Upload data base to CRM - unique identification
Dear ZOHO Masters I have a database where unique identification is my own field - in companies database and in my excel. How can I add this ID to the unique parameters so it would appear in upload option for update data differentior. Thank you very much
how to get more than 2000 records using COQL?
I am using this query below to get the first 2000 records using COQL: SELECT Deal_Name, id from Deals WHERE Created_Time between '2024-08-06T00:00:00+07:00' and '2024-10-07T23:59:59+07:00'LIMIT 2000 I send request using this code var data = { 'select_query':
Java SDK 7 giving error invalid token
Zoho CRM Java SDK 7 we are using to develop our application. But facing issues while creating basic class for creaitng record some or the other issue with token. with a valid access token also it would give as invalid token error. or else OAUTH_SCOPE_MISMATCH","message":"invalid
Getting id returned by __create() in Client Script
Hi Example: var objJob = new ZDK.Apps.CRM.Jobs.Models.Jobs(); objJob.Name = 'Test'; response = objJob.__create(); I'm trying to get the id of the record I created, however response.details.id and response.__details.id are undefined. How do I retrieve
have a json response that I format into html table how to display it in a zoho crm records
Hello I had a json response that I format into a table html, for a better visibility I turn response to html table (columns, line) But it seems no way to display it in zoho crm field Maybe there is a workaround? maybe not html table, but need something
Unable to fetch large query
Hi I'm unable to retrieve more than 2000 records using the CRM API v6. Looking at the docs it is clear that the upper limit should be around 10.000, not 2000. Query error # {'code': 'LIMIT_EXCEEDED', 'details': {'by': 'limit', 'limit': 2000}, 'message':
Possible to generate/download Quote PDF using REST API?
See title. Is there any way after a quote has been created to export to a PDF using a specified template and then download it? Seems like something that should be doable. Is this not supported in the API v2.0?
Zoho CRM: Can we get lead status history table using REST APIs kindly advise?
I am able to see the status history of a lead on Zoho CRM, and also retrieve on Zoho Analytics, I am wondering if there is an endpoint with which this table can be retrieved on other tools like Power Bi. Or if there is an endpoint using which we can programmatically
Upserting several records at once
I am pushing data from Creator to CRM so it'd be nice to not waste API calls and just upsert several records at once as it seems to be possible according to https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/v7/upsert-records.html It says we can do up to 100
Kaizen #158 - How to effectively handle API calls to optimize API credits?
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another post in the Kaizen series! In this post, we will discuss a few strategies to handle API calls effectively and optimize your API credits. As you all know, your CRM edition comes with a set number of credits(this
How to format API get request for Google Calendar connection?
I am brand new to API call scripts. I am a google Workspace user. I need to use the google calendar connection to get a list of calendar events with criteria (notably start or end date-times). Then I need to put them in zoho crm's Meetings module. This
Remove HTML Format - Deluge
Hello @all if you want to delete the HTML format from the text please follow the script. Data = "Text"; info Data..replaceAll("<(.|\n)*?>" , "").replaceAll(" " , " "); Apart from this if you require anything please let me know Thanks & Regards Piyush
Dynamically populating picklist using v7 API is throwing INVALID_DATA error
Hi, So basically, I've tried all sorts of solutions but to no avail. This is the error I kept on getting: { "code": "INVALID_DATA", "details": { "expected_data_type": "jsonobject" }, "message": "body", "status": "error" } And this is the object I'm passing
Search records API returning 204
when using the search API for finding records, the response is 204 no content. I have tried two options of GET https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v6/Contacts/search?criteria=Email:equals:robert...@...com https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v6/Contacts/search?email=robert...@...com
Simple Request : Insert record to CRM Custom Module via Deluge
I'm quite used to Deluge in Creator, however I can not get the simplest bit of code to work in the CRM. I have full admin access to the system and ensured and am running the script on the Administrator permissions which has access to everything. I have
Client script: checking for problems when calling a connection
Hi everyone! I'm writing a Client Script in which I need to use a Connection to call our custom ERP. I'm doing something like: var res = ZDK.Apps.CRM.Connections.invoke("myerp", "https://our.url/path", "POST", 1, parameters, headers); and it works, so
Kaizen #157: Flyouts in Client Script
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another exciting edition of our Kaizen series, where we explore fresh insights and innovative ideas to help you discover more and expand your knowledge!In this post, we'll walk through how to display Flyouts in Client Script
Set connection link name from variable in invokeurl
Hi, guys. How to set in parameter "connection" a variable, instead of a string. connectionLinkName = manager.get('connectionLinkName').toString(); response = invokeurl [ url :"https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/freeBusy" type :POST parameters:requestParams.toString()
401 w/ blank response while using a valid access token to query records in Zoho CRM
Hi, I'm building a background sync app for my website, so I used the API console to generate a Self Client w/ authorization code. I set the scopes to - ZohoCRM.settings.ALL based on https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/v7/modules-api.html?srcPlan=NewCRM.
