Using Custom URL Field in Email Template
We have a custom field called "Product URL" (URL field). Every contact has unique data in the URL field. Within the email template we want to create a text link to that merged custom field. === Example: Hello. Please visit this link. ==== The problem we run into is if we highlight the text and click the hyperlink icon it asks for the URL. In there is where we place the merge field id (e.g. $[UD:PRODUCTURL||]$ ) but when the link is received by the email contact it doesn't work properly. Side
Zoho One Campaign - Unable to Remove Dynamic Content from Email Template
Hello Zoho Team, Was having issue removing dynamic content from an email template created using the widget based editor. Was able to easily add dynamic content block but now I can't remove it, can only select an edit if, else if, and else sections but can't remove any. Any advise would be appreciated.
Zoho campaigns API call empty response
Hello, I am trying to insert users into a list of zoho campaigns. If I modify parameters or enter a wrong email, the API responds with the error message, but if everything is correct, the API response is empty. Can you help me? Thank you!
Unable to export converted contact from a form
From a subscripiton form, I try to export all converted contacts. However, the Export panel is behind the Confirmed contacts... Editing the z-index: of the popup class from 13 to 100 resolves the problem. But you ned to have web dev skills :) Regards
How can I delete non active contact in Zoho Campaigns
Hi, I would like to delete non-active contacts in my campaigns database. Can you please give me a process for this?
Integration with mailOptin fails
Hello! I have installed the paid version of the MailOptin plugin for Wordpress ( where it is ensured that it integrates with both ZOHO CRM and ZOHO Campaings. Running the integration for both CRM and Campaings gives me this error and the integration fails: You don't have permission to access this resource. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an Error Document to handle the request What is wrong? Cheers
Test e-mail Campaign
We want to send out our test e-blast as a regular e-blast so we can review some of functionality that we don't see when we send out through the campaign set-up. I have 10 team members that i want to review the blast without going through compliance review. We may be sending several out before we get the campaign finalized. Is such a process possible?
duplicate email addresses
Our organization would like to send out a newsletter, and the problem is that some of our clients need to receive multiple newsletters to the same email address. Campaigns is currently sending out only one to each email address, and marking the remaining as duplicates. Is there a way to force it to send those, even though the email address is a duplicate?
Campaigns arriving to SPAM
Hello, It's been more than a week that I'm trying to resolve the issue of having mail being received into spam... we delivered a first campaign and the open rate was of 10% or less... plus the email arrived to spam to colleagues. Not having an issue with Gmail but I do with outlook... I have done all what was required by zoho, SPF and DKIM record for the domain - A back and forward thing with GoDaddy as at the beginning we couldn't get the authentication. Now, having all solved... the issue persists,
My Zoho Campaigns Merge Tag for $[FNAME]$ does not work
Hi, I have spent a while trying to use the default FNAME merge tag as well as creating a custom one in my latest campaign. Both times the test email is addressing my email to FNAME. I do need help urgently to solve this thank you.
Can't Delete Contact List
Being using Zoho Campaign (Free Version) recently & find it quite okay for a while. Try to delete the contact list but it's seem that i can't delete it anymore. (Reach maximum limit) Is there anyways for me to delete it without asking to upgrade package. Thank you
Gmail clipping email content
I've been designing a template, but when I send myself test emails, Gmail does not show the whole email. It cuts it off halfway and says "[Message clipped] View entire message". I'm looking for a way to make sure the whole email is shown, without needing to click on another link. Please let me know if there is a solution to this. Thanks!
Add Account to Sync Contact from Zoho CRM
Hi, I have a problem in syncing contacts from my Zoho CRM to Zoho Campaign. It is mentioned that only 1 account which able to sync the contacts whilst we have 5 accounts here. When I tried to associate more accounts, there is an info that the account is not associated. Please help me overcome this problem so that I can sync my contacts immediately. Thank you.
