Leadsbridge Integration with Zoho One Campaigns
I am trying to integrate Leadsbridge with Zoho One Campaigns. According to the support documentation I will find a "Generate API Authorisation token" under Settings/Developer Space/API. However only the ZSC Key generation function is available. I run a CRM Plus account for a client and on that account everything worked as per your support docs, however on my own Zoho One account this function is not available. Please assist.
Open & click rate very low
Hi there, I would like to know why my open rates are so low (and click rate around 0%...) compare to my previous email marketing tool (Mailchimp). It's around 2 or 3 times below previous performances. I've sent several emails campagns to different segments (all are users/registered participants) and I have the same issue. Could you please help me? Regards,
Can a hard bounce be restored?
I have a board member who had email problems for several weeks. So Zoho ended up designating her email address as a hard bounce. Her email is now working properly. Is there any way to restore an email to remove the hard bounce label? This is her company email and I would prefer to be able to use it again. Thanks ahead of time for your tips.
Campaign Mailer being marked as spam in recipient Inbox
I am trying to clone and resend one emailer that I had sent earlier with some minor content changes. When i tested it on Zoho mail, it's landing up in Spam, and on a Gmail account it's going to Promotions. Please help.
Marketer's space: Making of a successful webinar email campaign - Poll component
In our previous post, we learned about how Zoey can use the Video component to share a recording of the webinar with anyone who might've missed it. By now, most of the registrants have viewed the webinar. Zoey's about to send out the final email campaign to obtain feedback from the audience. To solicit this information, she can use the Poll component to get feedback from the webinar registrants and attendees. The Poll component There are three options to create a poll and attach it to your email
Domain Authentication Not Working
Hello, I added a SPF record to my host gator domain per instructions, but it still cannot verify my domain. It returns some strange record for my DNS ip which I do not recognize. Please help because I would like to begin a campaign soon. Thank you, Tom
Display problem on Zoho Campaigns
Hi Zoho team, We are facing some issues for displaying on Gmail (desktop & mobile app) - cf. screenshot in attachment. And some emails are truncated. Have you ever faced to this issue? Is there a way to fix it? Thanks Romain
Marketer's space: Making of a successful webinar email campaign - Video component
In our previous post, we learned about the Attachment component and how our friend Zoey can use it to supplement her webinar bonus materials. While continuing to explore the template editor, Zoey stumbles upon the Video component and thinks about sending out a campaign for the webinar registrants. The Video component With this component, you can link to your favorite videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia in your email campaigns. Upon clicking the play button, the recipients will be redirected to
Email authentication not working
Hello - I have been following the instructions for email authentication for Zoho Campaigns but it does not work. I can't seem to understand why as we have been authenticating a couple of the other zoho apps and they worked out fine.
Marketer's space: Making of a successful webinar email campaign - Attachment component
In our previous post, we learned about the ICS component and its usefulness. Today we'll learn about the next tool Zoey uses—the Attachment component. As expected, the first email campaign worked, and a lot of Zylker's contacts registered for the webinar. Most of them attended it too! The Attachment component This component lets you attach a file to your newsletter in the form of downloadable links. You can either upload the file from your computer or from the cloud. You can place the link on an
Forward to a friend form broken on mobile
Currently the input fields break the layout on mobile by extending past the body border and the form width appears to be tied to the button width settings. The input fields on the form also cannot be changed to % width. Fundamentally the edit-ability of this form is completely broken and provides the end-user with a poor experience.
The image attached is from a newsletter created using the basic blocks of the editor. For some reason I cannot get rid of the borders between the blocks (shown in image with red arrow). I've tried everything, including giving the border a white color, changing styles and adding border="0" to the HTML, but nothing helps. How can I turn off display of borders?
Marketer's space: Making of a successful webinar email campaign - ICS component
Hello marketers, This week's Marketer's space is all about learning to create and promote your webinar email campaign successfully. To begin, we'll discuss how useful and easy Zoho Campaigns' Template Editor is. While creating a campaign, most marketers use the Template Editor's basic components to add an image or a text box to their campaign. Sometimes, though, these simple tools aren't enough to get the job done right. In this series of posts, we'll look at the usefulness of four handpicked tools
Marketer's space - Email-action autoresponders
In our previous post, we learned about date-field autoresponders. In this post, we'll discuss email-action autoresponders. Email-action autoresponders lets you send sequential emails to customers based on their interaction in previously sent emails. This type of autoresponder lets you target your contacts depending on their email activity. If your contact has clicked a link or button in an email or even opened your email, you can set this autoresponder to send relevant email campaigns based on their
Marketer's space - Closed-group autoresponders
In our previous post, we learned about email-action autoresponders. In this post, we will discuss closed-group autoresponders. Closed-group autoresponders let you send promotional emails targeted at a fixed group of customers. You can create a mailing list for those contacts or a segment in a mailing list for them. This autoresponder is primarily used to promote products or events. Let's look at a scenario to understand how this works. Chris is an event organizer in a product-based organization
Threshold Bounce Rate
Hi, What is the threshold bounce rate for campaigns? Clayton
Does Zoho Campaigns support dynamic links with Wistia
I want to track user activity on my Wistia-hosted videos from my email campaigns. Please answer the following for me: Whether your email marketing tool supports dynamic links (i.e. merging user data into URLs); What the URL email merge tag is for your email marketing tool. Thx.
