Send email to all contacts related to a module
My use case: I have a module named products, the records of which contains a related list of contacts associated with subscribing to that product. In cases where i need to trigger emails manually to give specific unprecedented updates of that product,
C# SDK net8.0 compatibility
The NuGet packages seem to be targeting .net4.6.1 only. Are there any plans to target .net8.0, which is the current LTS version? Which package should I be using to interact with the API when targeting .net8.0, if any? If the SDK does not readily support
Set Display for Numbers/Currency/etc with Client Script/Customization in Canvas List Page
Is it possible to set a display mask for a number/currency field using Client Script or customization? I have custom fields that I would like to keep the decimal places for calculation purposes, but do not need them displayed to the user. So 101.3568
Kaizen #167 - Configuration and Initialization of Zoho CRM Python SDK (V7) for different client types
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another week of Kaizen! Zoho CRM Python SDK allows developers to integrate Python applications with Zoho CRM. In today's Kaizen post, we will explore how to initialize and configure the SDK for both self-clients and server-based
How to Display Territory Field on Deal Object
I am assigning Territories to Deals. I am able to use the Territory field as a column in my list view but cannot figure out how to enable it to be visible when viewing a Deal record directly. Can you advise on how to display the territory assignment as
Mass Update in Zoho CRM
Hello, I want to update my past update records by using deluge on some conditions. anyone can please tell me how can I do it.
Sheet view ignores layout rules / How to restrict fields in sheet view
Hi Problem 1: When editing records in sheet view, layout rules are ignored. This is a problem, because it allows users to ignore some mandatory fields (mandatory in a Layout Rule). (Mass Update does not allow updating of fields with Layout Rules, so why
How to get bulk write to work as expected
I need to move data from our systems into Zoho. I have created a sandbox to test the usage of migrating our data to Zoho and confirmed everything worked there. When attempting to do the same with our production CRM I was met with an error saying Zoho
Kaizen #89 - Color Coding using Client Script
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another exciting Kaizen post. Today let us see how you can apply color codes to the List and Detail Pages of Zoho CRM using Client Script. Need for color code in Zoho CRM When you mark things with different colors as a
Unable to fetch SaleOrders
We are trying access SalesOrders on the new API, but we keep receiving the following error. We are using Postman to test. Error: URL: { "code": "INVALID_MODULE", "details": {}, "message": "the module name given
NodeJS version for CRM custom functions
It's been possible to write custom CRM functions in JavaScript: The NodeJS version seems to be quite old, according to the scripting functions docs though: The NodeJS editor uses the NodeJS 8.11. Is that version correctly documented? That is obviously
How to Perform Global Search
Hi everyone, I am working on an integration project using the Zoho CRM JavaScript SDK. I’ve implemented functionality to create and open entity records, but I am stuck on a specific requirement: I need to implement a global search feature where given
What are your best practices for using client scripting?
I'm beginning to leverage client script, and getting myself a little confounded with dealing with scripts for both in-line edit and full edit mode. Though my users like in-line edit, I can migrate us to full-page edit IF that is the more versatile mode
invalid_client error.
Hi, I am getting invalid client error while fetching Access token from grant token.
Subform on Detail Page (Standard) - Add Row Button - Validation / Disable Add Row?
It is possible to validate subform fields on the Edit page using Client Script. However, there appears to be no way to validate rows added using the Add Row button on the Detail page. This allows users to circumvent all validation and add invalid rows
Get Workflow Metadata via API
Is there a way to get metadata on workflows and/or custom functions via API? I would like to automatically pull this information. I couldn't find it in the documentations, but I'm curious if there is an undocumented endpoint that could do this.
Extension Pointers - Simple yet significant pointers #7: Resizing a widget
Setting widget dimensions Creating a widget involves customizing your UI to the way you want it displayed. Along with customizing the appearance of the elements inside the widget, it's also possible to customize the dimensions, such as the width and
Kaizen #80 - COQL API - Part I
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another week of Kaizen! This week, we will discuss the COQL Queries in detail. COQL (CRM Object Query Language) is a powerful query language based on SQL syntax that allows users to write their own queries and fetch records
Client Script | Update - Introducing Commands in Client Script!
Have you ever wished you could trigger Client Script from contexts other than just the supported pages and events? Have you ever wanted to leverage the advantage of Client Script at your finger tip? Discover the power of Client Script - Commands! Commands
How to Display Search Results Using ZOHO.CRM.API.searchRecord with in Zoho interface.
