ZOHO EU I need information about Data Privacity
I need to send information to my clients about compliance with European legislation on data protection of ZOHO
Editing Notes
How can i edit a note attached to a group created by another inside this group? I'm the super admin.
Reset password
I forgot my password and i didn't verified my mobile phone number yet. The domain is boiadeirus.com.br How can i reset my password?
Home Screen - remove unused apps.
Hello there! I'd like to ask a simple question. I accidentally clicked on a few apps and then subsequently appeared on my home screen (https://home.zoho.com/home#my). I liked my plain look with only Mail and Docs there. Is there a way to get rid of the unused apps or am I out of luck? For example, I am not going to use Zoho Recruit, I clicked it because I mistook it for referral process in my account settings. Best regards.
re-attach Zoho Writer with Google Drive
When the integration between Zoho and Google Drive was launched I have disconnected them, due to what seemed to me then over-granting of privileges. I now tried to use Zoho Writer from Google Drive, and could not find a way to re-attach Writer to Google Drive. Is there any way to do this? Thanks, Ilan
Emails from ZOHO Forms go to Spam
emails from: research.centre@syd.catholic.edu.au via public.zohoforms.com are being sent to our spam/ junk folder. This happened last year, but we whitelisted it and that seemed to work. That is not the case for this year. Can you help?
Two Factor Authentication has Flawed Implementation
Hi , Please see the attached video , your 2FA implementation is flawed . We can reuse an OTP multiple times , also your window of acceptance is too large . More over you should mask the OTP entry ( or perhaps give an option to see it momentarily to the user ) Please fix these issue , all your customers are impacted , this impacts all your applications and entire platform . If this information is released on social blogs Zoho will loose it's name and business. Regards, Soumen
Connecting Two Zoho Accounts
I'm having trouble connecting my two zoho accounts through the POP [POP3?] system. I provide the information for my second account, the server and whatnot, but I am requested to create a new account, as the account I am trying to connect is already taken. I know the account I'm trying to connect is already taken. It's my account. I'd like to connect the accounts so I can look one list of emails rather than having to do the log-in-log-out tango. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I hold a free
No reply from support
I have sent several emails and tweets about my email being blocked with no reply, the reply time is becoming quite horrible in some regards. However it would be greatly appreciated if someone would be able to reply as soon as possible as as I've stated in several emails now, I need this email active as soon as possible, especially after the date of which I needed it most has passed. Thank you. Kind regards, -Mervy Newoor
Help using Blog
Hi there could anyone help how to use the blog page. I have added a new blog page to my website and I am trying to see where I can start to write my blog but all that I have is the title then below it is a big box saying post container? I am new to this so please bear with me. What goes in the post container? is it pictures and stuff? because I am not able to write my blog in there by the seems of things. Do I add a paragraph above the post container? I'm just confused as to know how to start writing
Unable to add domain under domains page
Getting following error. Need help!! This Operation has been restricted. Please contact support-as@zohocorp.com for further details
How do the Zoho applications work together? Where is the best place to find Zoho help?
Specifically I want to use Zoho Books and Zoho Projects together. Finding very little support available online.
How can I change my primary email address if my primary Email address is no longer active?
I need help. My primary email address is no longer active and I don't have access to it. I want to use my secondary email as the primary email but it seems that it's not recognizing the password either. Please help.
Verification code
Please, I try create a account for my new domain but dont received the code in my cell phone to complete. * This domain is already associated with this account "***** please i need received the code.
Contact US for Zoho is not working
When I tried to submit a question I received an error the I did not select "No. of Users" which is not even an option when filling out the form.
Custom fields only for administrators
Hi, When I create a new custom field in a module (Accounts for example) only the other admins of the system can view them in the forms. We changed the permissions to read and write for al kind of profiles. We would need to know how to fix this. Regards
How to generate traffic from zoho?
How to generate genuine traffic on my website using zoho? Please describe me. Yahoo support contact number uk
Forgot my admin username and password
Hello, I forgot my admin/super admin username and password both. Can you please tell me my admin username and password. also forgot my alternate email id
Sweet32: Birthday attack on 64-bit block cipher - Withdrawal of 3DES cipher support for all Zoho services - 31/01/2017
Zoho always tries to provide utmost security and privacy to our users and here is one such instance. This is about removing weak and insecure ways to access our platform and strengthening it based on industry standard recommendations from time to time. 3DES, a 64-bit block cipher, is one of the algorithms used for encryption. These block ciphers, with short block size, are vulnerable to a type of cryptographic attack, known as the Birthday Attack. Due to this vulnerability, all Zoho services will
Overall translation quality
Dear Zoho Team, I really love what you do, how you and your products grow. The only thing i don't understand is the quality of the translation, for everything. We use most of your products. And i haven't seen any good translation yet. We prefer Russian language, you provide its support time to time, but the quality is poor, really poor. It seems to us you use something like "Google Translate" to translate your products. That's very important if you want users all around the world. It's much more
Formula's across modules ZoHo CRM
It seems now that almost everything we do revolves around ZoHo but still soooo many years on we cannot write formula's across modules??? When will you develop this feature so at least we can populate fields in one module with the data from a field in another module? PLEASE!
