Creating a Unique ID (GUID) in deluge
Hi, Is there way to create GUID in deluge? I will have to use this Creator. Thanks PS
I would like to develop an installment plan
Hello, I'm inexperienced in the field, but I'm trying to develop an expense app and I would like to add the option to pay in installments, so that the expense goes automatically to the following months, if anyone could help me?
focus on form field
when you click the edit button on a record the first field of the form needs to have the focus so i can type or tab to the right field without clicking again... tonythomas
Long multi line field. Page break in template
Hello. When I have a multi line field in my report that occupies more than one page, a previous page break occurs during printing and exporting to PDF. How can it be avoided? I have inserted in the template, the value div, both "page-break-inside: avoid"
Grouping or Summarizing Records
First, I accidentally came across ZOHO the other day. I must say the Creator is VERY impressive. I'm a programmer by trade but have no time use/learn .net or whatever to develop "quickie" type apps that I would use mostly for me. Zoho Creator seems to fit the bill for what I want. Congratulations. I have developed a little small time tracker type application (for me only) that allows me to enter data, hours worked and a category ( and a few other things). It works great. The only question I have
Default audit log on forms/reports/workflows on Zoho Creator
Namaskaram Zoho Creator team, There is no default audit log on forms and reports for finding that who and when the changes were made in a form/report. It is very important feature to track the form and report history.So basically we need to be able to switch on audit logs for any workflow. If I just go and tap on a checkbox, then all the activity happening in that workflow or using that variable should be captured automatically without any extra scripting. Crafted with ❤️ Zoho Gurus | Zoho Creator
Deleting from a Collection Variable
Hi All I have a collection variable, obtained like this course_Options = Schedule_Courses[Start_Date_Time == time]; This give me a collection variable of courses starting at the above time. If I wanted to remove one of the results from that collection
"If data has changed" function ?
Hi Zoho, I have a form with a name, date and type of a certain product. I need Zoho to run a function on "On Success" on Edit mode, ONLY if the date has changed (not if the name of the product has changed). Is there a function that can check "data before edit" or something like this? Thanks Ravid
Open another form as a Pop-Up
Hello, How do i open another form as a Pop-up Dialogue on click of Button which is a custom button in report? Can anyone help me with a code? Thanks
notification(send mail) when users delete record
The system notifies adminusers by email when users change or delete data from a report. It need to include the data in email so that adminusers know what data users have changed or deleted. When users make a change, the data is attached, but when delete
[Free Webinar] Learning Table Series - Creator for the Real Estate Industry
Hello Everyone! We welcome you all to the upcoming free webinar - Learning Table Series. The Learning Table Series is a free monthly webinar that runs for around 45 minutes. It's offered to our Community users and aims to provide a dynamic learning experience
Explain About Parameter In Zoho Creator Custom App
Hello, Please Explain Me About Parameter. Any Custom App > Open Any Page,Form, Report or Anything. > Click On Setting > In Setting In Last Module Is Parameter. So Explain About This & Explain How To Use This. I Attach Screen Shot For Where Found Par
reload the parent page
Hi, I am trying to reload the parent page with On Add -- On Success Action.I was trying to with below code that closes the popup window but not reload the parent page. Could anyone please help me ? openUrl("" + zoho.appuri + "#Script:page.close", "same window"); openUrl("" + zoho.appuri + "#Script:page.parent.refresh ", "same window"); Below is the screenshot: Thanks Arfater
Cannot Publish Application Due to a Problem
Hi guys, Just stumbled upon a confusing error when trying to publish an update for our existing application. We stumbled upon this error: "An error occurred while fetching the Form Field Order that belongs to the 'Biaya Promosi' subform of the 'Laporan
Multiple user viewing permission
Hello! I'm building and app for users that will connect with the customer portal. Many companies with many users will use this app. For obvious privacy purposes, I need to have a filter for the users of the same company to see only their records. For example, company "A" has 3 users, U1, U2, U3. U1 must see and edit U2 and U3 so on. Is there a way to do that with Deluge? As a admin, I will manage the users in each company in a form. Thank you very much
Autopopulating lookup fields from multiple forms
Hi all, Been struggling with this issue for a bit and I feel like it is pretty simple, but I am just missing something obvious in the workflow script so any help for a beginner would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to have different forms auto populate
Zoho Creator to CRM Subform issue
I'm trying to move entries from creator to CRM. In this case, the entries create a new account on CRM and transfer the information in the subform as well. Deluge is saying that there is an error in line 5. The sub form in creator is called SubForm and the one in Accounts is called Products Requested. Please help me out with this accountInfo=Map(); accountInfo.put("Account_Name",input.Name); accountInfo.put("Account_Site", input.Class); productsList=List:Map(); for each Product in input.SubForm
Default report filter
It's something that gets asked for regularly, the ability to set a default filter for a report that can then be cleared by the user once the report loads. Or alternatively an ability to set a custom filter as the default report when opened. Please add
Focus Field
How do you do to open in a form enter the first field to fill? The perfector would be to be able to focus on the field that we would like. Thank you.
setting field focus explicitly
Hi, Is there a way to explicitly set the focus to a specific field upon loading a page, or when doing form validation ? Thanks, Zainul.
