Campaign Emails
Hi, When we send a newsletter email regarding our company to our costumer, they get it as a promotional email. Is there any way to send them as a directly to costumers' inbox instead of their promotional emails? Thanks. Fehmi
Email delivery to contacts with soft bounce status
We have an event website and people register on a form that is connected to zoho campaigns via the API. The api then triggers an email asking for a confirmation (essentially a double opt in). The problem we have is people who are on the database and tagged as a soft bounce are not receiving the 'please confirm' emails that the system automatically sends. Can you advise/help to address this issue please. Thanks
Unable to insert Hyperlink to the Image
Hi, I am unable to hyperlink the inserted image. When I try to insert the hyperlink>> save and close >> Preview the draft, the hyperlink is not available. Please assist this is very URGENT. Regards, Auralyn
List Management API Limitations?
I've been spending some time trying to digest the api documentation, but have run into a stumbling block. There is one particular List Management API (addlistsubscribersinbulk) that, using Postman, I have successfully posted a new user email to the list of, but I need to include a variety of custom fields as well (first name, last name, company, phone, etc). I've also seen that you have a custom/add function but not any way to post to those new fields. Is there some amalgamation of the two that enables
List not showing when setting up a sync in campaigns
I am trying to create a sync to an already existing list in Campaigns, but the list is not showing up in the dropdown. The list already have another two syncs mapped to it. Is there a limitation on the number of syncs a list can has? Or is it a bug? Cheers, Daniel
Responsive Email Templates Inserted Inside 600px Table
I am currently trying to import responsive email templates we have created in to campaigns. I am running in to an issue where the template gets set within a 600px table once I get past the import screen, and persists when sending a test email. This is the specific code that campaigns seems to be inserting: <body class="ze_body" style="font-family:Verdana,arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <center> <table width="600" style="margin-top:20px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
Unsubscribes Not Moved to Do-Not-Mail
After a recent campaign, we had a handful of unsubcsribes, but none of these people made it into the "Do-Not-Mail" list. Why is this, and how can i rectify it?
Tip of the week 40 - Know the smarter side of your email marketing software (Part 2)
In the previous part, we discussed why an email marketing software is not only a time-and-effort saving medium and how it can optimize your entire process. Today, we are going to put forward additional reasons to validate the same. And in the process, help you maximize your email marketing software. So here's our second set of reasons: 1. Email Preview If designing a perfect newsletter is one thing, making sure it renders properly across platforms and devices is another. Different people use different
Email Campaigns and Automation
Hello, I had a few questions regarding email campaigns and the automation that goes with them. 1. If I send a campaign and the recipient opens it and clicks through it, can I then send another email targeting these people with an “are you interested in” email campaign. Essentially to try and get them to buy more products. If yes, how automated can this process be? Will I have to manually do this each time? 2. Can I target clients based on if they don't open an email? How automated can this be? 3.
Ask the Experts 06 - Smart Email Marketing with Zoho Campaigns
Note: Ask the Experts is a virtual, 5-hour Q&A session, more like a live chat. You ask us your questions and our experts will help you out with answers. You are given the option to start asking your questions now, while our experts will be answering them only during the specified hours. Hello everyone! Are you looking for smarter ways to create and send your email campaigns? If yes, we're hosting our sixth 'Ask the Experts' session for you all, next Wednesday. From answering all your questions with
Manual review problem
Hi, Is there a way of removing the the email review feature in Zoho campaigns? I find this feature unnecessary and quite frustrating as a review can take up to 30 minutes. The emails that we send out are part of the service that we offer as an online community to our paid members, and are not used for marketing purposes. Please let me know. Kind regards,
Zoho CRM sync with Zoho Campaign
Is it possible to sync the vendor module contacts in CRM into the Zoho Campaigns contacts sync?
Zoho Campaigns to CRM - Opt Out not syncing
Hi! I have run a campaign from Zoho Campaigns creating the initial list from a sync from Zoho CRM. The contacts who have responded to the canmpiagn and unsubscribed (and are now marked as Do Not Mail within Zoho Campaigns) are not being updated back to Zoho CRM. The Email Opt Out flag remains blank in Zoho CRM. The campaign status is being pushed back to the Contact record in Zoho CRM and I can see this in the contact record. The campaign status field shows the history of status changes. I origionally
Captions to photos
How do I add a caption below a photo?
