Deluge in Zoho services #1: Zoho Mail
Hello everyone, We hope to present the various Zoho services that support Deluge through a series of posts. In today's post let us explore Deluge in Zoho Mail. Filters is the Zoho Mail feature that encompasses Deluge. When a Deluge function is associated
Pull Data from Zoho Books to Contacts Module in Zoho CRM
Hi, I've integrated my Zoho Books with Zoho CRM. For every contact that I have in my Zoho CRM, I wish to have the following three fields: 1. Total Sales 2. Total Receivable 3. Due Receivables (based on the Account the Contact belongs to) How should I
Help with zoho.crm.getRecords
Dear community, I have one question about a deluge function. I'm using the function zoho.crm.getRecords("Accounts", 0, 200, {"cvid": 3966036000418539959}); To return all the records from my custom view id 3966036000418539959. The issue I'm facing is
Books API error 3044: "email address can not be blank for contacts associated to recurring invoices"
Hi, I am having this issue but do not understand why. I get this error when I try to update contact in Books Example: params: {"JSONString":{"contact_name":"CUSTOMER NAME","currency_id":"xxxxxxxxx","phone":"11111111111","billing_address":{"address":"ppppppppppppp","state":"DDDDDDDDDDD","city":"cccccccccccccc","zip":"sssssss"},"contact_type":"customer","custom_fields":[{"api_name":"cf_rut","value":"111111111111111"},{"api_name":"cf_raz_n_social","value":"DDDDDDDDDDD"},{"api_name":"cf_c_digo_iso","value":null}],"contact_persons":[{"email":""}]}}
File Attachment API does not return a value when there are no attachments
I need to know if a call to:{module_api_name}/{record_id}/Attachments has null results. It appears to return nothing, not even "null." Video explanation here:
Recent updates to built-in functions in Deluge
Hello everyone, Deluge offers more than 200 built-in functions for widely performed actions, like adding specified number of business days to a date, removing extra leading & trailing spaces in a text, and so on. You can refer to our help documents and
Extracting data out of XML in Deluge
Hi, I'm getting a data through API from GET function such as get_data = getUrl(" "); info get_data; This responds with: <DTDCREPLY xmlns=""> <CONSIGNMENT xmlns=""> <CNHEADER> <CNTRACK>true</CNTRACK> <FIELD name="strShipmentNo" value="T04525306"/>
Google Drive API integration - request body - invokeurl
Hi, I am accessing Google Drive API (documentation at through Zoho CRM. This is working fine, using commands like the following, which pull a Google Drive folder reference from the Contact, and returns a list of files inside that folder: gdriveURL = ""; mapParameters.put("q","'" + Contact.get("gdriveextension__Drive_Folder_ID") + "' in parents and (name contains 'foo' or name contains 'bar') and trashed
Deluge Script to update Custom Field in Product Details section of Quote record
Just wondering if anyone can provide insight on the Syntax required to access (update) custom field that have been created inside the Product Details section of a Quote or Purchase Order record? For example, we might have a Date/Time custom field In the
For each element, what is the good syntax?
Hello, I'm trying to use the for each element in Deluge in a custom function in Zoho CRM but I get error message no matter how I write the code. If I write like this: 20 for each x in notesinfo { 21 = contact_id; 22 x.$se_module = "SubContacts";
What is syntax for a compound JSON expression in search filter?
The JSON I need to search is Parent_Deal/id "Parent_Deal": { "name": "01 - Parent - ACX Jags-Warm Ups & Jersey", "id": "4776102000000379536" }, What is the syntax for that in this URL for an invokeurl? ??????????? :equals:"
What is the best way to develop in deluge?
Hello fellow developers, I want to ask all of you a question: What is the best way to develop with deluge in a daily basis? I mean. Most of the time I am making tests with functions and with real data, but when I am debugging, a lot of the times nonsense
Zoho Authtokens to be expired and its impact on Deluge
Hello everyone, We hope you are aware that we have stopped new authtoken generation throughout the Zoho suite. Following this, in order to thoroughly move to OAuth authentication, we are now intending to stop the working of existing Zoho authtokens. On
Function #41: Sync Associated Subforms!
