Can I hide empty Contact fields from view?
Some contacts have a lot of empty fields, others are mostly filled. Is there a way I can hide/show empty fields without changing the actual Layout? I would like to de-clutter my view, and also be able to add information later as I am able. I would be willing to learn to code a button, but I am highly confused about it and thus worried it would be beyond me. I've looked at a lot of the developer documents and I'm not able to make a lot of sense of them. Thank you in advance to anyone who knows the
Can I insert a note or attachment to a mass email?
Hello, I would like to be able to create a mass email based on criteria (we already do this), and then attach documents or notes from the Account into each email. But each attachment or Note will need to be specific to that Account...not the same document
Cannot See My Email Templates
I've created a few email templates, some against Leads, some against Contacts. But when I save them, they are not listed in the Email Templates list in Setup. The default Big Deal one is there, so is the first Leads one I created yesterday, but none since. But, when I go to email a contact (from the Contact record or through Mass Email, I get my templates available in the list of templates to choose from. Problem is, I need to edit the template, not the individual email, and I can't get to it!
Tasks as calendar events? What about a way to verify a meeting actually happened?
I'm not sure how to best ask this, but i'm looking to add some guard-rails into zoho for the end-user. However for guardrails to be effective they can't really add extra steps for the end-user. i.e. every step that's added for the user, is another place
Templates for multiple modules
I am setting up my CRM, and I am stunned to learn that you can't access templates across multiple modules. For instance, if you want to work out of the CRM, and you want to email one template to a Contact, another to a Lead, and another to an Account,
Preview Emails with Merge Fields before sending
Hello, Are there plans to preview an email with merge fields before sending out? Currently, all you see in the preview are the merge field values, but before I send out the email I want to make sure the merge is working. Also, the saved emails only show
The "Reason for loss" field in the Deals module is now a picklist field
Dear All, We hope you're well! We are pleased to announce that we have updated the "Reason for loss" field as a system-defined picklist field. Currently in Zoho CRM, when a deal is lost, the reason for the loss is collected as a descriptive form and
How do I populate a field on Account with data from a field on Deal?
We have some fields on Deals that we would like to transfer and populate fields on the Account once a deal is won. We have a workflow that changes some list-type fields when Deal Stage IS Closed Won. We would like to populate Account fields at the same
How do I change default sort of Open Tasks
How do I change default sort of Open Tasks listed on the Home page. For some reason my system is showing tasks way out in the future, I want to have it default to closest date so I don't have to keep clicking the date sort order button. Any help appreciated
Reminder to follow-up with someone
It seems that one of the most basic uses for a CRM is to schedule reminders to follow-up with someone after a set period of time. So if I want to send an email to someone a week after we met, what is the best way to do this? I can create a task under the contact saying to email the person, and then ask for a reminder to be sent to my email. But the email reminder doesn't contain any of the contact details for the individual, so I still have to go login to Zoho to see that basic info. Is there
Hiding / removing Currency field from Layout
Hello, I'm working on the LEAD standard layout of Zoho CRM. I like to have it as minimal as possible for our team. I could remove most of the field, but Currency is not possible. As lead, I don't quite understansd the necessity to have Currency as mandatory.
Trying to Setup Email via IMAP on Zoho
When I try to configure my IMAP email on Zoho CRM it keeps coming back with the undefined error message at the tope so please advise how I can rectify this please.
Turn Off Confirmation Dialogue Boxes
Is there a way to turn on/off confirmation dialogue boxes? For example, "Are you sure you want to mark this task completed?" The extra mouse clicking is tedious, time consuming and slows down the process. I can understand wanting to have a confirmation
Lead Fields
Good morning, Currently for LEADS we have a field that is "Lead status" and we have another field which is "Decline Reason". When a user selects the Lead Status to be "Declined" it will prompt a required field for "Decline Reason" so they can select the
Automatically populate Meeting fields based on recipients
Hi there, We're looking at using the integration with Office 365 to automatically sync meeting invitations sent to us by our clients, or sent by our team members through Outlook into the Meetings module in Zoho. This will save us time, as we won't have
Facilitate business processes by mandating Kiosks in your Blueprint's transition settings
Hello everyone, We've made a few enhancements to Kiosk Studio. Blueprints provide a structured and systematic approach to executing business processes, and you can use Kiosks to build custom capabilities to retrieve, collect, and execute actions on CRM
Our Review Of Zoho CRM after 60 Days
The purpose of this is to just share with Zoho why I love their product, but ultimately why I could not choose Zoho CRM for our next CRM. About two months ago we begun a CRM exploration process for our financial planning firm, based in Texas. We already
Enhancement in Field update and date/time based triggers in Workflow
Hello everyone, Workflows allow to automatically execute a set of actions whenever the defined criteria is met. For example, whenever a new lead is created an introductory email is sent. So this action will keep occurring automatically as long as the
Zoho CRM Client Portal
I have set up domain mapping. When a Portal User logs into the Client Portal and prints any page, the Zoho branding still
Zoho CRM Blueprint 3.0 — What's in store for you!
