Stock reservation in zoho for upcoming delivery
Hi, Is there any option available in zoho for reserve item for a upcoming delivery. So that we can avoid the item should duplicated on another order. Means needs to deduct the item from zoho before making invoice.
Banking: Transfer from another account without base currency
Scenario: A banking line item shall be categorised as an "internal transfer" from another bank account. This is a USD to EUR transfer. Our base currency is CHF. What we tried: Category: "Transfer from another account" From: Our USD account To: Our EUR
How to search records in integration task in creator?
How to search using integration task in creator searchString = {"zcrm_account_id:4050082000001001499"}; contactData = zoho.books.getRecords("Contacts","xxxxxx",searchString); I get an error that third argument needs to be string, I tried to convert it
Show my cost or profit while creating estimate
Hi, While creating estimate it becomes very important to know exact profit or purchased price of the products at one side just for our reference so we can decide whether we can offer better disc or not .
Can't sign in to Zoho using Google account
Just checking if anyone else has an issue signing into Zoho with a Google account at the moment? (Have tried Zoho Books in the app on mobile and Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10 - doesn't work for the forums either). Error message appears as attache
WIP reporting tricks?
As a small job shop we export invoices a lot, primarily to create build reports information for the shop. We either create different views of the data via Reports or in a spreadsheet. I live by the ability to limit the export by date and create the export templates. But we need to get down to the WIP- Work in progress which involves filtering. It appears I can use the "Approve" function but it has some mis-steps . To review the stati: Draft, Pending Approval, Approved, Sent Paid, Overdue, Void, Partially
Payroll Chart of Accounts Config for Dummies
USA What should my COA look like for one employee, paid via a service (Gusto), no benefits. I pay her wage, associated taxes, and the Gusto monthly fee. I'd like to know the COA account type, any sub accounts, what goes where, any payment splits, etc.
Error when trying to categorize bank transactions
I am trying to categorize my bank transactions. It was going fine, I categorized 50 or so transaction and suddenly I started getting an error that reads: "Transactions cannot be matched as the account you are trying to match it to, is different.". I select
Sales receipt drop down
Is the option for Sales receipt only in a paid subscription? If it is which subscription, if it is not how do I get it up on my drop down sales tab.
Progressive Discounts
We need to be able to apply more than one discount after the sub total. How would we go about doing that in zoho books and zoho inventory?
How to select alternate invoice email notification template
When we reissue an invoice, we want to send a different notification email. I am able to set up the alternate email body using Email Notifications/Invoice Notification settings, but I can't figure out how to attach that template to a specific invoice.
Mass Change Start Date in Recurring Invoice
Need a way to update start date for large number of recurring invoices. Either bulk update option for that field or an import function with the ability to set "duplicate handling logic" (like when importing customers) so that one (or more) field can be
How Do I Refund a Customer Directly to Their Credit Card?
Hi, I use books to auto-charge my customers credit card. But when I create a credit note there doesn't seem to be a way to directly refund the amount back to their credit card. Is the only way to refund a credit note by doing it "offline" - or manually-
Zoho Books Invoices Templates
It would be really helpful to have more advanced features to customise the invoice templates in Zoho Books. Especially I´m thinking of the spacing of the different parts of the invoice (Address line etc.). If you have a sender and receiver address in
Backup & Restore
We need a better tool for comprehensive data back-up and restore. We are investing in Zoho Books as a tool to run our business and the data we input into the system is vital so having comprehensive and regular backups is not only key but a fundamental requirement for any responsible business. The current backup system does not provide complete data backup and the process to import the data is also flawed. Exported files size are larger than the allowable import size Some exported files have different
Zoho Books Custom Views do not allow "Empty" and "Not Empty" to be evaluated in criteria
In Zoho Books, we can create a custom view for most modules (like Invoices and Bills), and we can try to specify a criteria. However, we cannot evaluate in criteria whether a field is empty or not. This is very bizarre! Every type of criteria across all
Allow Option to Modify Check Voucher. Need Additional Columns from Bill
We really want to add a custom field/value from a Bill to the check Voucher. Is this possible? If not, why is there such a restriction? We are having an admin hand write information on all the vouchers, even though the information already exists on the
Restrict Payment Methods
Allow us to restrict certain payment methods specific for each customer.
Half Up Front... Half On Delivery
I have a service business, in which I ask my customers for half of total payment up front, and then the second half once we've finished the project. Would be great if Zoho Invoice could automatically create two invoices, each for 50% of total. Currently,
How to add royalties in Zoho Books?