Welcome back everyone! The last custom function showed how to update a Contact with Product details from it's Related list in Deals. This week, let's look at a function that lets you update subform records in two modules simultaneously when one of them is updated. Business scenario Let's look at how subform helps in an education institution that has deployed Zoho CRM. National Public School, Austin (made up, of course!) has set up Zoho CRM and it follows the same relationship pattern of "Students",
getJSON where parent field is not a field name
I've got data coming in to Creator from Zoho People in JSON format and want to extract specific values. However each record is identified by the individual's unique ID. For Example: { "response": { "result": [ {
Need someone to train me in Deluge
Dear developer community, I'm a Zoho partner from Croatia and am interested in learning Deluge. At the moment I have really basic Deluge knowledge gained through self-learning. Zoho training team doesn't offer online training in Deluge at the moment. The only option they have are on-site trainings which don't happen very often and are never held in my country (which means extra travel cost for me). If you provide 1-on-1 Deluge training online please feel free to reach out to me. I'd be happy to discuss
Moving a subform lookup to another subform lookup
Hello, i need help to pull data from one field into another. Module - opportunity 1.So in example below - attached = Pull data from - Builds subform - if Quote/Estimate/Invoice check box is checked (add to) or unchecked (Remove from) the products
Need help with COQL date operators
How do I use a variable in the SELECT statement to compare a field value to a date variable Renewal_Date is a CRM date-time data type. This generates a data-type error: aDate = today; "{\"select_query\" : \"select Last_Name, First_Name from Contacts where
ifNull and isNull analyze differently
There is a problem where isNull analyzes "" as true, and ifNull analyzes "" as false. Very frustrating considering that there is no support calling your own custom functions. I would right my own corrected version of this function except you have to go
Zoho oAuth Connection not working
So my Zoho to Zoho app connections have stopped working. They have become "disconnected", anytime I try and authenticate them they work for a couple of seconds and then "disconnect" again. Support suggested I create a new connection and edit every function
Deluge: changing type of file from .xslx to .xslm
Hello, I am creating an excel merge by sending Zoho CRM data to Formstack Documents (formerly Webmerge) through API. The document created is .xslx, as Webmerge does not allow to generate .xlsm templates. I was wodnering if it would be possible to cnover
{"code":2930,"message":"Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience."}
Hello, Im trying to update my conections with Zoho Creator from V1 to the new. I have a simple update getRecords and updateRecord, but both are giving the same error: {"code":2930,"message":"Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience."} The code is this way: searchB = zoho.creator.getRecords("roboplan","planeamento-plano-b","Tasks_Report",criteriaB,1,200,"creator"); And creatorB = zoho.creator.updateRecord("roboplan","planeamento-plano-b","Tasks",creatorid,rowDataB,empty,"creator"); I've
Deluge's Encoding and Encryption functions
Hello everyone, In this post, let us discuss the encryption functions available in Deluge. Deluge supports a set of built-in functions to encode, decode, encrypt, and decrypt your data using various encryption standards. Function Description Applicable services zoho.encryption.base64Encode Encodes text data to base 64 format All services zoho.encryption.base64Decode Decodes the text encoded in base 64 format All services zoho.encryption.base64DecodeToFile Decodes the text encoded in base 64 format
Deluge upcoming update: Creator V2 integration tasks
Hello everyone, As you are already aware, Zoho Creator V2 APIs were introduced recently. We are now geared up to roll out five new Zoho Creator integration tasks that are based on the V2 APIs in three weeks. Once these tasks are live: The existing Creator V1 integration tasks will continue to work until the Zoho V1 APIs reach their end of life on February 3rd, 2021. Until then, the V1 integration tasks will be marked as deprecated, i.e., these tasks will be struck and grayed out in the Deluge editor.
Updating customer shipping address via Zoho Inventory API
My client is looking to add a functionality that will allow Zoho inventory to automatically update the City, State and Country fields on a customer record based on a zip code that they've entered. For example - if they enter 92705 as a zip code (US zipe code) the system will automatically update the following: City: Santa Ana, State: California, Country: United States I was able to write a custom function that looks at the customer record, and calls the google maps API to retrieve the City, State
Getting error on call a webhook in Zoho Flow from deluge.