Anyone Using Campaigns with an SMS program like MightyText that syncs to your phone?
i'm a solopreneur using CRM and dabbling in Campaigns. I use MightText which let's me send texts from my desktop (on the webapp) and pushes it to my phone to send. This has been a great platform since I can see what's been sent (as well as responses) on my phone. I now like to be able to automate customer texts via Zoho Campaigns but MightyText hasn't published an API. I'm looking at other apps like PulseSMS (they have an API but only for linking other devices, not for pushing sms messages) and
Start building popup forms with Zoho Campaigns
Hello everyone, There's a plethora of good things happening in Zoho Campaigns right now and here's one for marketers to connect with people who visit your webpages. Most of you would have read our recent updates in Zoho Campaigns. Here I am throwing light on popup forms that help you turn your website visitors into contacts. Using popup forms, you can show relevant messages to your website visitors and drive them to sign up for your newsletters, blogs, and more. Moreover, Zoho Campaigns can be used
Tip of the week 61: Place information above promotion in your newsletters
One of the most common mistakes that marketers make while crafting a newsletter is that they push way too many offers to their subscribers. Instead of being like a nagging salesperson, a newsletter should be more of a well-meaning friend, who is happy to help. When it comes to newsletter content, it is best to have 85% of it dedicated to educational information and the remaining to promotional material - offers that are proud to promote. So, what can you include? Build strong content The trick
select account to sync
When I attempt to set up a sync with Zoho CRM it automatically defaults to an account's email and I have no way to change it to mine so I get an error message saying I'm not connected. I also want to delete that person and don't see anywhere to do that.
Unsubscribe from
Hi, I created header and footer in English and Turkish. I change it according to the language of the mail. But I couldn't change the Unsubscribe form by language. How can I do it?
Help improve Spam test score (7/10)
I have been using to check the scores of our newsletter emails. I have worked on improving our score where we can, but there are aspects of the score that we cannot control. It would appear to be related to the way Zoho campaigns builds the emails. For example there is a broken link: [403 - Error : Forbidden],400i,700,700i And also the emails are sent as HTML only. See the error message below. -1.105 MIME_HTML_ONLY Message
Hard & Soft Bounces
Dear management of Zoho and Zoho users, We just sent out our first campaign and got quite a number of "Bounces" as a result. After having checked the user guide, the definition of a bounce was still not totally clear to me. Does a hard bounce mean the email never even arrives at the specific user, or does it mean it automatically arrives in the trash? In what way is this different from a soft bounce? And as a follow-up, what could we do, to avoid these bounces happening in the future? Hope someone
Workflow trigger
I have a workflow that is running now that consists of 7 emails that go out over a period of time. I am building another workflow that is similar with a different subject. We have some Leads that will get put into both workflows. I am looking for a way to check if a lead has exited the previous workflow in the past 2 weeks. Is there a way I can do that? We don't want to enter them into the new workflow unless it has been at least 2 weeks since they were in the first workflow.
Schedule Campaign - Recipients Time Zone
Something seems to be wrong with the scheduling feature for scheduling campaigns to be deployed at a specific time to the recipients time zone. I scheduled campaigns twice to be sent at the recipients time zone and the campaigns are deploying at the wrong time. When communicating with Zoho support they said to make sure it was scheduled at least 24 hours in advance so we did this with our last campaign and it was still deployed at the wrong time. Anyone else having this issue?
Virtual Community Meetups - Canada
Greetings everyone! We welcome you all to join a one and half hour virtual session to discuss and learn how to use email marketing as a tool for consistent customer engagement. Also, email marketing automation will be the major topic of discussion in this interactive virtual session from May 5th to May 8th, 2020. Now, let us take a quick glance into the agenda: Email marketing in the world of contextual engagement Email marketing automation for behavior-based engagement Ecommerce email marketing
Schedule Campaign Did not Work
This is first time i am using campaigns i finished all work yesterday and scheduled it to go out 20 mins ago, it did not work but said it was scheduled. Something seems off in your system if it says all the correct information but does not do anything. It has my timezone GMT. I cancelled it an manually sent it which is now working.
About Zoho Campaigns Reports
Hi, Zoho Campaigns offers us wide variety of reports but a major issue on these reports that, we can't filter any report regarding to our opened or non-opened or clicked contacts. For an example; I want to filter my contacts which have clicked our mails with browsers, devices and e-mail clients. But I can't make this filter. I can only see all of the recipients stats but I can't analyse same stats with clicked recipients and opened recipients. We want to analyse our recipient profile with their actions.
Tip of the week 60 - How to analyze the email campaign report and set up an email marketing strategy?
