Is there a plan for a Data Prep App at Zoho ?
Hello, I was wondering if Zoho was planning to release an app to clean and prepare the data before the analysis? Thank you, Regards, Victor M. da Silva
Reporting: Count Picklist records?
I have 5 picklist fields within one lead. All with 3 options which contain qualitative values, not quantitative (text values) FIeld1 - Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 Field2 - Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 Field3 - Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 Field4 - Option
Zoho Analytics - Error
Hi, I accidentally removed some fields from the data sync on Zoho Analytics and now several of the reports are saying 'View is not present in the workspace'. I have re-added the fields to the sync but this still doesn't fix the problem. Is there a way
Filter closest addresses from latitude & longitud
Hi, I have a list of business address with latitude & longitude, I am trying to filter just the ones near a specific coordinate. I am trying to achieve with an SQL query: SELECT id, ( 3959 * acos(cos(radians(37)) * cos(radians(lat)) * cos(radians(lng)
Progress Bar
Hi Zoho Team, 1. Please add a progress bar from which we can get the %age of the Synchronization status. 2. As Currently we are not testing the connection which we are making with the SQL Server or any other source please do make it also
How to calc cost % of all income
Hi, I would like to calc the percentage of cogs but don't know how to achieve this with a aggregate formula: Hope you guys can help! :) My data is is modelled like this: GLMain Cat GLSub Cat GLMain Desc Amount 7 70
Display an Image of an Employee in a Report
I'd like to display an image of an employee in a report or dynamically on a dashboard with relevant data in reports below. Can I do this? Diane McConnell
Possible to create calculated fields with Pivots?
Hi, we're thinking of evaluating your product, however we need a calculated field in a pivot. Is this possible? For example, we have a table with columns for Country, State, Sales, SqM. In the pivot we will group by Country and then State, and in order to get a Sales / SqM column, we need to add it as a calculated field in the Pivot table. It would, on a record basis, calculate the total sales divided by the total sqm. In Excel we use a calculated field inserted into the Pivot table to do this.
Vertical Bar Chart
I'm trying to draw a chart which would show me the sales person name on X Axis and Y Axis would show sales total amount. I need two columns per sales person (one for 2020 and other for 2021) and I need my sales figures broken down by product sold. I understand
How do I change the time zone in Zoho Analytics (under data sources > Next Schedule Time
As show on the enclosed screen shot the time zone is shown in GMT. How do we change this? Data Sources > Last Data Import/Sync Status and Next Scheduled Time
Change font of PDA File
When I export the dashboard as a PDF, the Japanese fonts are very hard to read. Is there a way to change the Japanese font in a PDF file?
Threshold Scope and Reference Axis not available to amend
Hi All I have a report built where the Y Axis is made using a simple formula to return a % result. I want to add a target, static line in to the Y axis using threshold. However, when I do this I cannot select Scope of Axis to apply to. If i add 0.45
Error in Connecting with data source
I have a connection error with sql server data source. How can i connect with sql server data source please give some instruction to connect. It will showing an error message like connection problem with host name. Thanking you in advance.
How can I merge two tables into one formula?
Hello dear Zoho community, I would like to create a graph for my dashboard, where the Total Direct Costs / Client can be seen according to the respective month. However, this is currently causing problems as this data comes from two different tables.
Questions about syncing with Zoho CRM.
I have a question about synchronizing with Zoho CRM. I changed the name of a single selection item in Zoho CRM and then synchronized, but some of the changes in the above items are not reflected in Zoho Analytics. After changing the items of Zoho CRM,
'Ask Zia' is now available in the Zoho Analytics mobile app
Hello All, In the latest version (v3.4.0) of the Zoho Analytics app, we have brought in support for Ask Zia, the AI powered analytical assistant which provides powerful insights on the go. I've attached GIF's covering the feature below for your reference:
Widget Not Included in Slideshow
I am unable to include / add - Widget in Manage Slide show in Zoho Reports / Analytics
Export query results as pdf on mobile
On the desktop version, I can export the query results/ user filters as a pdf report. On the mobile, the pdf export creates a pdf of the entire table, not just the filtered records. I need the same functionality on the mobile app that is available
Another import is in progess in UploadTool. No other imports.
Suddenly started getting an error message when running UploadTool: Another import is in progess in this table started by the user 'yourstruly' at '24 Sep 2014 04:33:23(GMT)'. Please try again after some time or contact the Reporting Database ("mydb") Administrator. There are no other imports in progress. Uploading multiple tables. The failure is NOT on the first one. The setup was working fine for quite some time. No changes were made. - Best Regards
[Webinar] Accelerate Multichannel Online Retail With Advanced Analytics
Hi there, Hope you are safe and well. We have made a practical webinar to help online retailers centralize their inventory, supercharge multichannel sales, and apply the insights derived from advanced analytics to scale up faster. We believe that this
SQL Alias error?
I keep getting this error: Whenever a table alias is defined, kindly use table alias name before the respective columns used in SELECT query I don't know where I've went wrong. SELECT Distinct "Book Title", t1."Author" as 'Authors1', t2."Author" as 'Authors2', FROM "SET1" t1 LEFT JOIN "SET2" t2 ON t1."Book Title" = t2."Book Title" WHERE Authors1 LIKE '%John%' OR Authors2 LIKE '%John%'
Today's Date Widget?
