our actual numbers for our billable hours and revenue that we generate. We wanna compare this to our planned revenue and billable hours accross 2023. We have added a new dataset
Schedule a report at the end of the month
Hi I would like to schedule a report to be sent at the end of each month. If I set this to be sent on the 31st of each month what would happen for months that only have 30 days? Would this send on day 30 instead? Dan
Tip of the Week: Nested If Function
Zoho Analytics allows you to define your own powerful formulas to meet your specific reporting requirements. Among the various other in-built formulas available in Zoho Analytics, this segment is about the Nested If function. The Nested If function returns different values for different conditions. They are used to test multiple criteria and take action based on the test results. For example, you can use the Nested If function to categorize: The customer ratings as detractors, passives, and promoters
Multiple IF calculation
I'm trying to write an if statement that is fairly complex. In Excel, the formula looks like this: +IF(E2<0.2,(F2*0.05)*0.7,IF(E2<0.4,(F2*0.15)*0.7,IF(E2>0.39,(F2*0.2)*0.7))) Using the value of a specific cell (depending upon if it is lower, between or above a certain value) I am applying one of 3 mathematical operations to a different cell for the result. When trying to "map" this style over to the "IF" statements in Analytics, I am receiving errors. Here is an example of the data I'm trying
Won / Lost Amount not showing
Hi there, No figures show up for won amount / lost amount even though there is data in the won / lost swimlanes in the CRM. We have an auto sync every 3 hours. Regards, Sarah
Using "NOT IN" in WHERE clause
I'm trying to exclude records from a query by using a "NOT IN" clause, but it's not giving me what I want. I even tried "NOT LIKE" I need to exclude the string 'Dev or internal testing' from a column with a mixture of blank cells, but when I run the query
Change Report/Dashboard Owner in Zoho Analytics
Need a way to change the ownership of a single report and a dashboard from one user to another.
Unable to view any reports, tables or dashboards
Hi everyone, I'm getting this error: Sorry, refresh operation of the underlying query table was aborted, as processing time exceeded the allowed time limit. Please try after some time. Contact support, if the issue persists It looks like it is happening
I'm trying to create a formula column to search for a piece of text in a field using an IF statement, and return a value. Normally in SQL I would do something like IF("column" like '%abc%', 1, 0) but that doesn't seem to work. From what I can tell it's
Representing Report as Widget %
Hiya, I have the below report which calculates engagement with user satisfaction surveys. I want to aggregate the 'good and bad' into 1 value, and compare this with the 'offered' value as a percentage. Is there an easy way to do this? Ideally want to
Looking for a way to create custom date filter
Hello! I'm looking to create a custom date filter for some entries. I have a lot of transactions for multiple loans and I'm looking to create a custom date filter for the following case: Let's say that we start to receive our monthly amounts back. At
New Google Sheets
I have a Old Google Sheets file that I have migrated to the the New Google Sheets. When I try to import the new sheets file it will not import it. A box pops up asking to "Please authenticate with your Goggle account". I have had no luck getting past this and it does not happen when I import from an old sheet. Thank You,
Chart from Zoho Survey
Hi Zoho Team I have integrated Zoho Survey with Zoho Analytics, some of the surveys have scoring enabled I need to get that information from Zoho Analytics, I have checked individual responses an I found the information how ever I need to create a chart and some KPI's eventually Regards,
How to get Stage history in zoho report
I am trying to create a report in zoho advance analytical that fetches all the potentials which had a change in Stage during the past year but we can’t find any formula to get potentials whose Stage were changed past Year. Could you please help me to find formula available in the Reports section in Zoho CRM?
Error en los filtros
Saludos. Al intentar ingresar en los filtro de los gráficos que he realizado, y con los que he trabajado sin problemas hasta el presente, me aparece de manera intempestiva el siguiente mensaje: "El parámetro COLPARENTVIEWID no es apropiado (no se ha enviado o es menor que el recuento necesario)" Impidiendome continuar trabajando en los referidos graficos. Agradeceria su apoyo para solucionar la presente situación. Gracias.
Countif contains a certain text string
I'm trying to create an aggregate formula that counts all the rows in a column if it contains a certain text string. I can easily create the formula if it equals a certain test string, see below. countif("Table"."Column"='xyz') The formula above will count the row if the cell only contains "xyz". it will not count the row if the cell contains "xyz pdq". How do I change the formula to count the rows in a column if it a cell contains a "xyz" along with any other string?
New Features rolled out on Apr 28, 2023
New Business Application Connectors We are excited to announce the availability of two new business application connectors. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Advanced Reporting Zoho Analytics empowers your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data with sophisticated reporting
Not able to edit a schedule in Analytics
Hello, I am trying to edit a schedule report in Zoho Analytics, but for some reason when I click on the Send button or when I try to Send, or edit the schedule, nothing is working. We've tried the org emails and the even sending with Zoho notification
ZoHo Reports / ZoHo CRM Realtime Data
ZoHo CRM is always being updated with data required by a remote sales team, this data is real-time in ZoHo CRM. Whilst the dashboards in ZoHo CRM meet basic requirements, ZoHo Reports add that additional layer of information representation. It baffles me why ZoHo Reports doesn't have real-time integration with ZoHo CRM. This would be a huge advantage for our business and I'm sure others. I'm forever being asked by our sales team, "why is the data out of date?" in this dashboard. Is realtime reporting
How can I use the Reports to show Products attached to Accounts & Potentials in the CRM?