Hello everyone, We hope all of you are doing well. We are excited to let you know that we have launched a set of useful enhancements in Blueprint. Here is a rather elaborate post on what those enhancements are and what to expect. Feel free to get back to us with any questions you may have. Summary of enhancements: SLAs now support automated actions apart from existing default email alerts. "Same-state looping" has been introduced. The During Transition settings now let you mandate Tags. Introducing
Ability to access saved filters when the filter pane is hidden
Hello, a request here to be able to see saved filters when the filter pane is hidden. The benefit - This would free up an extra 15% or so more useable area for Kanban/listview because the filter pane can most be kept hidden ***NOTE - original request
Scheduled tag addition not triggering workflow in response
Hello, I have 2 workflows : workflow 1 and workflow 2. Workflow 2 triggers whenever a specific tag(reminder 3) is added to a contact. When I manually add the tag, workflow 2 seems to trigger alright. But when the same tag(reminder 3) is added through
how many contacts can I import from salesforce
it appears I'm on free version and can only import 20 or so contacts or accounts. Am I missing something?
Zoho Rollup Summary Field: An Overview
Zoho CRM is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes and improve customer engagement. One of the features that makes Zoho CRM stand out is the Rollup Summary Field, which allows you to perform calculations on related
Adding data from one module to a custom module
Hello! so i'm trying to make a function to transfer information from one module to another. Essentially when a contact is "closed" i have it move to a new module to reduce clutter, but some information needs to be saved. I already maxed out the line limit
Is it possible to edit a report in Zoho CRM?
Hi, I created a report in Zoho CRM Reports joining 2 tables, but now I would like to join a 3rd one. I can't seem to find the button for that, so I'm guessing that feature does not exist (?)
How do i add AUDIT Logs via API
i want to save user actions to audit logs
Kiosk Page Refresh
We have a Kiosk running from a button in contacts to update values and also add related lists, which works great, but when the kiosk is finished the page does not refresh to show the changes. Is there a way to force the contact to refresh/update when
Preventing a Comma in text fields
Hi, I'm trying to create a validation rule to prevent special characters, I'm able to add almost all special characters and it works fine..... except the Comma ( , ), You use the comma to separate between the values in the condition, but what about the
Product pricing without the Unit Price field
Hello, I am testing if I can use a different field for the unit price rather than the system default Unit Price. I have deleted the Unit Price field in Products and Services. When I then create a quote, CRM adds a price for the product even though there
New functions in formula builder in Zoho CRM
Dear Customers, We're happy to share some formula functions that will boost your application and bring a new level of functionality. Whether you're working with strings, dates, times, or numbers, these formula functions are designed to make your life
Cadence not working on leads that are created via form submission.
Hello, I have a Cadense set up to add Leads with the status "Webinar Follow-up Cadence in Process". When I manually create a new lead with that status is works fine and adds the lead to the cadence. However, I have a zoho form that automatically creates
Zoho Contracts and Writer- Linking Documents to CRM
So I tried Contracts and it seems like a glitchy ordeal. I created a template but when I started a new Contract based on that template it was changing the template and didn't seem to link to the CRM at all. My feelings about technology are that if you
Email Unsubscribe for Leads
I currently have a cadence set up for all leads with a specific status in a custom view. I’ve included the default Unsubscribe link in my emails. When it’s clicked it shows a message next to the email address in Leads but it does not automatically check
Force Record to Exit Blueprint
Hey friends! We have a blueprint set up for our Deals module to force certain stages after a deal is in a "Demo" stage. After it's in demo, either a salesperson must select "Demo Complete" or "Demo Not Held." Both of these timestamp a date for us where
Choose necessary Deal fields during bulk lead conversion in CRM
Module: Leads Editions: Standard edition and above DCs: All Release plan: This enhancement has been rolled out to all users in AU, JP, and CN DCs for all supported editions. Soon, it will be released for all users in other DCs as well. [Updated on 26
Error setting up email relay - AWS SES - 554 Message rejected
Hi, I want to use AWS SES to send emails and for this reason I am setting up email relay in Zoho CRM. But when trying to configure new server I get this error: 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check
Custom Apps Integration with Creator App doesn't work properly anymore
I have a self-developed custom app (Creator app) that I have integrated since a few months via the Setup/Zoho/Custom Apps integration. Additionally I display a related list in a standard module (Deals). Since today it doesn't work anymore. It suddenly
TAPI telephone
We are going to use a VOIP telephony system and they asked for TAPI. Does Zoho crm support TAPI?
Sending generic preliminary emails from PO's / Quote's module without attachment
Hello, A request to be able to send generic emails from Quotes and PO's module in case you need to build a conversation history prior to sending PO. Example: 1. I generate a PO and put it in "RFQ" status, initially setting price to an estimated value,
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