Best Practices for Granting Access to Zoho One Account
Hi there, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss the best approach for granting access to our Zoho One account as we consider hiring someone to work with Zoho Campaigns for sending emails to our customers. Currently, we have one user for
Create a function that checks if first name is the same as last name in Leads
I'm trying to create a workflow that has a function to check webform submissions. The function should check if the submitted first name is the same as the last name, if they are the same it would delete the Lead. We're getting a lot of SPAM submissions
CRM - Quantity in Stock zero
I can't create invoice in CRM, all Products show Quantity in Stock zero, although I have Items on stock in the Inventory module. I get this when trying to save invoice:
Deletion Workflows
Hello, Unless I missed it, we can't create deletion workflows. My usecase is to auto-delete junk leads. We have field called lead status, and an agent qualify all our new leads. When it's a junk lead she chose the correspondant value in the picklist. My goal is that the system delete them automatically. Is that possible? Planed ?
Contact_Name returns null
In the Deals/Potentials module there is a lookup field called Contact_Name: And in my deluge code I try to get the value like this: But it always gives me null as a result: What is the proper way of getting the associated Contact of a Potential/Deal?
Duplicate Records Alert email
Hi, I have my CRM setup so that I need to approve any duplicates. I have an administrator profile, and so I get the emails alerting me of duplicates. However, I'm the only one. I have two other users I have put as administrator profile, but they do not
Add "Repeating" functionality to Calls
Tasks supports repeating tasks.... so why not calls. Phone calls need to be scheduled on a repeating basis for many salespeople. Then when they filter or report on PHONE CALL activity, they see calls, not tasks. It is not acceptable to have to schedule
Approve meeting via whatsapp
When scheduled meeting our lead/contact get whatsapp massage. can we ask him if he is comming, and give him an ubility to cancel meeting or approve meeting, and his answer will approve an a meeting or cancel it, (we have a picklist field in the meetings
Update a Lookup field by automation
I want to be able to update a lookup field based on a contact's action/field updates, but I can't find a way to achieve what I'm looking for, as lookup fields don't appear to be updatable via actions or workflow rules. Background: We have 4 segments in
How to use fields from referenced modules in workflow rules.
I have a custom module connected to Leads through lookup field. How can I use fields from that module as conditions in workflow rule that is triggered by lead creation?
Calendar event link inside an email from Zoho CRM
Hello, I use a Zoho Form connected to Zoho CRM to create a customer record in CRM with a date-time field as an appointment request. Then, from Zoho CRM I have an automatization to send an email to my customer with the appointment details. I would like
Contact Record Created by Zoho Forms submission is not triggering the Review Process or the Approval Process
I have a Zoho Form that is creating a contact record in a layout upon submission. I have also configured a review process to run on creation of a contact record in this layout and have me review based on a field that is required in the form. There is
Non Profit Use - Household Relationships CRM
Hi! I am planning to setup Zoho CRM for non-profit use. In this case, I would like to be able to link accounts together (for example, spouses, or mother and daughter). I would want to be able to address either both of them or one of them in a marketing
Built-in Website Field is not correctly checking for duplicates in the API
While executing an upsert (, setting duplicate_check_fields to ["Website"] is not always working and, for some records, inserts another identical record. Creating another field of type "single line" and checking
How to update from one subform to another subform field
Hi, help with code of deluge for zoho crm to update one subform field from another subform field in zoho crm
Change Custom Field from Text to Auto-Number
Hi, I've created a Custom Module to record Tenancy Information. The module has automatically created a Custom Field labelled Tenancy Name This Custom Field is a mandatory Text field. How do I change the Field Type to an Auto-Number please? Many thanks,
Introducing Zia Presentation in Zoho CRM
----------------Moderation 3.0, Date: 10th May'24--------------------------------------- Zia's Presentation feature is now available for orgs in US, EU, IN, CN, JP, and AU DCs. Orgs., with Enterprise or Ultimate editions with 20+ user licenses can access
Block user profiles from being record owner for Leads and Contacts
Hi, We would like to prevent some user profiles from being the owner of a Lead or a Contact. This is mainly to prevent human-error but also to make sure some custom processes are working properly. For example, there's no need for myself (as part of the
URL to a specific contact
Hi, We are using a PBX to receive inbound calls. Our PBX supports popping up an URL for each call where it adds a variable to the URL. For instance: http://linktocrmsystem<customernumber> where it grabs the customernumber from the IVR or it just uses the customers phonenumber as a variable. The problem is that i don't see this format when clicking a contact inside Zoho CRM. Is it possible to create such an URL where it links directly to a specific contact?
