How to get value from html element using deluge?
I am trying to capture the value entered in an HTML <input> tag of type "date" and store it in a variable using Deluge scripting. Here's the snippet of my code <%{ date_value = // Here I want to store the value entered in the below HTML tag %> <input
....should be an easy one
I have a form that includes a radio selection field with three options: - Board Chair - Executive Director - Other I then have an "Other" text field. I have a workflow set up so the "Other" field is hidden when the form loads. What I want to have happen
Split PDF file upload to seperate files before emailing.
Hi Support, I have recently returned from Zoholics and keen to tackle some business problems. While taking to the Zoho Team, they have mentioned that you can help with coding. So here is what i'd like help with : I have a form where a PDF file is to be
Close popup
Is there a simple deluge command to close the current active popup window? Background of my question: A form is openen as a popup window with the openurl function I added a deluge function on success > direct to a certain page (depending on who is logged in). That works, however the form in the popup stays open (but blank so maybe reloads or resets). In one case it's even worse since it starts with a stateless form, which then opens a second form, both in popups. After submit, both popups stay open
Is it possible to do validation for the Actions added to Reports?
We have an all-around On Validate function that checks all the possibilities before the Created/Edited form submissions. We want to have a button in the report view, so we can change records without entering. We are able to add this button, and it does
Deluge Count Function for Subform is it supported
Hi This var1 = count(SubForm_1[ID!=0 ]); Gives the error Form SubForm_1 does not exist in this application Is there a syntax mistake or is it no supported in such a manner
Create list dropdown of all form names
Hi everyone, Can i create dropdown list by all form names? Thank you
Application Menu
Dears, Just a little bit pushing on this :D. Really hope this is going to be released soon.
Referencing a record's parent record
I have a form Application with a subform Tools. Tools is a form in its own right, and I have a view of All Tools. However, I can't find a way to show in All Tools which Application each tools record is associated with (unless I add a lookup field for
Version History - in Enviroments
Currently the version history in Enviroments doesn't show: User who pushed the change into Production Date this was pushed into Production This would be very useful for audit tracking purposes. Can this please be added to the Roadmap? Many thanks!
Zoho CRM Integration Form + Custom Fields
Hi! I've created an Integration Form from Zoho CRM's Vendors Module, but I can choose a few standard fields and no custom fields I've created in Zoho CRM. There is a plan to add this feature soon? Thanks in advance.
pages over forms
Is it possible to build pages and have custom css /design and backend forms on C6?
Applying a custom filter to report on load
Hi all Is it possible to applying a pre-built custom filter to a report on load? The filter I have created within the report basically filters out all records that are superseded. I would like to apply this filter on load as default so it only shows records that are not superseded. Regards Martin
Hide panel shadow in zoho creator
Hello, I was wondering if I could hide the shadow that appears around panels in Zoho creator stateless pages.
Can a new Zoho User (Zoho Account) be created via an API?
I am looking for a way to be able to create new Zoho users (Zoho account) from within my application. I.e. I have a process where candidates apply via a public zoho creator form. When I like the candidate, I just click a button "Accept" and I want zoho user account created for that user, the user emailed the account information and they start getting access to the relevant areas of the zoho application. I have come across two conflicting posts with replies from Zoho support regarding my query -
Star Rating - New Field Type
Hi, Just an idea, How about a Star Rating Field. Simple 5-star system. Enables User to vote/rate on Form. View also displays rating for each row. It will be a new field type that we can drag and drop in form building. Dunno if it will be useful to everyone, but I'm aware that a lot of Creator users are here to use the forms for some sort of online questionnaire. This will surely help.
Feature Request: Detailed View - Related Block Links!
Desperately need a view record link option on records displaying in the related blocks on a Detail View. For the love of god, please add this feature. Thank you!
Adjusting subform layout in custom record template (PDF)
Hi there, For one of my forms, I’m working with a custom record template (PDF) that includes a subform. The subform contains two fields per row: an image field for uploading images and a single-line text field for descriptions. When I add the subform
Assistance Required: Merging Applications in Zoho Creator
Hello, everyone, We are planning to use Zoho Creator for one of our projects. The project includes two modules: Hotel Management and Fleet Hub Management, which are both listed on this page. Currently, we need to merge these two applications into a single
Dear All I am located in France , I would like to find someone who have developed already a connecting process between ZOHO API and KEYYO PI KEYYO is a phone IP provider. I would like to get some one which have already done or which is interesting to develop all together. thank's for you news. You can exchange by mail : or Phone : +33 6 78 80 90 16 best regards.
zoho creator widget not filling container
i created a zoho widget that just fills the container viewport a simple html file <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Document</title> <style>
Zoho Shifts Connection
I'm having an issue with Zoho Creator Custom Connector not refreshing its tokens. I have a function that pulls data from Zoho Shifts nightly. However, every night the connector access token expires and the only way to fix it is to go and revoke it anywhere
Using a Zoho Analytics table as a datasource in Zoho Creator
I'm wanting to build an interface in Zoho Creator for data in a table in Zoho Analytics. Most of the searching that I have done is about using Zoho Analytics to report on data in the Zoho Creator app or to use Creator to add or modify data in a Zoho Analytics
Regarding developer support for Creator
Hello Team, We would like to understand if there is any developer support available for building creator application directly from Zoho's team and not via partners. Please let me know. Thanks!