Client script to validate field: showError and prevent Save
Hi, I am pretty new to Zoho CRM customization and I would like to know which is the best practise to use client script for field validation. I developed a very simple function to validate "onChange" of a field. When the user enters an invalid value, the
Upload Bulk records in Zoho CRM
Hi, I am trying to upload bulk sales orders into Zoho. The process is so slow via API, so I have decided to change the approach and now I want to upload the Sales orders using csv. Still, I am not sure how I can add the order line products via CSV in
Automate Zoho CRM Export to pdf
Is there any way to automate through Deluge or another language the 'Export to PDF' or the 'Send Email' task? When the individual in charge of invoices marks the invoice as 'Finished', there would be a process enabled to download the PDF or email the
how to get users from a group id using API?
Hi, let say I have a group id, and that group has 10 members. which Zoho CRM API that I can use to get those 10 user ids?
Fetching subform for sales orders modules using COQL
I'm using the sales order module, I am trying to fetch a list of orders that belong to a customerId using COQL. While fetching the order, I am not able to retrieve order items(which is a subform). I am using v3 of coql. I tried using the following thing:
i am facing Problem to authenticate myself for running any of the CRM Api
i have generated a server based Client and get code from the zoho further i am trying to run get token api but getting invalid Client, Please help me to resolve my issue.
Client Script field.setCriteria need the list of possible operators for criteria or the opposite of "equal"
The gist is to just filter the lookup the countries not listed in the multiselect field. I've been using a client script and this time I would like to set this criteria for the lookup: op.setCriteria("((Specialty_Requirement:equals:" + spec + ")and(Countries_Excluded:not_equal:"
Kaizen #99 - Render Widgets Using Client Script
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another interesting post. In this post, let us see how you can render Widgets using Client Script. Widgets are embeddable UI components that you can create and add to your Zoho CRM. You can use widgets to perform functions
Kaizen #131 - Bulk Write for parent-child records using Scala SDK
Hello and welcome back to this week's Kaizen! Last week, we discussed how to configure and initialize the Zoho CRM Scala SDK. This week, we will be exploring the Bulk Write API and its capabilities. Specifically, we will focus on executing bulk write
Kaizen #156 - Enhancing Mass Communication in Zoho CRM with a Custom Button Widget
Hello code enthusiasts! Welcome to a fresh week of Kaizen! In this post, you will learn how to build a custom button widget to boost mass communication of your business using SMS notifications and pre-recorded calls within Zoho CRM. Business Scenario
Self Client invalid_code Error
Hello, We are trying to use the Zoho CRM SDK version 7.0 for Node.js, with an API Self Client. We have our Self Client ID and secret saved, and have generated 2 different refresh tokens. Every time the SDK tries to get an access token using either of
how to convert to PDF having already the base64 in a field of my form that I need to view or download?
Hello team, I have a script to get information from a PDF file in a module from CRM but it is bringing it to me as base64, I need to convert it to PDF to be able to view it from zoho creator. Please help me.., SCRIPT: void obtenerPDFsDesdeCRM(int IDlead)
Zoho Bulk Write API
Request i am making to upload the file !curl "https://content.zohoapis.com/crm/v6/upload" -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.xxxx" -H "X-CRM-ORG: xxxx" -H "feature: bulk-write" -F "file=@sample2.csv.zip" Response: {"x-error":"Check if headers
Zoho CRM's V6 APIs are here!
Ho ho ho, developers! Hold onto your hot cocoa because we have just unwrapped the ultimate Christmas gift for you - Zoho CRM v6 APIs!! Just in time for the season of giving, this monumental release comes bearing enhancements and new APIs that aim to elevate
I just can't get the syntax correct on this and could do with some help. I've looked through all the posts and dcumentation I can find, however a lot of it is contradictory. I am wanting to essentially duplicate this Analytics agregate formula in a CRM
Client Script - onBeforeUpdate, how to get the new value of picklist
Basically, I have "Contact Type" field, and if a particular type is selected from within Canvas detail page, I want it to show a popup warning. I have all of this working, except that getvalue on the particular field in question shows the currently saved
Deploy or update Zoho CRM custom functions via curl
How can I deploy/modify/update my custom deluge functions using curl? Can't find related API endpoints in CRM documentation Provide me with examples I need it for making autodeploy process from git repo Thank you
RTL in client-script
hi, im trying that after an ontype event the filed will be RTL abd centerd. this is the code: var elem = ZDK.UI.getElementByID('test'); elem.addStyle({ direction: 'rtl', 'text-align': 'center' }); where did i get wrong?
Need a way to run a client script longet than 10 seconds
By The Grace of G-D. Hi, Currently, Client Scripts are Timing out at 10 seconds. We have complex logics that needs more time. Can you add a feature request to increase the timeout?
Client Script: new value not set after calling setValue() - what's wrong?
I'm new to Javascript and Zoho Client Script, though I have experience developing applications in C and Java. I have been trying to figure out why my code doesn't work and would appreciate help from the community to point out what's wrong. For my current
Kaizen #155 - Frequently Asked Questions on Subforms
Hello all! Welcome back to another post in our Kaizen series. In this post, we will address the most frequently asked questions about Zoho CRM Subforms from the Zoho CRM Developer Community Forum. Subforms Subforms allow users to capture multiple records
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