Now is the best time for an email marketer, to take a step back from their usual routine and look at the performance of an email campaign at an aggregate level. This will aid the email marketer to analyze the campaign and set up a strong foundation for future email marketing strategy, that is well-aligned and focused towards the long-term email marketing goals. The best way to do this is to make effective use of email campaign reports generated by email marketing software. So we are here with
Zoho campaign ソーシャルメディアで共有 FBサムネイル表示について
Zoho campaign FBシェアのサムネイルを表示させたい画像にするにはどうすればよいでしょうか。 以前は選択した画像がFB投稿でのサムネイルとして表示されていたのですが、現在は選択した画像ではなく一枚目の画像が表示されてしまいます。 ご存知の方いらっしゃったら教えてほしいです。
Account Custom Field to link to Campaign Field Mapping
I have a custom field in Accounts for Sales Rep. I need to be able to use this custom field in the CRM to Campaigns Map Your Fields.. I want to create separate campaign distributions by Sales Rep. So I need to get the Sales Rep info into the contacts within Campaigns.
Virtual Community Meetups - United States
Greetings everyone! We are glad to invite you all to the Zoho Campaigns' virtual community meetup! So, let's connect with each other from our safe working space to discuss and learn how to use email marketing as a tool for consistent customer engagement. We will have a one and half hour interactive session and our major topic of the discussion will be email marketing automation. Date: May 5- 22, 2020 The agenda: Email marketing in the world of contextual engagement Email marketing automation
How to display the picture which is selected one in FB share page
I want to ask how to display the picture which is selected one in FB share page. I could select the picture when I set social media shareing but the first picture is displayed now, I don't know why. Please tell me if you know something.
Error, Blog past in Fb & Twt
Hello, we have done a shipping automation with facebbook and twitter when creating a new article in our blog. We have a small problem, that when publishing, we publish everything correct, except the image, it puts our logo and not the image of the article, can it be changed?
Virtual Community Meetups - United Kingdom
Hello everyone, Hope y'all are keeping well and safe amid everything that's happening. We believe that learning must continue no matter what and so, we have planned on meeting our user groups virtually and discuss how email marketing can help you keep your customers engaged. It's going to be a one and a half hour session and we will have our focus majorly on email marketing automation. Date: April 28-30, 2020 The agenda: Email marketing in the world of contextual engagement Email marketing automation
Do I have to have Opt-In permissions to send a Campaign
I have a list of contacts and accounts in CRM. These are people that I do business with. My question is can I send Campaigns to these contacts or do I have to have them Opt-in? What will happen if I send with no Opt-in? Thanks
Ask the Experts 08 - Remote working and email marketing with Zoho Campaigns
Ask the Experts is a virtual Q&A session, more like a live chat. You ask us your questions and our experts will help you out with answers. You are given the option to start asking your questions now, while our experts will be answering them only during the specified hours. Hello, everyone! As the remote working is slowly becoming a new reality for us today, the primary goal now, especially for marketers, is to maintain consistent and proper communication with customers and teams who are now spread
How can I disable double opt-in?
Hi there! I have a single question, how can I disable double opt-in? I know that is't possible because it's mentioned here but I don't see this option in my web form as you can see in the attached image Thanks.
Adding Social 'Share' function in an email campaign
Hi. I am setting up a newsletter and at the bottom have added the social media widget. However, I don't want the links to go direct to the social media, I want the links to 'share' the campaign, not just visit my social media pages. (eg. etc. etc. ) Can anyone help on how to set up? I have integrated my social media pages/brands with my zoho account already.
Email Campaign "in progress" after a week
I wrote an email campaign and sent it out to roughly 25,000 contacts at once. For some reason it still said "in progress" a week later and roughly 10% of the recipients never received an email. Some of these are because of rules we have (can't receive more than three emails a week), but then why wouldn't Zoho mark campaign as "Completed" like it usually does? Thanks.
¿Cómo puedo conectar una landing page con Zoho Campaings?
Hola he estamos buscando la forma de conectar una lading page con zoho campaing de manera que cuando alguien se suscriba le llegue un email inmediatamente. Alguien sabe como podria hacerlo?
Correos excluidos y devueltos.
Estimados Gracias por su respuesta a la pregunta anterior. Pero lo que necesito es como volver hacer que esos correos están en excluidos y devueltos vuelvan a estar en mi lista de contactos activos, porque en algunos casos si son validos esos correos y aun así ya no me permite enviar información.
Zoho Campaings
sinas tardes Deseo que me ayuden como eliminar el listado de usuarios que estan en: Correos devueltos temporalmente y permanente Correos excluidos Estos usuarios ya no reciben la informacion de mis campañas por correo electronico. Ya depuramos la informacion de nuestra base del CRM, pero queremos limpiar todo esos contactos de nuestra base de campaings,
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