Transitions do not update fields until the record moves to next stage
We have a blueprint where a couple of stages have multiple transitions. If only some of the transitions are completed, but not all, Zoho does not update any of the fields impacted by the completed transitions. Is there any way Zoho can udate the fields
How Zoho CRM will consume Business Messaging Credit (Whatsapp) ?
let say I have 10 credits in Business Messaging like this I need to know credit consumption from Zoho CRM. How many conversation that I can make using that 10 credits? I really need to know so I can predict if my credit is sufficient or not. I have tried
Allowing Territory management to normal users?
Hi everyone! How can I allow a normal user to manage the territories hierarchy? Surely this shouldn't require that a user becomes an all-powerful admnistrator...?
Clone Blueprint
I have cloned a blueprint and now some of my actions in Deluge are only looking at one blueprint to run the process. How can I make them pull to all blueprints?
Canva View Field Issue
I can't add specific fields to the Canva Lead view it adds them when I am *editing* the Canva view but when I click save they don't appear. Why is this and any solutions? The top pic is in the editing view, the bottom pic is after I click save. The fields
How to change colour of bar charts
Hi there - how do I change the colour of the bar graphs in the Analytics section within Zoho CRM?
How do I delete custom button functions?
Hi, Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that we can't use regular Automation Action functions for buttons and instead have to write separate functions for custom buttons. Now that being the case, there doesn't appear to be a way to delete existing
Viewing Contacts file Attachments in the Account associated with the contact.
I would be nice, If we could see all of an Accounts contacts file attachments in the account view. Is this possible? As right now it appears that an file attachment uploaded to a contact only appears in the contact. If you navigate to the contacts Account
Adding links and buttons to Portals
Is there a way to add links or buttons to CRM Portals? Link a link to a Google address or a form?
Formula Field Date Compare from a date field to Today
Is is possible to calculate the no of weeks between one date and 'Today' in a formula field in the CRM? I have a formula field calculating correctly when comparing two date fields (i.e (((Datecomp(${Vendors.Actual end date},${Vendors.Start date})/60)/24)/7) but I don't want to add another pointless field for today's date. So ideally it would calculate something like this (((Datecomp('Today',${Vendors.Start date})/60)/24)/7) but that doesn't work. Any ideas welcome!
Remove user tag in notes when copying a note
I am copying the notes from a custom module, to a main account in zoho crm. When I copy the notes the tags are coming too. is there a way to remove it or put the name of (user/group) without tagging it. Deluge code RelNotes = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Notes",'Work_orders',recID);
Report footprint
Hi is there a function to see who last ran a report? the date shows last accessed but it needs to also display who by.
Task Permissions
Is there anyway to have some tasks restricted to view just by the owner or creator?
Please add Dark Mode
I think you need to give the option of Dark Mode. I find it absolutely crazy these days with a program or app isn't developed with Dark Mode. We stare at our screens all day long. Our eyes need as many breaks as possible. Thanks and I hope this gets applied
Authentication fails when the user principal name is different from the primary email.
Hello everyone, I need some help trying to integrate my company emails into Zoho CRM system, for which their O365 Email Integration keeps failing. My company User Principal Name, used in Active Directory ( is different than primary
Zoho CRM Google Contacts Sync Problem
I have syncronised Zoho CRM contacts with Google contacts (two way sync) and now all my Zoho contacts are a mess. Contacts that were linked to Accounts and Sales Orders, Invoices etc are now unlinked and even the email addresses are blank. Any ideas how I can resolve this and why it would have happened. 12,000 contacts and 5 years work in a mess here.
Increment a numeric field by 1 when an e-mail sent using mass e-mail is opened by a lead
Hello, is there a way to increment a numeric field by 1 when an e-mail sent using mass e-mail is opened by a lead? Thank you
Do you have Deluge code to create Books Invoice directly from data in a Deal?
I want to programatically create a Books invoice directly from a Deal. My Deal data includes a multi-line subform which is Lookup into the Product table in Books. So the invoice would collect Account, Contact, etc, and iterate through subform and create
Assistance with Solution Architecture
We are integrating with Razor Pay and CRM with ZOHO FORMS. We need to understand as an aggregation platform following information :- a)What module to Integrate with CRM and for subsequent integration with ZOHO Books. b)fields required on form to print
there is a possibility to auto switch to list vew when return to main view.
Hi, I am in kanban view and when I return back to main view, there is a possibility to auto change to list view eventhough I do nothing. It happen since kanban upgrade (may be last week?).
Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates
Can someone help me with how to create a field using the formula function to calculate the number of dates between a campaign start date and end date? The closest I have gotten is using the "Datecomp" function but it gives you the dates in minutes, rather
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