Creator Simplified #11: Create a custom button to download files
Hey there! This time, let's see how to create custom buttons to download the files uploaded in the file upload field. Sample use-case A training app has a module that provides the materials for all the available courses. Students can click on the corresponding
Can Creator integrate with a CRM Sandbox
zoho & Creator Noob - I would like to build a Creator App and integrate it to the CRM Sandbox. Then, when I have the bugs worked out integrate it to the production CRM account. Can Creator do this ? I built a test Creator App and integrated it to the CRM in a test zoho account fairly easily.
Export email adresses to email service provider (mailchimp or other)
Hello, Is there a way to export a list of email adresses from a search in my Zoho Creator forms to an external email service (gmail, yahoo...) and initiate at the same time an email message that I will fill and send myself ? And what about Mailchimp,
Creator Subform to CRM Subform
Hello all, Has anyone successfully written data from a Creator Subform into CRM subform? I have a Creator form that once submitted creates a new Location in the CRM. Inside a Location there is a subform for hours of operation. I collect those hours in
Another nightmare experience with a "Zoho Partner": Cloud Z Technologies
I found "CloudZTech" on fiverr and I hired them to do a simple $300-$500 task. They did not deliver on time and I was forced to fire them. You guys must watch out for these fake ZOHO PARTNERS, 99% of them don't have the expertise necessary to help. I
Produce application url to be common for all the Creator application Stages
I am trying to develop an application using the 3 environments steps like development, stage, production. I am trying to pass in a variable url like which redirects to a Report inside the application URL = ""
Using Creator API access tokens in deluge script
I am working on generating download urls for files that are uploaded via a creator form. I want to include these urls in record templates so they can be easily accessed. The goal is to make downloading multiple attachments in a record as quick and easy
URL for downloading uploaded file - THE SOLUTION
Hi, I would like to share the solution for downloading uploaded files using url. There is no documentation for it and there are multiple forum threads with old solutions that didn't work for me. Here is the updated url - tested and works! fet = form_name[ID
Issue with skip_workflow Not Preventing Edit Workflow Trigger
Hi Team, I am trying to upload a file to a form in Zoho Creator. However, during the upload, an edit workflow is being triggered. I want to prevent this workflow from running, so I have used the skip_workflow parameter as mentioned in the API documentation:
No data/body passed to REST server for DELETE by InvokeURL
Hello Zoho, It seems no data or body of HTTP request is passed to REST server when request type DELETE is used for InvokeURL function. I tried to send DELETE using cURL command and from Python, it worked without problem. The problem occurs only with Deluge's
Multiple date selection
Hello, we want create app for our company. We need create tasks for our employers. For example - 1 employer have task every Friday the whole year. Second have task every Monday for 6 months. For simple way create Multiple date selection in date form
Fiverr is better than Zoho Partners
For anyone out there looking for help with Zoho Creator's confusing Deluge, I highly recommend hiring NON ZOHO PARTNERS on Fiverr. I've had much better experiences with those who are NOT certified by Zoho. Almost every single "certified" zoho partner
How to find the number that appears most often in a list (the Mode of a list)
I have a list that contains a list of 5 string values. I want to find which value is repeated most often and place that value into a single line text field Example List1 = Learning,Learning,Shaping,Leading,Learning In List1 the value “Learning” appears
Print record summary to pdf page breaks
Hello. I created a record summary and would like to export to pdf. Rich text fields or photos can get printed on 2 pages cutting them in half. Is there a way to add page breaks? Thanks.
New Built In QR/Barcode Generator Print Settings
I'm trying out the new QR/Barcode generator field in Creator. I would think most people will want to print these, like I do. I am not seeing any way to control the height or width of the barcode for printing (inside the print/pdf template builder). The
Updating existing values in a list
Is it possible to update an existing value in a list? For example if I wanted to append text to an existing string value that I had previously added to a list is that possible? I'm able to extract the existing value (get() function) and append the additional text, but can't find a way to add the new value back to the list in the same index location. One work around I found was to delete the existing list entry and then add the new value, however this changes the index location to the last entry in
Making Calls Using ZDialer on Zoho Creator Widgets
The Zdialer Browser Extension does not seem to recognize phone numbers on custom widgets. What is the best way to work around this?
message on click of button
Hi, i added insert task on 'Quick view' below 'Action' of report just below 'Delete' button, so i am trying to add a message on click of button that, "This item is now added into Pending Request" like this .... So, how can i achieve this ; because
For each loop with available time slots
I am very new to Deluge, and this question was unable to be answered by Zoho Creator tech support upon request. Task at hand: I have a Form with 4 fields: - Date Start - Date End - Dropdown: Time Start: contains time slots (12:00PM, 12:15PM, etc) - Dropdown:
Converting Time and Time Zones
Hi Everyone I am trying to convert a time Zone to the local time of the user. I am fetching some data from an API, and it is coming back in this format: 2024-12-09T16:49:23Z This is in UTC/GMTZulu time. I am looking to convert it to the user time. In
Subform Time field to string.