I love the new in-line e-mail feature, but before I'm ready to start using it for my company, I'm hoping to solve one thing: When I send the PDF version of my weekly dashboard, I've embedded a little iframe in the title that simply pulls in "today's date." So, today's dashboard will say "Dashboard for the week of September 18th, 2015" where the date is pulled in via and styled with HTML. Is there a way to achieve this with a widget or other method? The iframe doesn't survive the e-mailing process.
Solved: Zoho Databridge JDBC driver problem with European time zones and MySQL
If you are running in problems with following configuration: - Zoho Analytics and Zoho Databridge - MySQL on Windows server - default timeZone configuration just run following commands in mysql: SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+1:00'; or SET GLOBAL time_zone
How to import from a file local to the server running Analytics
This seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world, but I can't find a way to do it. We run the on-premise version, under Linux. We have jobs that deposit files in a particular directory on the machine running Zoho Analyltics. I want to import
Conservar Formato en Tabla Dinamica
Saludos. Al crear una tabla dinámica quisiera pre establecer el tamaño de las columnas y que este se mantenga aunque se actualice la información. Actualmente reduzco de manera manual el ancho de las columnas y cada vez que actualizo la data, las columnas retornan al ancho habitual. Podrían Orientarme. Gracias.
Zoho Analytics : Import [Zoho Desk History] table
Dear Zoho Agent, Would it be possible to Import Zoho Desk History table into Zoho Analytics? I couldn't find any table that could be History Table. Best Regard, Karanig Nitithan
Multiple Axis Graphs
Hi, It would be great if you could pick which axis a series will be plotted on rather than each on their own or all on one as is current. Eg 2 series measuring volume plotted on one axis with a percentile line plotted on a second axis (currently you would have to have all 3 series on 3 separate axis or all on the same one).
Automatically changing the Y-axis range
Hi guys! In this chart, I'm analyzing the data input average per customer profile. In the image below you can see that there's two profile and the Y-axis range is set according to the data related to both profiles: When I deselect one of the profiles
Looking for someone who has experience setting-up Zoho Data Bridge
We are looking for someone who has experience in setting-up Zoho Data Bridge. We need help in installing this.
Dashboard header and logo alignment
Hi i added logo and header but its alignment is not proper and dashboard hedaing is not in center as shown below if i tried to make a dashboard title center aligned but we are getting a extra space below is there any way to get both logo and header
Query table, select where with bool column
I am creating a Query table, when I use select with a where with a bool column, it doesn't compare well SELECT "PVC ASSEMBLY OUT" FROM "Item_Subform_SubItem" WHERE "Item_Subform_SubItem"."PVC ASSEMBLY OUT" = 0
Some fields of my Zoho Desk Layout isn't accessible in Zoho Analytics
I frequently use Zoho Analytics to treat some data of my Zoho Desk tickets, but I've just noticed that some fields that I added to my layout are not shown in the Tickets table on the "Zoho Desk Modules (Data)" paste. Why is this happening, and is there
How to change the format data from a table in Zoho Analytics
When importing a Google Sheets as a Data Source in my Zoho Analytics workspace, a "Month" column was imported as a "Text" data type, and not a "Date" data type, as shown in the image below. As I use its data in some Querys and Charts, I'd like to change
Zoho Analytics Formula Column
Date column imported from Zoho workspace gets changed to text type. I tried converting the format, however it gives weird results. To counter this, I created a formula column - this however doesnt give me any output. It's always blank. Not sure, if the
Why is Zoho Analytics so damn hard to set up?
Hi I am a Zoho One user and small business owner. I use quite a few Zoho apps and for the most part can get things to work as long as it does not require Deluge. With one exception, Zoho Analytics! I have attempted setting somethings up on my own but
Summary view grouped by date - can I include missing dates?
Let's say I have a table like this: May 1, A May 1, B May 1, C May 2, A May 3, A May 3, B May 5, A May 5, B Using the "Summary Report", grouping by Full Date, and displaying count for column B, I get this Summary: May 1, 3 May 2, 1 May 3, 2 May 5, 2 Is
Joining Leads and Deals tables
By The Grace Of G-D. Hi, How can i join 2 tables that are already joined (Like Leads and Deals) Using another Column as lookup?
Calculate business days between dates in reports
Good afternoon, I'm trying to calculate the datediff excluding weekends/holidays. I can accomplish this in Excel using NETWORKDAYS. I saw there was a previous response about this, I have shared my DB with support and emailed in, but wanted to post here in case someone could template this out for others.
Creating Rankings based off of other fields
Hello, What i am looking to do is create a formula that creates rankings based on two specific fields. In excel I would do a countif functions =countifs(A$1$:A1,A1,B$1$:B1,B1). This creates a ranking based on the number of records that come before it with same criteria in columns A and B. Is there any way to do this in a report?
Adding two fields to create a new column
Hi , i have two fields first name and last name and ,i want to create a new column as full name . so i tried with this formula "first name"+"last name", the column is created but it shows no data in that column. is there any solution? Regards, Divya
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