Tip of the week 46- How to craft effective subject line? (Part-One)
Let us travel back to the time when the door-to-door sales were most prevalent, where the sales began with a knock on the door. Every sales guy on our door was unique in their own way. If salesperson A made us to slam our door then salesperson B pinched us with curiosity. Now, with whom did you end up buying their offer and what made you do that? Yes! It was the salesperson B who created a great first impression with the way they introduced themselves and the product, that either made our doors open
Marketer's space - Date-field Autoresponders
In our previous post, we learned about signup-based autoresponders. In this post, we'll discuss date-field autoresponders. Date-field autoresponders let you send sequential emails based on a particular date to your customers. You can also create custom date fields that represent a specific purpose relevant to your customers. Here are a few examples where you can use date-field autoresponders: Wish your customers a happy birthday Remind your customers about the end of their free trial Remind your
Marketer's space - Signup-based autoresponders
Autoresponders allow marketers to send out sequential emails to contacts subscribed to a mailing list at predefined intervals. Zoho Campaigns offers different types of autoresponders, each designed with a specific purpose that helps marketers engage better with their contacts. In this post, we'll discuss signup-based autoresponders. A signup-based autoresponder lets you send sequential emails to contacts who have recently entered your mailing lists via signups, import from another app, or manual
Disabling signup confirmation with sign up forms
Is it possible to disable sign up confirmation emails when using sign up forms?
Error in connecting facebook page to zoho campaigns
Good morning everybody, I'm setting my new Zoho one account and at moment I can't follow becouse the platform doesn't connect with Facebook. I sent and email to Zoho support but no any replay. This is what I see when I try to connect. Oops! Error found Our server can not find the page you requested. You might have typed the link incorrectly or used an outdated link. Please check the link once again. If the error still persists, you can contact us at: support@zohomarketinghub.com. Anybody
Campaigns Not Pulling Correct Record Owner
We are experiencing an issue that I can't track down a solution for because everything appears to be set up correctly. When we use the Personalize Sender Details option and select CRM Owner Address it is unreliably using the actual CRM Owner's email, instead defaulting to the Alternate Sender's address. ----- Example: In Zoho CRM, CRM Owner = A. Smith In Zoho Campaigns, CRM Owner = A. Smith When Campaign is sent it defaults to alternate sender = B. Jones ---- Unfortunately, when this doesn't use
How to manage answer and customize content of mail
I would like adapt workflows from answer received from recipients -Answers from recipients themselves, -Request to unsubscribe (via form) - Automatic answers (from the servers: new contacts, absences ..) -Action of the recipients; click, open And how to customization content of the mails following actions : Create segments or insert "variables" to adapt the content? Thoses to adapt contacts are at different stages of maturity; (Tunnel) prospect cold, Awareness, interested .... Another question
When choosing between follow up and workflow?
