MIN(0) != 0 in subforms
I need to identify orders containing free products. To do this, I created a "Minimum" field that should contain 0 if at least one product in the order's subform has a tariff equal to 0. This would trigger a workflow to proceed with the necessary actions
Why API response Data structure of a Custom field in Zoho Books or finance applications is different from Zoho CRM's Custom field
Hi Team, As per the topic, I would like to know why the customs fields in Zoho CRM is acting or treated like other system fields in Zoho CRM. But in Zoho Finance tools, the custom field is shown under the key "custom_fields" as a list. I would like know
Usage of real estate on the screen
Once I view the deal details there is quite a lot of real estate taken which I cannot use. Or I don't know how to use it. I'd like to show some information in the green space by adding it OR remove "Best time to" and "Contact Person" Info all together
Field is not found in Lead Conversion Mapping
so I create a new field in Leads module like this but I can't find it on lead conversion mapping, how to solve this?
Invoice from Deal
How do I create an invoice to Zoho Books from a deal at Zoho CRM? I need my invoices to be connected to my contacts AND my deals.
CRM Calendar and Two-Way Sync with participant calendars
We use CRM Calendar to schedule health care appointments, which are often re-occurring. When an appointment is deleted or changed in CRM, the client's calendar is not updated. This leads to clients receiving appointment reminders for deleted and canceled
Converting Date data type field to Datetime data type
I'm trying to convert the value of a CRM field that is of Date data type to Datetime data type to be able to create a Meeting event from a Deluge script, but I keep getting this error. I have tried applying toDateTime() to the variable and specifying
Edit 'my' Notes only
The permissions around Notes should be more granular, and allow to user to be able to edit the notes he created only. The edit Notes permission is useful as it allows the user to correct any mistakes or add information as needed. However, with this same
Education CRM
Does this Zoho CRM will works for the education sector. one of my friend who is working in an education sector, so he need a CRM for small school and basically he is looking for on premises one. So please suggest some right one.
How can we add products using a Wizard?
We want to create a Wizard to add products. Why is there no possibility to use the products module when creating a wizard?
Wizards for inventory modules and more
Dear all, We're delighted to make a quick announcement about impactful updates related to wizards. Thus far, Wizards have streamlined CRM data entry across key business modules like Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, and Custom modules by segmenting extensive
Add a Contact to multiple accounts
How can I add a contact to multiple accounts? We have several clients that own multiple businesses that need to be seperate accounts, but have the same contact. Moderation Update: We have a separate post capturing the feedback and votes for this feature.
Subforms and automation
If a user updates a field how do we create an automation etc. We have a field for returned parts and i want to get an email when that field is ticked. How please as Zoho tells me no automation on subforms. The Reason- Why having waited for ever for FSM
Missing parameters in Zapier app for "Zoho CRM"
Hello, I updated the Zoho CRM app in Zapier to the latest version (31 July 2024). There are some changes in the Zapier app "Zoho CRM" now. When I want to create a new entry in Zoho CRM in the "Notes" module, there I can no longer choose a parent module.
More than 100 contacts in Sheet View
I have about 500 contacts in Zoho CRM and need to do some manual manipulation (eg tidy up address fields). Sheet view does exactly what I need it to do as long as all the records can be listed on the one page (or the first 100 records if more than 1 page)
Customize Colors used on graphs and charts according to users desire.
It would be great if we could customize the graph's colors as we see fit. I hate that yellow is always the default color!
CPQ in Zoho CRM is now supported in sandbox
Dear customers, We're excited to announce that CPQ is now supported in sandbox environments. CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) functionalities help businesses streamline their sales processes. Features like Product Configurator, Price Rules, and Guided Selling
Tracking Mentors and Mentees Match in Zoho CRM
I am developing a system for a mentoring program where we match mentees with mentors and track the match in cohorts. There is a new cohort every semester. A mentee can participate in multiple cohorts, and a mentor can be matched with more than one mentee
Zoho CRM Cadences - Is it possible to add steps on cadances once active?
Hello! We have started playing with the recently launched feature in Zoho CRM - cadences. We have in the past used the mass email functions to send emails to a group of clients to try to reactivate their interest on our services. For example - sending
Bypass Blueprint
Hello. I'm creating a new blueprint. I have a lot of different deals on different stages. Since the blueprint is new, all of them will be at their first stage of the blueprint. I need to manualy set the blueprint for each deal. Is there any way I can
How to edit HTML on Quote template in CRM
I notice that the ability to edit the HTML on the templates has been removed or moved to a different area. How do we now edit the HTML?
Why are emails sending with @viazohocrm.com ?