Hello, I am a bit thick at the moment, but how do I add royalties I receive from, for example, Amazon? I do not invoice them obvs; they just pay (sometimes only pennies :-( ) How do I categorize them when trying to categorize the transactions? I really
Zoho Books Packages - List View - Customize Column - Can't choose custom fields?
I need a handful of custom fields in Packages, but there is no way to show the values of custom fields in a List View report. You can create custom views and define criteria using the custom fields, but you can't view the fields themselves in the list
How to change the pdf title of invoice
Hi! When we generate an invoice in pdf format, the title of the document still appear in English, for example Invoice-XXX How we can customize the title of the invoice generated?
Displaying Inactive Customers & Vendors
Can we please have this choice in general settings, it's a pain showing hundreds of inactive records. A simple search clears the "Active records" filter ! A simple message showing "Inactive records match your search criteria but have been omitted, would
Set Default Payment Method & Default account
Hi, I would like to know how to set the default payment method and default bank account when recording payments in zoho books. At present we have to change these fields everytime we record a payment, which leads to potential error and as we have a very
Add "Running Balance" column to Account Transaction Reports
Hello, Currently Zoho Account Transaction Reports give you the opening balance, then lists the transactions, then provides the closing balance. It would be great if you could add a column on the far right that shows the "Running Balance" on the account after each transaction. There are many times when analyzing or tie-ing out transactions that this would be very helpful. I currently have to frequently run a tape on my adding machine to get balance totals after a specific transaction on the list.
Bill Discount account and inventory valuation
Item x rate 100 discount 30% bill net =70 but when checking the inventory value i found it 100 not 70 because the 30 ( discount) went to the expense deduction account so it will reflect in the profit, however the goods not sold yet The discount account
Whatsapp Integration not working
Hello. My whatsapp integration does not seem to be working. I have created templates, but whatsapp messages do not go through. They keep telling me to use a templete, even though I do so.
Cash sales
Is it possible to record daily cash sales via the app?
Partial Return of Delivery Challan Items
As per the rules set by zoho for partial return of an item given on delivery challan, atleast one item must be invoiced. what if i have given 3 items to my client on Delivery challan. They will evaluate the items and it will be returned it or will be
Unused credits - improper value
When i try to get the balance statement, it gives it by reducing the unused credits. But I did not unused credits as per bills, even though it is showing like I have. Is there any way to reset the unused credits to zero.
Average Costing / Weighted Average Costing
Hello fellow maadirs. I understand Zoho Books uses FIFO method of dealing with inventory costing, but do you guys have any plans to introduce average costing? We indians need average costing. It's part of our culture. Please. I beg thee. Thanks.
Function #8: Add additional charges to invoices
Here goes one of the highly sought-after custom functions in Zoho Books. If you find yourself needing to apply additional charges to customers on their invoices (say credit card surcharges, or fuel charges applicable to customers from a certain region,
How to pass card fees onto customer sending invoice from Zoho Books using Stripe as payment option in Australia
How to pass card fees onto customer using stripe in Australia . I mainly send invoices via Zoho books, I got stripe active as a payment option. Im in australia and only have local customers
For security reasons your account has been blocked as you have exceeded the maximum number of requests per minute that can originate from one account.
Hello Zoho Even if we open 10-15 windows in still we are getting our accounts locked with error " For security reasons your account has been blocked as you have exceeded the maximum number of requests per minute that can originate from one account. "
How to separate Vendor custom fields from Customer custome fields
Hi, Customer and Vendor form are separated in Books. We are synchronising them with (respectively) CRM Accounts and CRM Vendors. We add Customer Fields in Customer & Vendors Fields in Books as the CRM has some we need to synchronize. But Books shows Vendors
Customer Parent Account or Sub-Customer Account
Some of clients as they have 50 to 300 branches, they required separate account statement with outlet name and number; which means we have to open new account for each branch individually. However, the main issue is that, when they make a payment, they
Revert to Default Email Templates
Hello In the Invoice Notification email template, I've removed the button linking to the Invoice in error. Is there a way to revert to the original template or how do I add the button back in, please? Thanks. Rachael
Issue with Attachments in "Email a Thank You Note"
Greetings, from a few days ago, when registering a new payment and clicking on 'email a thank you not for this payment', Zoho Books does not send anymore my attachments on this email, as before. It is very important to us, once here, we have to send another
Default account for service invoice
Hello, My client has some invoices for which he has entered a service description rather than using an item. Is there a way to set the income account on this invoice, or can that only be done by using an item?
Extracting data from ZOHO through API
How can I extract the invoice and bill reports from ZOHO through API? I have to create a dashboard in Power BI and we do use other software too for accounting, so to get all data from different software in single place I need the API.
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