Automation with Dataprep
Hi, this looks like a very exciting app, but i need to make sure that it works for our requirements. Is there any way Dataprep or another Zoho service can monitor a WorkDrive folder to start a transformation if a new file is added and then move the file
dataprep connection with databridge
Hi i have tried con connet using you r data bridge before an database on analitycs and today im'trineg to confirgure anoter conenction trouht datbridge application . bu unfortunately i cant connect to anyting. i don't revice any errors or any infiormationa
Count more than 24 hours
Hi, I am trying to prepare my user logs for dashboarding. However I have found that the columns with usage time do not exceed the 24 hours. Is there a way to let it count longer timeperiods? Thanks in advance. Dave
Zoho Dataprep part of Zoho ONE
Hello, is Zoho Dataprep part of Zoho One? Thank you, Oliver
Zoho DataPrep is now launched!
We are excited to announce the launch of Zoho DataPrep – An advanced self-service data preparation and data pipeline service. Introducing Zoho DataPrep Zoho DataPrep helps organizations prepare data by automatically identifying errors, discovering data
Export data from Dataprep to zoho analytics
Hi, I am trying to export a prepared data from DataPrep to Zoho Analytics, but it won't export and throwing an "unexpected error" error message. My question is do I have to have a table in zoho analytics with the same structure(columns) before export