Why my images on campaign appear extended vertically when it's previewed?
Hi, I'm trying to make new campaign right now and the images don't work well. I'm putting two images in a campaign and I think the size of them are small enough (One is 68.1 kb and the other is 235 kb). But those are appear extended vertically when I previewed it. For your information, these are look totally normal when I'm editing and I sent a test email to my iPhone. I'd love to know some tips for this. Regards, Misaki Kinjo
Sharing Campaign Email Templates
I have read so many articles but all appear to be outdated. I create a template for our standard users so they can created newsletters. The don't appear to have any access to see or choose the template when creating the email campaign. Setting admin shows they should have access but they still don't. There is no ability to share the folders(old solution) there is no ability to assign custom role other than making them admins... What do I do?
Email Opened Recipients Date/Time (Exporting) Zoho Campaign
Hi, Is the exporting feature for opened contacts with the total opened counts and time in Zoho Campaign available? It can really save time if this will be included in the "Opened" exporting.
Zoho Campaigns presents a live Twitter chat themed 'Smart Email Marketing' on 30th July, 2019
Hello, everyone! We're glad to see your Community engagement, and it's great to answer all your questions. We've got some news for the month! We’re up next with our second live Twitter chat, that’ll take place on 30th July, 2019, Tuesday, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT. What's it? It's a live chat on Twitter—we ask you a question, and you reply to the question with your answer. We'll have a couple of experts such as industry specialists, partners, and knowledgeable speakers, taking part in
API Get Mailing Lists error 500
Hi, I'm trying to get a list of mailing lists from the campaign module but I get error 500 back and some HTML. My API call is: I have set a header: Authorization: [my_api_access_token] Any ideas what could be going wrong? Thanks, Colin.
zoho campaigns
what is difference between campaigns created in zoho campaign and marketing hub?
Duplicated email address
We facing the issue when i try to add the new email id in sender Duplicated email address found while adding your sender address.
Instant sync from CRM cannot import date/time propery to Zoho Campaigns
Hello, We have problem with instant sync of leads from zoho crm to zoho campaigns. Date from CRM to Camapigns is imported as 12/31/1969 I made several tests, and they indicated that it is problem of instant sync. When I run one time sync of all leads, date is synced properly. Any idea how to solve that. Thank you in advance, Ivan
Mandatory fields are not found error while scheduling the mail campaign using api
Hello, I'm getting this below error while scheduling mail campaign using api.. my code below: string access_token = GenerateAccessTokenByRefreshToken(); var RestClient = new RestClient(""+ access_token + "&scope=ZohoCRM.modules.all,ZohoCampaigns.campaign.ALL,Aaaserver.profile.Read&resfmt=JSON&campaignkey=3f9b684d7df659d2fc04d6948be30cb435be57b81e35b5b4&scheduleDate=07/18/2019&scheduleHour=12&scheduleMinute=40&am_pm=PM&sendingTZ=Asia/Kolkata");
New to Campaigns and trying to get SPF and DKIM into system. No problem with SPF, but have been waiting for more than 4 days for DKIM to say it took. Looked at the GoDaddy scripts again and saw that the Zoho script was accurate in GoDaddy. We only need it for Campaigns, we do not use Zoho for our internal email system but use Google Suites. I also found the Domain Authentication request on the main Admin page, and put that script into GoDaddy two days ago. What is up? Larry Hands
Syncing Origin and to Leads only
Hello, I feel that the Campaign plugin for Wordpress is the right solution for me. I keep my contacts and leads in Zoho CRM and syncing will automate the task of updating it. But I still have some questions : * Will I be able to flag the newly subscribed contacts or leads as "Campaign" in the Origin field in CRM ? * Is it possible to sync all new subscribers from Campaign as Leads in CRM (rather than Lead or Contact) whether they have completed a Company field or not ? Thanks for your help.
Is the Email addresses inside the Do-Not-Mail list can be eventually deleted permanently in Campaign?
Zoho campaign still loading since Friday
I'm trying to build a normal campaign to send a newsletter and my template is always loading. It is like this since Friday. Even if I try to change the template it's the same situation... always loading and never opening. Need help please!