I with to trigger a Zoho Flow via a webhook trigger by invoking a URL from deluge. The Zoho Flow is all set up and running smoothly - but I keep getting an effort with invoking the URL via deluge (which is running as a function with Zoho Sales IQ Bot - Zia Skills. Following is my deluge code (keys randomized, of course) // create an API to create an inquiry process request to Zoho Flow urlCall = ""; urlparams = Map(); urlparams.put("zapikey","243123412.123412341234214332142134213412421435144235");
Flow Custom Function: Issues retrieving record from Zoho Creator
I am currently trying to write a custom function in Zoho Flow to get record details from Creator. I am not sure it it is a syntax issues or what. I am using the following code to get the records. string getUnitMembers ( int params ) { response = zoho.creator.getRecords("[MyName]","[AppName]","Members_Details","Unit_Number==params"); info response; return response; } This however gives me this message. [
"message": "There is no records match for this condition"
] Any ides here? I
Annual Revenue
I want to show the auto populate a field in the account module with the sum of amounts in all invoices associated with that account in essence this would be my Annual Rev for the account. Is this possible?
New built-in functions in Deluge
Hello everyone, In today's post, let us begin with understanding functions, return values, arguments, and built-in functions. Towards the end of the post we will have a look at some of the newly supported built-in functions. What are functions? Functions do exactly what the name suggests. They are used to perform a specific 'function' or a task. Functions are used to combine multiple instructions to form a single piece of code meant to perform an action. And whenever you want to perform that action
update milestone status using deluge
one thing that would make projects much cleaner is an option to complete milestones if all task are completed. this would keep the projects clean and focused especially on the mobile app. with that said i have attempted to write a script in deluge to check for all task completed and then update the milestone to completed. i am using the function zoho.projects.updated located here: i have also referenced the api guide on parameters to
Copying field from one module to another with letters like &
I have a custom function that copy fields from Account to Contacts (and opposite) as a workaround since we can simply use a formula to display the field of a parent module. All worked nicely until a customer added a symbol & in a field. The function just fail. How can I fix that?
How do I to get the RecordID of the currently active record?
How do I to get the RecordID of the currently active record?
Search CRM custom module by date field
Hi folks, I am attempting to create a deluge script that will search a custom CRM module (Publishing) for all records where the Publishing_Date field is set to specific date. My code is as follows: // fetch all publishing module records for the Month and Year searchDateString = concat("Publishing:Publishing_Date:is:",TargetPublishingDate); pubList = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Publishing",searchDateString); info "date "; info searchdatestring; info "Publishing List Returned"; info pubList; When testing
Sending to Cliq from CRM
Hi, I'm building a workflow in CRM which starts e Deluge script. In that script, I like to send a message to a channel. I see a connection is mandatory. How can I find the requested connection name between the CRM and Cliq ?
How to know how many result in total from a getRecords()
Hi, I'm using getRecords() to get a list of accounts. However you need to set a page and a number of record (per page I guess). So the default is 200 results per page. But how do I know if there aren't more results than the limit ? For example, I have 700 Accounts, I already know today there is 300 records marching my request, but as the limit is 200, how do I know there are 100 records left out... How do I know the total of results ? What is the best way to handle this ? Thanks
JSON getting sub data
Just getting into Flow / Deluge and am making progress but am now stuck and hoping this is a really simple thing. I have a webhook coming in from Quotient. The payload contains sub items I need to for each on, so I can add monthly revenue and One Off. I cannot work out how to use .tojsonList to get this into a list The data I am after is in selected_items and basically all I want to do is run through the items with a couple of if statements that add the revenue together into one varialble if subscription
Getting Zoho Sign fields for CRM
Using Zoho Sign with a custom module, so can't use the extension. Use a webhook and Flow to send the sign doc with the default value of the fields set. When a document is signed, I want to check the completed fields in the signed document against the CRM fields. Seems relatively straight forward.... apart from my deluge skills just aren't quite good enough. I can get the data using zoho.sign.getDocumentByID. I can see the data I want, but I don't seem to have the skills yet to extract the field
Any opened Deluge repository ?
I plan to use a bit Deluge for some functions in our Zoho One, I was wondering is there were some open repository of scripts or snippets ? This would be a way for me to start learning :) As for a start, I'd like to get message in my Cliq, when I get an estimate approval request. This is parallel to the email notification, I just want to test with Cliq. Thanks !
Converting time OR date strings into time objects?
I have a list of strings that either contain a timestamp OR contain a date, for example: 2020-02-29T18:50:00+05:30 2020-02-28T02:30:00+05:30 2020-02-28 What it the easiest way to iterate over them and convert each of them either into a time object or a date object, as applicable?
How to sort result set from getRecords
Anybody have a code snippet to show me how to sort the result set from a call to getRecords() Here's my working function call: records = zoho.crm.getRecords("Articles_Press",1,100); return records; it would be ideal if getRecords could take a CRM View as parameter, and also specify a sort column, and sort order as parameters.
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