OAuth 2 for customer portal
In Zoho Creator, is it possible to set up an OAuth 2 connection with an external service (in this case - Zoom) for customer portal users? Specifically, I want each user to be directed to an authentication page for Zoom, and then have the connection established
Creator - Portal users management
Setting up users in Portal at the moment reqires the following steps in sequence: Invite new email/login/user configure reports visibility accept the invitation in email set password If a login or multiple logins are created to assign reports visibiliity
"Number of statement execution limit exceed" error
Hi everyone. I know that this is a already discussed topic, but I want to express my discomfort with wasting a lot of time solving this pseudo error instead solving real client problems. I hate introducing changes in the code to manage this error.
Bulk export of uploaded files
I've seen a few very old questions about this in the forum, but I'm wondering if Creator offers a solution that allows users to bulk export the contents (or at least the url) of an "upload file" field in a report. It's tedious to have to export/download
Unformatted text on dropdown menu
Has anyone encountered this problem? My dropdown fields are showing unformatted text, like what you see below This is happening to all my dropdown fields across all my apps. I tried the different language options under "localization", but that doesn't
Help with "Record Not Found"
"Record Not Found" is not necessarily an error message, but a situation I want to prevent from disabling my Deluge script, and allowing it to finish with some alternative output. In it, The code is in a CRM custom function, and I'm searching for a record in the "Products" module of the CRM. productSearchCriteria="(Product Name|=|" + ws1 + ")"; productSearchResults = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Products",productSearchCriteria); This 2 line approach is necessary because "ws1" is a variable. The problem
Error creating an XML file
I am creating an xml as string in the function Employee.generatePartA_XML_String, and then I want to save it as a file to the field "Part_A_XML", but I get the response: {"code":3700,"message":"Unable to upload a file. Please check and try again."} How
Zoho Creator Upcoming Updates - October 2024
Hello all! We continuously strive to enhance and improve Zoho Creator with new capabilities. Continuing with this journey, we're excited to share the latest developments and progress with you. Now, let's dive into the updates for this month: Widget JS
Creator Simplified #8: Calculate business hours between date-time fields in Zoho Creator
Hey Creators!It's time to learn something new and simplify your app development journey with Zoho Creator. Requirement Calculate business hours between two chosen date-time inputs. Sample Use-case In a Project Tracker application, the team lead selects
Video streaming on Zoho Creator
I used the video upload field in my form for my public users. Upon recording and uploading their video, I am able to view the videos in my apps. The issue I am currently facing is that the playback of the video is very slow. Every few secs, the playback video would pause and a circular image would appear suggesting that the video is still being downloaded. My video file is only 1 min long and is about 20MB. My connection to the internet at the point of testing is around 32Mbps (download speed).
Native Barcode Generation in Creator
Hi all, I saw somewhere in a release announcement that Creator was going to add native Barcode/QR code generation, which was suppose to happen earlier this year. Anyone out there have any insight into how much further out this is? Thanks!
File upload size limits
I am designing a contact form in Zoho Creator with File upload facility. I am not sure where and how to set the following properties for the same: Allowed File Types Maximum Size of the Attachment Number of Attachments
Hide Weekend and Non Operational Hours
I am creating a Meeting Tracker and using the pre-template Conference Room Booking. I want to display a timeline chart that only shows weekdays and operational hours. Currently, the chart includes Sunday, Saturday and all hours (0 to 24). I have hidden
Chrome autofill breaking subform
I have a form that uses a lot of subforms. One of these subforms is setup to populate 7 rows for the public to fill out. this is an on load workflow. When using chrome's autfofill feature for a preceding address field, it breaks a multiselect field in
Edge Browser Autofill
When using the autofill feature on the Edge browser, multiple fields open up and start glitching. Please see attached
Access To One Drive (Business / Sharepoint) Inside All Zoho Products
A vast number of businesses are switching to Office 365 with Sharepoint and Onedrive included. At the moment getting documents in and out of Zoho requires us to upload download via the local PC. At the moment you do have One Drive within Zoho Desk, but not Creator and it is only a personal one drive account, a business One Drive will not work. If it did, then I could access Sharepoint files without having to go back to Synced files on my PC. The only reason we have synced files is due to programs
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