Zoho Social Compaign vs Zoho Social
HI, This is a cross theme question, but I'm asking here. As we are using Campaign for newletter and Social for more community management, we are struggling with the use of the social campaign section of Campaign... How should we use it. Is social campaign similar (and how) to Social, or different (and how)... What would we use social campaign and Social together or should I use one ?
Deleting custom fields
I have reached the number of custom fields that I am able to create in Zoho Campaigns. Before I delete fields that I am no longer using, I need to know what will happen to the data associated with the custom field? If a recipient of the campaign opens the email with the deleted field will they still be able to see the content?
Sales Recording
Hi , I want to record sales in two parts, like Sales- Sales from tower 1 - Sales from tower 2, Please help. how to do that.
Authentification of Account
Hi there, until now I van´t recieve any drict replies to my newsletters from recipients. When anyone pushes the direct reply button of the respective emial programm and sends me a message firstly the email address is a cryptic combination of numbers and letters and secondly I will not receive the mail. It will be snet directly to digital nirvana ;-). So, I called the German Zoho service providers. They told me I would have to call my website hosting service to authentify. My hosting service told
Tip of the week 38 - 5 Ways to stay away from Blacklists
Remember when you were at school you were always scared of getting your name into the teacher's bad book? Well, bad books still exist and even more so in email marketing in the form of 'Blacklists' A Blacklist is basically a list containing the IP address and domain names of flagged off spammers and potential spam email senders. This happens when a receiver or a group of receivers mark emails from a certain IP address or domain as spam. The viability of such a list is high as major internet service
Smart E-Mail Marketing with Zoho Campaigns.
Is this correct; 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM IST – 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM EDT, both time zones are the same? How do I attend this? Buddy Hooper
Tell-a-friend button
Hi Zoho, I have been searching for this functionality and took me few hours to resolve, what and how the idea of email forwarding should work with your solution. So first is idea of explaining better the whole think to users. Not so trivial. There still must be something in settings I don't get, so my forwards does not work. Second is the functionality and user experience. That is very bad. No option to customize the language or design. If person really decide to forward his offer to few friends
Para que funcione Zoho campain, debe de colgar muchos vídeos explicativos y sobre todo brindar soporte inmediato.
Deberían poner varios vídeos explicativos del uso correcto de zoho campain, mil tema de soporte es indispensable, de esa manera la gente va aprendiendo. Como empresas buscamos soluciones rápidas o inmediatas ya que nuestro flujo por dia de trabajo es intenso, por dia perdemos muchos posibles clientes o viceversa.
como elimino un formulario elaborado en zoho campain y lo puse de facebook y lo quiero cambio por otro
como eliminar un formulario elaborado en el campo de la campaña y lo puse de facebook y lo que quiero cambiar por otro
Mass remove contacts from a list, while keeping them on another list.
Hi commmunity! We want to clean up an important list (list #1) of contacts while keeping them on another list (list #2). This way the import to the 'Do-Not-Mail'-list is no option, i think. I want to make an export of the 'Never Opened' in 'Listbased Reports' and import them in a way to clean up list #1, but not remove them from list #2. So how do i clean up list #1 while keeping them on list #2? Hopefully i can make my question clear this way. If extra information is needed, let me know. Thanks
Tip of the week 37 - Know the smarter side of your email marketing software
If we ever compile a list of reasons why people use an email marketing software, "sending bulk emails with little effort" would occupy the pole position. As an entrepreneur, you'll have too much on your plate - and anything that makes your life easier is a no-brainer. Given this, businesses turning to an email marketing platform to save time and effort is very much understandable. However, an email marketing software does a lot more than just helping you save time and effort. It streamlines your
Flow integration with Textiful to Zoho Campaigns
Currently we use Zapier to integrate Textiful info into ConvertKit. As we are in the process of migrating most of our third party tools into Zoho One, we wondered when we could switch to using Flow to take Textiful data into Campaigns (which we will transfer into from ConvertKit).
Video in Templates Autoresponders
After creating a template with a video, and then cloning it. The new template don't show the thumb nail images (or proper link to the youtube video)
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