Hi I wonder about the best way to create a tunnel bringing an unknown prospect up to integrate it into the CRM In which cases to use 1 / the sequence of campaign or follow up 2 / setting up a Workflow and in this second case I did not find a description to understand which wflo to use in which situations 2 exemples : 1st : I address a sequence of different mails The first mail can be read but for example not the second In this case it is necessary to be able to stop the sequence Which workflow function
Question about date field autoresponders
Hi Team - I have a question about date field auto responders. I have a list synced from Zoho CRM. One of the fields is a date field for Start Date. Some of the start dates go far back as 2014. If I create a date field auto responder today and set it Yearly and send emails 1 day after Start Date, does that mean that the auto responder will send emails to all whose start dates are before today. For example, Start Date is 07/01/2015 (July 1, 2015). I created a date filed auto responder today and set
Marketer's Space: Email Workflow - Tags assigned trigger
In our previous post on email automation workflows, we learned about the email action trigger. In this post, we will explore the tag assigned trigger. This trigger initiates a workflow when the tag you select is assigned to contacts/leads either manually or automatically using workflows. How to use the tag assigned trigger After you drag and drop the tag assigned on the canvas, select a relevant process for the workflow. Once you configure the process and the end-of-workflow actions, you
Zoho Campaigns Community Meetups - India
Hello everyone, Are you ready to join us for our this year's final round of Zoho Campaigns Community Meetups in India? We're all set to help you through every step of your email marketing journey. Join us from October 15, 2019 - October 18, 2019, you're all invited! Cities: Chennai, Bengaluru, Pune, Mumbai, New Delhi Topic: How to enhance customer engagement with smart email marketing Here's what we will be discussing: Introduction to Campaigns Community learning. Customer relationship with
Include message when sending test email in Campaigns
Hi, It would be helpful to be able to include a message when sending a test email in the preview section of campaigns. I have to send a separate email to colleagues when sending a test. Any chance this would be considered? Thanks Regards, Jane
Microsoft/Hotmail - Hard Bounces
Hi there, A couple of weeks ago, I noticed we lost rather considerable amount of my subscribers from a certain list of ours. I was a bit unsure what had happened at first, but it now appears that a large number hard bounced from a particular campaign or two. I looked into it and it was almost exclusively hotmail, outlook and other microsoft email products and listed as a permanent failure. I know that these mailboxes are in use, because one or two were friends of mine, and one is mine! I notice
Marketer's Space: Email Workflow - Email action trigger
In our previous post on email automation workflows, we learned about the field update trigger. In this post, we will explore the email action trigger. This trigger initiates a workflow when a lead performs any of the following actions: Opens the email Clicks links in the email Leaves the email unopened When configuring a workflow, you can design the steps to be executed when a lead performs each action. How to use the email action trigger After you drag and drop the email action trigger
Search in the contact list
Hello, I would like to ask how can I search in my whole contact list (ZOHO Campaigns). I have more than 1000 contacts and when I would like the search in the the list, the filter only search in the first page (where is 200 visible contact). Could you help me how can I solve this problem? (I can't set to show all results on the page.) Thank you for your reply Ancsi
Urgent: Consent email is sending multiple times!
I sent a consent email out to a lsit of 300 people, but the email sent over 600 times. Some people recieved the same email multiple times. Does anyone know why this would happen / how I can fix this?
Tip of the week 45 - 4 Essential areas to test and preview before sending out email campaigns
4 essential areas to test and preview before sending out email campaigns It's a fact that something said cannot be undone. Emails work on a similar basis. Your daily business transactions and conversation partly depends on your circumspection along with your creativity. You as an email marketer might customize your emails and make changes in it over a course of a single campaign. The only sphere where you need to maintain a consistency is, being alert. Here we will discuss the four areas which
Marketer's Space: Email Workflow - Field update trigger
In our previous post on email automation workflows, we learned about the list entry trigger. In this post, we will explore the field update trigger. This trigger initiates a workflow when fields like country, mobile number, address, and more are updated. When designing a workflow, you can configure the set of actions to be executed when a field is updated. How to use the field update trigger After you drag and drop the field update trigger on the canvas, you can configure the trigger by selecting
Mis campañas se van a correo no deseado
Hola buenos días Mis campañas un alto porcentaje están llegando ala bandeja de correo no deseo o spam. Puede apoyar a resolver este inconveniente, gracias .
Chain Campaign and Automation set for the first Campaign
Goodmorning, I set two different chain campaigns (one for the opens and one for the unopens) for a campaign I send that has an automation (the automation is an email for those who clicks on a link that is presents in both the chain campaigns). When I will send the two chains campaign, will the automation related to the first send be active also for the two chain campaigns? If not how can I set the automation? In the automation responders i don't see my two chaing campaigns to set an automation.
Cloning and Editing a Signup Form Resets All the following actions
Hi Team, I want to adjust the signup form that I created and use a different style. But when I go to edit it the entire signup campaign resets... It is a pain in the butt!! Am I doing something wrong? Cheers, Kim
Reply To Address - Zoho
We have set the reply to ryan@xxxxx in the campaign, and set it as the forwarding address. However, when sending out the campaign, this was the reply to address and upon testing the reply, I am unable to find where the reply is being sent to. It has also NOT been forwarded to ryan@xxxxx See attachements. Please advise.
Marketer's Space: Email Workflow - List entry trigger
In the previous post, we learned about the form submission trigger in email automation workflows. In this post, we will learn about the list entry trigger. A list entry trigger initiates a workflow when contacts are added to a mailing list. When designing a workflow, you can select which lists will have a list entry trigger. How to use a list entry trigger After you drag and drop the list entry trigger on the canvas, you can configure it by selecting the email lists for which you intend
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