Hello Community, I’m currently using the ZOHO.CRM.API.searchRecord API to retrieve results within a module in Zoho CRM. The API works fine, and I can successfully fetch the data. ZOHO.CRM.API.searchRecord({Entity:"Leads",Type:"phone",Query:"123456789",delay:false})
Kaizen #81 - COQL API - Part II
Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of Kaizen! In continuation to last week's post on COQL API, we will discuss the rest of the field types and their supported operators with detailed examples in this post. Supported field types and Operators Please
setVisibility() not working for Subform Fields with Client Script
I am currently working on a Zoho CRM Client Script involving a subform and encountered a limitation that hinders my ability to fully control the visibility of specific fields within subform rows. The setVisibility() method, which works perfectly fine
Kaizen #165 : How to call Zoho CRM APIs using Client Script
Welcome back to another exciting Client Script post! In this post, we will discuss one of the most frequently asked questions: How do you call Zoho CRM APIs from Client Scripts? In this kaizen post, 1. Ways to make calls to Zoho CRM APIs using Client
API Credentials Can Be Reused To Access Any Organization Including Dev & Sandbox
When an application is created in the API Console, the client ID & secret can be used to access every single type of CRM: main (production), developer edition & any sandboxes. These credentials can be used to generate an access token for any of these
Get the body of an email from the Email module using a workflow
Hello Folks, I've created a workflow that works on the "Emails" module, this workflow sends the email information to a function. My Question is: How I can obtain the body of these emails? Since there is way to get the body from the fields of the Emails
CRM subform hide delete icon
Hi, is it possible to hide the delete and duplicate buttons on subforms in CRM with client script? I have set the fields to readonly via client script: ZDK.Page.getSubform("Subform").getField("field").setReadOnly(true); Users cant edit the fields anymore,
Enroll, Script, Win: Hackathon 2024!
Hello CRM Developers! Are you ready to create some magic with Client Script and Functions in Zoho CRM? Let’s make Hackathon 2024 an unforgettable adventure! The Zoho Developer Community Hackathon 2024 is here, and it’s your time to shine! REGISTER NOW
Add/Remove Values on Picklist via Deluge Function/Workflow
I'm trying to figure out how to add or remove a value on a picklist within CRM. For this case, it would need to be done in a workflow function. I see some options for Zoho Creator, but none for Zoho CRM. Are there any functions that can accomplish t
Client Script help for setting a listener
Hello Zoho Community, I need assistance with modifying my current client script. Current Setup I have a client script on the Quote module within CRM, which is set to run on the Edit Page. The script is triggered by a Field Event on a checkbox field called
Kaizen #164 : Client Credentials
Hello everyone, Welcome back to Kaizen. In this post, we will discuss Client Credentials Flow and when it can be used. What is Client Credentials Flow? According to RFC6749, the official specification for the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, "The client
Zoho CRM in Microsoft Power Automate Custom Data Connector
Hello, I have set up a custom data connector in Microsoft Power Automate. It is a connector to retrieve Zoho CRM data. I am pretty certain that I have entered the OAuth 2.0 authentication information correctly. However when I test the Get request
INVALID_TOKEN message when associating project to a deal
Hi Please can someone assist with this issue I am encountering using this Deluge script in Zoho One? This script successfully creates a new project in the projects module when a deal is won in CRM. However the second part of the script is to associate
URL format for objects in different DC
Hi there, I'm currently working on supporting multiple DCs. While everything works as expected, there is one problematic topic - I am displaying a link that user can click and it will open object in Zoho CRM - i.e. Account. So war, I've been using the
Introducing Data Model for CRM
Hello everyone! We are thrilled to unveil our latest feature, the Data Model! Data Model is your ultimate visual guide to understand and master your CRM's data structure. What is the Data Model? Data Model gives you a visual representation of how the
COQL parsing error
Dear ZOHO support! I had a similar problem a few years ago, so I hope that you will help me. I've got an error for the following COQL query: `select $se_module, Trigger FROM Events WHERE (Created_Time >'2024-10-01T04:00:00Z') LIMIT 200`. The error response
Best way to fetch data from potentials using NextJS?
What is the best way to fetch data from Zoho CRM Potentials using NextJS. I would like to send the potential name and get back all data for that potential to display on our app. Thanks, Rob G.
Connect and create Zoho CRM widget using React.js and package the widget through "zet" sdk
Hey guys, how y'all doing? I have trouble connecting zoho crm widget with react.js or other frameworks. Could you help me with CLI instructions for setting up zoho "zet" sdk and react.js and how to package the app later to be able to deploy it locally?
Trigger workflow or assignment rule from SDK Bulk Write
Hello, I've seen some discussion about a trigger parameter using the InsertRecord API call, however I was curious if it's possible to trigger a workflow or assignment rule using the Bulk Write calls in the SDK. Thanks
Hi Support I would like to raise ERROR API WATI received after to configurate the API WATI. The API does not send new contact to leads despite i selected automatically creation leads option. Please contact to me very urgent Thank you
Quick Create needs Client Script support
As per the title. We need client scripts to apply at a Quick Create level. We enforce logic on the form to ensure data quality, automate field values, etc. However, all this is lost when a user attempts a "Quick Create". It is disappointing because, from
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