Collecting responses to better understand the request behind setting field focus
Hello App Creators! Thank you so much for your patience! We are continually working on your most-requested features and are happy to announce that we should indeed be able to release "field focus" as part of the 2023 Release Projection 2. We hope this
Set default focus field in published page
I am working on a queue application for my organization. We have a touch screen kiosk in our lobby to allow for customers to check-in to the queue. Since the customers will often be checking in with a barcode, I would like to find a way to make the top
deluge scripting
Hello, I am trying to update a customer's details in billing from creator using deluge and i wanted to inquire if there's a way to update the customer's details by using the customer's email or phone number used in billing or creator instead of using
Can't change the width for the Notes field
Hi there, We have a long description at the top and it's going full-width, which is causing a large area of white space on the right side of the form. Is there an easy way to change the width of the Notes field within Zoho Creator forms? I was able to change the labels to be 300px, however, that isn't applying to the Notes field. I tried adding a table width, however, it seems to be getting stripped out. Thanks!
Zoho Creator Upcoming Updates - February 2024
Hello All! Building on the momentum of the previous year, where we introduced a range of significant features, we're excited to kick-off 2024 with another set of important updates: System integrations Client actions in Kanban, Timeline, and Calendar reports
Before field - Schedules
Hi all, Can you guys help me understand this option, and why this accepts only the Single Line field for reference? I have not found any document talking about this.
Seeking to Hire Zoho Creator Developer
Hello Zoho Creator Community, I am the VP of Operations of a service company with field engineers who work on utility-scale Renewable Energy power plants across the US. We are seeking to hire a Zoho creator developer to help us migrate to our own native mobile application built on Zoho Creator. We currently use Google forms to capture data from the front line (service reports, timecards, mileage reports, and expense reports). With each form submission, it adds the data to specific google sheets,
Getting Error when Making API Call in Zoho Creator to FreightCom API
I want to make an API connection between my Zoho Creator app and the FreightCom API. Here is the code for my function: ``` string FreightComTest() { endpointUrl = ""; apiKey = "This is my API KEY. I
Need Help with Creating a Sales Order Form on Creator
I asked ChatGPT to write me some code for a sales order form that pulls data from Zoho Books and Zoho CRM. Essentially, I want to be able to check for duplicates using the email address, and also pull the auto-generated sales order number from Books.
Barcode input - Field Action On User Input doesn't work
Dear Sir, While using barcode input, Submit form after capturing works but Field Action On User Input doesn't work in my app. But, if I do not select the Submit form after capturing feature, it works fine through manual submission after capturing data via mobile barcode scanner. I have tried creating forms both in Creator and Appcreator directly but it doesn't work. Pls help. Thanks. Kashif
How to Give App Access to All Zoho Users
Hello, Sorry for the silly question, but I am preparing to launch a Creator App for the first time, and I do not have the means to test it with someone else. I want to give access to all our Zoho users for one of my Creator app. When I click Creator Settings
Decimal Field error: rounding off decimal places
A decimal field set to show 2 decimal places is instead rounding to the ones place (rounding off the decimals). The images below show that in spite of entering 27.64 in the Non-Taxable Reimbursement field, that field in the report is shown as 28.00. The correct 27.64 is added to the 804.25, though, in order to get 831.89.
Making a Copy of a Stateless Form
There should be a simple way to make a copy of a stateless form. The use case is to try-out some new code without disrupting any users currently on the app, for example. As of now, you have to go into the "form definition with action" and select all the code and paste it into a new empty stateless form. Even this does not fully work because you get an error Error modifying the page [Form_Button_WFlow] Column 'BUTTON_ID' cannot be null that only goes away by removing all the submit button code! Cheers,
how to update subform record on successful submission
I have 2 form 1st is Purchase Order form which subform is Order_list that containd Material_Code, Order_Qty, Received Qty, Balance_To_Receive_Qty 2nd is Receive form which subform is Receive_List that contained Material_Code, Balance_To_Receive_Qty, Receive_Qty
Remove Special Characters
Hi folks, I know that Number field type, does not allow the data to get submitted if there are any special characters eg:- entering 1-1-1- in a Number field type & submitting the form, will show as error / invalid entries. I have seen removealpha(), remove aphanumeric() in string funtions. But i was not able to locate any function that allows to remove special character tried giving alert = input.number1.abs() , but alert just did not pop up. Wonder why? Infact, i would like to use removeallspecialcharacters()
Image resizing/scaling maintains aspect ratio
Currently in the column properties of Reports, the image widget allows the user to specify either "Actual size" or a fixed W x H in pixels. However, using the latter forces any sized image, regardless of aspect ratio, into that exact size, deforming the image. Can this be made "smarter" so that it maintains the aspect ratio of the image, up to the maximum as specified? I.e. if I have an image of 800 x 600 and I have specified my pixels as 400 x 200, then the resulting image will be 267 x 200. Hope
Automated vlookup price field getting information from a different form
Good afternoon, Is it possible to obtain automated values in a price field getting information from a different form? Thank you very much!
How to trigger workflow on-(Twilio API)submit?
Hello, I have a workflow that fails to trigger when an incoming twilio text message is posted in Creator using Twilio API. The workflow was created in Creator using a form trigger, "on-submit". Does the workflow need to be built inside the Twilio package
How to scale report margins to match browser window margins in C6
How can i get rid of dead space in creator reports to minimize use of horizontal scrolling?
Updating a record in zoho books
i am trying to update fields in zoho billing upon edit of a record form in zoho creator but it does not seem to work. Can someone please help.
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