I just sent out mass emails from CRM. They are sending from the email below and people cannot reply, and they are getting this message: Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to sales.XXXXXXXX.com.au@viazohocrm.com because the address couldn't
Blueprint Delay (leads created though API)
Has anyone else experienced a delay with leads entering a blueprint, specifically on leads created through the API? I am noticing a 5-10 minute delay on my end.
CRM Mail Merge fields
When we have a lot of requests for quotes, we use the mail merge function to quotes we have produced. It all works well but we have one thing we need that isn't showing up in the mail merge template. In our Quotes module we have selected to show product
How to add Addmonth() in zoho crm using client script
Hello Community, I have one requirement in Zoho CRM. There is Plan duration dropdown field. For ex, I have selected 1 month plan, when I entering date in Plan Start Date, Plan End Date field should automatically filled with Plan Start Date + addMonth(1).
How to add followers to Contacts within Tasks
Hi I've seen that the Contact pane of a Task shows a Follower count. However, clicking on it does nothing, and I can't see a way to add myself (or anyone else) as a follower to a contact. Is there a way to add oneself as a follower to a Contact record?
Seriously - Create multiple contacts for leads, (With Company as lead) Zoho CRM
In Zoho CRM, considering a comapny as a lead, you need us to allow addition of more than one contact. Currently the Lead Section is missing "Add contact" feature which is available in "Accounts". When you know that a particular lead can have multiple contacts, why was this feature not included. Now we have to miss out other contacts or enter them somewhere in the description.!!! this is bad.
is there any workflow rules to show pop up if a deal won?
so basically I want to remind our sales person to send a Google Business Profile Review URL to our happy customer. it should be sent manually by using Whatsapp message. so if the deal record stage is 'Won' then I want to show like a pop up in the screen
What is the data type of Multiselect field if I fetch it using API?
I have multi select (pick list) field like this and let say in deal record I picked several options (20 ft and 45 ft) like this my question is, what is the data type of it if I fetch it using Restful API? is it a String in JSON ? { "Container" : <What
Add Mass Update for Text Area Fields 'Description' and how-to mass update using Zoho Sheet View
It's not possible to mass update the 'Description' field. Please add mass update for text area fields. Thank you. Most new imports don't use description, so we add a first verbose context to leads. As VCF uploads are easy and it's cumbersome to add a
Options in Pick List
Hi there, we wanted to delete an option inside a pick list in the module Leads. For reasons unknown we cannot edit or delete the entry "Nicht qualifiziert". I looked through every workflows etc and cannot find any dependencies on that field. What could
VERY URGENT!!!! the decimal value turn to thousand in Blueprint !!!!!
I have a decimal field and here is the properties i have a decimal value like this in deal record but when I open it on Blueprint that decimal value turn to be 2987
How to Send Email from within a custom module (with or without an email template)
It is possible to send an email from the Deals module. However, I can't find a way to send an email from any of our custom modules. I have tried adding an email field to the modules (even though we don't really want one or need it there). That doesn't
Calling Functions within Functions - Standalone Functions
Zoho CRM Standalone Functions Standalone functions in Zoho CRM allow you to execute a function within another function. There are many practical use cases for standalone functions within Zoho CRM, including removing duplicate code and code reuse. This
Is it possible to restrict ZCRM user to see only custom views created by administrator
I have segmented data in my CRM and I want to allow different users to be able to see only parts of it based on some criteria. I've tried to create and share a custom view, but then there is always an option for user to see all open lead for example.
Zoho CRM Reports: multiple criteria on the same filter field?
Hi, I have a problem that I can't solve when using reports in zoho crm. In my case I have contacts who own the same product with different versions. Often, I need to find contacts who have product A, with version B but who don't have version C. The result
How would I set up a custom sequence per individual but based on a template/workflow?
Hello Zoho community. I run an events business and we often send out emails to people after a trade show or other event. We have a cadence we like to use (linkedin profile view, linked in connection request, email, email, phone, email, done) . I like
Restrict user from viewing the detail standard view
Is there any way to restrict a user(it can be user-field-based) from viewing the detail standard view? Basically, I have created a canvas detailed view so that on some conditions I can hide some data from the users but the standard view client script
If a Web-hook receives any error codes like 404, will it retry?
If a Web-hook receives any error codes like 404, will it retry?, We noticed it has retried to send the web-hooks twice/thrice in various cases, but only once if it has received 200. But there is no documentation about this behavior? Whats is the expected
Zoho CRM Kiosk Upload Files
Hello all, We are trying out Kiosks at the moment to see where it can fit best in our business. We are still a bit off in the application but lets say we will sort this out. My question is the following - when I create a Kiosk I can add "File Upload"
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