Zoho plugin pops up multiple errors in Outlook 2013
I have installed the Zoho Outlook 2013 plugin and it gives numerous scripting pop error messages. Below are two examples of what they look like. Please help, thanks.
Email change issue - Email ID Already Exists
Hi, We are tyring to change the Primary Email on our account, but there is an issue preventing us from doing this. When entering the new email address, enquiries@lmconcretegarage.co.uk. we get a message saying "Email ID Already Exists." This email used to be an additional email on the account, and it was deleted from the list before trying to add it as the primary email. Looking up the issue, it appears that the email might still be in your database. Please can you help me with getting this to be
I am new to Zoho. I added Notebook to my Chrome browser on my PC. How do I access it after I have clipped something? Sorry if I don't get it....
Problem changing primary email address
The email address I used when setting up my (free) Zoho account years ago no longer exists. This useless email address exists is my primary email address in the Contact Details of my Zoho profile. When I try updating the information with a current existing email address I get a message "Email ID already exists". This is perhaps because I recently set up a Zoho account for a non-profit organization using that email address. Unfortunately, that is the only non-Zoho email address I have. I tried
How can I set it up so that me and other employees receive emails as a reminder to start a task, etc.? For example, if I have a job to do tomorrow with a co-worker, I want to wake up with him and I receiving all the details of the job. (not have to log in to Zoho)
Zoho design and online identity makeover sorely needed
I've had a Zoho account for several years, but have mainly used Google for email, docs and file storage due to convenience. Due to privacy concerns, I'm now trying to switch to less "big-brother" solutions and Zoho is standing out as a alternative. However, the graphic design of your products is simply appalling. I'm mainly using Zoho Mail (on Mac and Android) and Docs (on Mac), and the user experience could be so much better with a unified design makeover. In some of your products, like Zoho Mail
[Security concern] Don't show if a username exists
Hi, It would be much better from a security perspective if you won't show if a username doesn't exist. By confirming that an account does not exist, it is implied that when the message is not shown the account, does exist. This creates opportunities for hackers to brute force and find all possible e-mail-addresses that exist on the Zoho servers. It is unnecessary to show if an account exists or not. Just show a message; unknown e-mail address and/or password like all other main websites do.. for
Integration With Elastix
My elastix plant uses username and password to login, this means that I have to enter the extension and password to activate the extension, to make and receive calls. Given the above, how can I do so that zoho can login to the telephone plant?
Docusign Integration Question
When looking at the details of the Docusign integration it sounds like any users that are using the integration have to share the same Docusign account, is that correct or can each user in Zoho use their own, individual Docusign account?
Email change issue - Email ID Already Exists
Hi, We are trying to change the main email on this account to one more suitable as the old one is hardly used anymore. However attempting to add this gets the following error - Email ID already exists The new one was added as an additional email before, but was deleted before attempting to add it as the Primary Email, so there may be an issue with it still being in the database despite being recently deleted. Old Email - concretegarages@btinternet.com New Email - enquiries@lmconcretegarages.com Thank
Problems importing Zoho mail into Thunderbird
Hi, I am trying to import my pop3 account settings into Thunderbird but all I keep gettting is check the username and password are correct unable to connect with Zoho mail. What am I missing?
Zoho Upgrade Plan
Hi, May i ask if only the Super Administrator has the privileged to purchase a paid plan? or even the admin has? Thank you. your response is highly appreciated.
Table of Content and Document Map ?
Hi, does Zoho Writer or another Zoho product allow for table of content generation and document map ? Regards, Frank
Email alert whenever a client registers for portal
Is there a way to setup an email alert whenever a client registers for a portal? Maybe possible as a macro or workflow?
lost password . secondary id same as the id for which password is lost
Dear friend, I have forgotten the password for the SUPERUSER ID principal@aimhigh.net.in. I can use other id as support@aimhigh.net.in. I tried with forget password link. it seems the password reset link goes to the email id for which i do not know the password. Can the password link be redirected to support@aimhigh.net.in or to help@aimhigh.net.in. thanks in advance upadhyay
Loss of Accounts
My Zoho accounts are lost on my PC version, however my mobile app still has them? Anyone know how this happens?
change primary number
need to change the primary number, as this number is not mine, it introduced by mistake and I had to contact the owner to ask me send data verification code but do not want to remain that way
This Domain is not supported or is already registered with Zoho
hi, at first i try to register to zoho using edtamcn.com, when i step into sms verification phase, my computer got shutdown suddenly, and i have to restart my pc. I have the verification code but i don't know where to put it. So i try to restart the process from beginning, but when i tried to insert the same edtamcn.com to the column, i got warning message like this : "This Domain is not supported or is already registered with Zoho" . I have submit ticket to support@zohomail.com but with no reply
login from Safari stopped working
About 4 days ago login to Zoho stopped working from Safari. the login screen refreshes repeatedly every few seconds making it impossible to login. If I enable auto-fill then I get an error "Please reload the page and try again".
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