I'd like to be able to report on the Accounts and Potentials in our system and show what Products are attached to each. When the 'Products' sync to the Reports module, it is just a table of the products entered, non-relational. The Accounts and Potentials tables also have no relational field to Products.
Adding Amazon S3 Data Source
I'm trying to add an Amazon S3 data source but I'm getting an error "Failed to fetch the buckets. Reason: Access Denied" Our dev team only granted me access to a certain path and not the entire bucket, so could that be the reason why I'm failing to add
Displaying total seconds as HH:MM:SS in widgets
Hello, I have a table that contains all of our call data including call length in seconds. I've used the sec_to_time function to convert the seconds to HH:MM:SS format within the table but I would like to be able to aggregate call length and display in
% Of Year Gone By in Report
Hi! I want to make a widget or a report that tracks with what % of the year has passed so far for task management. Would I need a dataset with this info to do this, and if so what would it need to contain? The data I work with atm involves tickets that
Zoho Analytics
Hi Guys, seems Zoho Analytics is down Super slow loading times
Sharepoint Excel synchronization with Zoho Analytics
Hello, Is there any possibility to synchronize an Excel File on Sharepoint via Zoho Analytics? OneDrive is user-dependent and therefore problematic. Best,
Sorting Legend in Stacked Chart
How can I sort the legend in my stacked chart from the highest to the lowest value? Refer to the attached screenshot.
Filter modification actions
Is it possible to filter the actions when seeing the modifications done by someone? Context: I use "Modified by" to check who was the last person modifying the ticket however, I'm only interested if they modified the ticket in form of a reply (email)
API request problem
Sou brasileiro e não falo em english, me desculpe se a gramatica estiver incorreta. Estou tentando consumir a API do Analytics Zoho para enviar dados para uma tabela. A ideia é fazer uma rotina que será executada todo os dias para enviar os dados atualizados.
Problema com a API do Analytics Zoho
Estou tentando consumir a API do Analytics Zoho para enviar dados para uma tabela. A ideia é fazer uma rotina que será executada todo os dias para enviar os dados atualizados. Porém quando vou tentar fazer a requisição dentro da minha API, ele retorna
KPI Widget with dynamic Group By
I've created my KPI comparison widget with a Group By "Month" but I want to know if I can dynamically group it based on the date range? For example, my KPI widget compares the current month vs previous month (primary value, secondary value and the difference)
zoho the length of the null parameter is greater than the required length
analytics is giving me back this error. It only happens to me on a computer. i can see and apply filters correctly on other computers or zoho accounts
Columns language changed
Hello, As you can see in attachment in Zoho analytics some colums of field have change from language to french and some are still in English. We have no idea why but we would like it to be in English all again. how can we do that please ? Thanks
Formula Column cant be used (doesnt show up)
I created a new formula column inside the ticket table (zoho desk sync). If I create new queries, the new formula column can be used: If I create a other thing like a tabular view, the new column doesnt exists... :(
Remove fiscal year from date filter
When adding a yearly or quarterly date filter to my dashboard, I only get the option of fiscal years. How can I get the actual year, 2021 or 2022 in my date filter, and not the fiscal year of 2021 and 2022?
How to find ZohoAnalytics OrgID?
Hi reader, I hope you are doing well. I've been trying to work with the Zoho Analytics API library and have has no problems with the auth and token refresh steps, very clear to use! However, for actually interacting with ZohoAnalytics itself through the
Making a graph from a pivot chart
Is it possible to make a graph out of a pivot chart?
Custom Query: Get last weekday (Sunday) of month in timestamp
Hello, I need to select the last sunday of the month of a given timestamp: Example: - Input: '1991-03-12' - Output: '1991-03-31' How can I do this? Regards, Sven
Created at Month (Relative) Filter
Hi, I'm having an issue with the 'Created at: Month' filter when it is set to relative. Instead of pulling data that has been created this month (April 2023) it is showing me data created in April 2022 when this filter is used. I assumed that this filter
Add a row in Analytics
I've been trying to add a row in Analytics using the below code. orgId = "-----"; workspaceId = "----"; viewId = "----"; headersMap = Map(); headersMap.put("ZANALYTICS-ORGID",orgId); columnsMap = Map(); columnsMap.put("User ID","Hello"); columnsMap.put("User
[Upcoming Webinar] Driving product usage and growing revenue using embedded analytics
Hi there! Today, we're seeing a growing importance for contextual analytics, as software vendors rapidly leverage embedded analytics as a key business competency. By providing deep analytical capabilities in traditional workflows, software providers are
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