Good afternoon All. I have a Subform 'Delivery_Receiving_Hours' that captures Day (Dropdown), Time_Open (Time), and Time_Close (Time). I need to capture this data and send it to a multiline field in the CRM. The code, posted below, below will capture
Can the code in my "Successful form submission" WF be invoked from a function?
Can "Successful form submission" be invoked from a function? Data gets into a form manually and programatically. My code in "successful form submission" is good and I want to reuse it/call it, from another function which does Insert Into How to achieve
Custom API - Need to create a string return value, not only MAP
@Support: When creating a Custom API it only allows a return from a function of MAP type. The service I'm using requires a string return, how can this be achieved?
Has anyone coded a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) generator in Deluge?
Introducing revamped Zoho Creator Developer Console—a powerful platform for developing and distributing apps
Hello everyone! We're thrilled to announce the launch of the revamped Zoho Creator Developer Console—a dedicated platform designed specifically for Creator developers and Partners to build, test, and distribute apps to your clients. Developer Console
Is there any support for Drivers license and other forms of ID scanning capabilities?
When scanning a drivers license barcode for data input to a Form, the scanning tool receives all the raw data but there doesnt seem to be a function to limit or remove the unnecessary fragmrnts, like a prefix. Is there any support or info in the help
Record Template - Conditionally printing sections
Is there a way to conditionally print a section of a Record Template? More specifically I am printing records from a Form "Invoice". That Form has 3 SubForms. I'd like to print the content of those SubForms using a Record Template but only if they have at least one line item. If they have no line items, I'd like to hide the headers for that section on the printout.
User can choose the PDF report
Hi. I would like to find out if a user (Creator or customer portal) to choose from the different PDF customised reports that have been built?
Restricting Calendar View to Working Hours
Hi: I'm trying to implement a calendar which displays all of my customer appointments. Currently, the calendar shows all 24 hours of the day. Is there a way to restrict the hours to simply the times my business is open? Thanks!
Zoho Creator customer portal limitation | Zoho One
I'm asking you all for any feedback as to the logic or reasoning behind drastically limiting portal users when Zoho already meters based on number of records. I'm a single-seat, Zoho One Enterprise license holder. If my portal users are going to add records, wouldn't that increase revenue for Zoho as that is how Creator is monetized? Why limit my customer portal to only THREE external users when more users would equate to more records being entered into the database?!? (See help ticket reply below.)
Creator Simplified #10: Predefine Form Field Values and Make Them Read-Only for Users
Hey Creators, Ready for this week's tip in the Creator Simplified series? Today, we will explore how to have read only fields in a form. Use Case: Assume a scenario where the default value for a Department field needs to be English Literature, but you
Callback URLs
I need to connect to an external service through an API that requires me to provide a Callback URL so that a status update can be sent back when the API request has been processed. Is there a way to do this in Creator without having to use a middleware
What is syntax to call creator function (or trigger a creator workflow) from CRM deluge?
What is syntax to call creator function (or trigger a creator workflow) from CRM deluge?
Improve Creator Calendar Report
Please can you improve the Creator Calendar Report General There is no way to highlight certain days, for example weekends or public holidays. There is no way to hide certain days, for example weekends. There is no way to modify the day header, it just
How to get the Dashboard page to be the first page when you open the app
So when it opens on a tablet or phone it opens on the welcome page, thanks.
Zoho Creator monthly roundup - September 2024
Hello all, We're back with an exciting set of new features and enhancements that will elevate your Creator experience even further. In case you missed it, we’ve recently revamped our Product Roadmap page, now with a refreshed design and showcasing all
Transform Numeric Values using st, nd, rd, th or Convert Numerals to Ordinal Form - Deluge
Please Use this sample Code This_Day_Date = zoho.currentdate.toString("dd"); value1 = "th"; if(This_Day_Date.right(1) ="1" && This_Day_Date != "11") { This_Day_Date = This_Day_Date+" "+"st"; } else if ( This_Day_Date.right(1) = "2" && This_Day_Date !=
Load form in iframe without header
I am trying to load a form into an iframe without the header, but I am not having any luck. I am using openUrl() to load the iframe with the form URL and zc_Header set to false, e.g. #Form:Add_Case?zc_Header=false but it is still loading the header. Any
Filter embedded report
How to filter embedded report in a page, below code is not working. dateField => startDate & dateField=< endDate The report should print on page containing records from startDate to endDate. params='zc_Header=true&Service_Date__gte=<%=startDate%>&Service_Date__lte=<%=endDate%>'
Creator Simplified #5: Set file upload restrictions in Zoho Creator
Hey Creators, Welcome to the next post in the Creator Simplified series. Today, we’ll explore how to implement file upload restrictions to limit user submissions to specific file types. By implementing an allowed list for file uploads, you can optimize
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