Integration OF ZOHO Support with SMS
Hi Can zoho support integrate with SMS . Example I send a sms to a predefine web number and same gets converted to a ticket . Regards Manish
Read Status is always false
<fl val="Read Status"><![CDATA[false]]></fl>
Converting JSOS to object
While reading getrecords result in JSON. i get this error during deserialize. Is there a better way to convert JSON string into some zoho object/wrapper Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MVC_Client.Models.ZohoDesk]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly. To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal
Widget Development for Customer Portal
For the Customer Portal, we want to develop a widget. Our widget needs to be aware of the current logged in customer. We would then use those customer details to further query the API for additional customer details. Can this be done?
Description Field is null
Hi, When I use the GetRecords method with the "Requests" module, the "Description" field value is always [null]. If I check the Request values by using the GetRecordsById method, the Description field value is correct. I consider this as a bug. Can you please check? Thanks, Dirk
Emails not reaching Desk/Support Tool
I haven't been receiving emails all weekend into the DESK tool. I checked my inbox and it looks like they are being denied somewhere. Here is the response I'm getting back. Something like this happened over the holidays as well and it took Zoho a few days to figure out the issue. Please let me know if anyone else has had this issue and knows what is wrong? From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <> Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 8:47 PM Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Zoho Desk New Contract via API
Hi guys, I found the documentation about creating a new record in Zoho Desk: But I cannot find the documentation of the field list per object type. For example, if I want to create a new contract, which are the supported field names and types? If you want that developers use your API a minimal documentation about it is fundamental. Thanks, Luca
first response time are showed it in hours or in minutes?
Hi! I just need to know if the first response time in Overview Tab (Reports) are in minutes or in hours and how I know it? if I see 07:15 it means for example that first response time was be in 7hours 15 minutes or it means 7 minuts and 15 seconds? Thankk you
Requests data and the HappinessRating
Hello, My end goaI is to build a similar metric to the Happiness Rating that can be found in the Reports section of Zoho Desk. I am retrieving the Requests data of the last 7 days (using ModifiedTime) and I have a column called HappinessRating that i can see has values like -1, 0 and 2 Can you explain what this values mean and their relation to Good, Ok and Bad ? Pedro
Getting replies from ticket
Is there an api to get customer replies from zoho desk I've been looking into this one[auth token]&portal=[portal]&department=[department]&requestid=[case id]&showoriginal=true But it only returns a summary of the content and not the full reply. Is there any additional endpoint or parameter that allows returning the full reply content. Thank you.
Attachment with Zoho desk ticket
Hello, please provide me api for Attachment with zoho desk ticket. please provide API doc Link with request structure. thanks
Attach file in support ticket using API
I am not able to attach file in support ticket using api. API I am using is: Is it allow from API?
Uploading attachments via addrecords
Hello, We are trying to set up the functionality mentioned above. We are aware of the reply to a similar inquiry placed 3 years ago ( - since nobody has responded to my question placed there I have decided to create a new topic on that. if it is still not possible, is there any chance to introduce such a desirable thing in the nearest future? Please kindly respond in a reasonable time. Best regards Michal
What editions of zoho desk support custom functions
Hi We have zoho desk professional and tried to create a custom function and found option is not available. No document points what edition of zoho desk support custom functions. Any help? Thanks.
Is it possible to post a comment to a TASK using API?
Can I send a new comment to a task using API or other external integration?
Module requests getRecords order
Hello, My end goal is to get from the API the requests created in the last 14 days (for example) Is there any way to sort the results by a specific field (in this case Creation Time)? When we do a simple request I can't understand the order of the requests returned. Since I don't understand the order the requests are returned and we have more than 200 results the only solution I see so far is to try to get all data (changing the index) and then
Getting a 404 from jquery-3.1.0.min.js in zsfeedbackinit.js when try to load widget.
In the Chrome web dev tools: zsfeedbackinit.js:1 GET http://localhost:3000/[my app details]/jquery-3.1.0.min.js 404 (Not Found) I am copy/pasting my "widget" from zohodesk into the page and getting this error. This error implies to me that zsfeedbackinit.js is trying to load jquery using the current URL as a base and not with the information that is passed into it. The application is already loading the version of jQuery that comes with Rails, which is an older version. Any suggestions for
'Solution Owner cannot be NULL' when trying to add a new solution
When I try to add a new solution, I keep getting this error: Solution Owner cannot be NULL (code 4832) The URL I use to add a new solution:<requests><row no="1"><fl val="Solution Title">Vanuit de website</fl><fl val="Answer">Het antwoord</fl><fl val="Topic">Vanuit de website</fl><fl val="Status">Draft</fl><fl val="Solution Owner">Sample</fl></row></requests>
Retrieving the topic/category hierarchy
Hello, I'm using the API's for retrieving the questions and answers. However, I can only gather the topics/categories by retrieving all questions and retrieve the linked topic from those results. Is there any method available to only retrieve the topics/categories and it's sub categories?
Generating ticket from CRM
What is the suggested solution for creating a support ticket and generate an email from our internal CRM? Thanks, Fritz
Not able to set Due Date while creating a ticket through
I am trying to create Ticket using url posting the data through multipart form request, but the due date never changes. All i want is to set the Due date 3 days ahead of the current date. May be I am passing the date in wrong format. I tried using the below formats: 1. MM/dd/yyyy 2.MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a 3. MM-dd-yyyy Status for now: Everytime i create a ticket , the due Date is set to 2 days ahead of current date.(Is this default setting??) Please help
Contacts Profile
Is there a way to add a picture to my contacts profile? You have an outline of a person but no way I can see to import a picture.
Modified Time in response?
It's possible to sort and filter be Modified Time in the Support API, but the Modified Time value does not come back in the response. Is there a parameter that can be set or some other method to enable the Modified Time to be included in the response?
C# Example Zoho Support parse Search xml when using API
I was wondering if you had an example of parsing the response from a zoho support search using the API. Here is my current code //Process Xml REsponse XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(responseFromServer); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("row"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { ZohoTicketSearch curTicket = new ZohoTicketSearch(); curTicket.billable = node.SelectSingleNode("Billable").InnerText;
Live Chat from Desktop App
Hello, I'm trying to add a live chat support to my desktop app. 1. Is this a good idea with Zoho Support? I think it is simple, add button to my desktop app that opens a chat window? 2. Can I pass some parameters (that will be provided from my app) while opening the chat window (like Name, email, and maybe a custom field with activation key) ? Thank you, Davor
Is it possible to update the Case Owner using zoho support API?
I want to update the "assigned To" Field for a ticket using Case ID. The Case ID i am fetching using this API So can anyone please help me in this?
ZOHO Support API not returning all fields
I am having a problem getting all the fields from zoho support api. I use the getRecords without the selectFields for the support api and am not getting all of the fields. I am using this url format I only get these fields CASEID, DEP_ID, Department, CONTACTID, Contact Name, Email, Phone, Subject, Request Id, Due Date I cannot seem to get request Owner or anything else
The new UI Support and CRM
1. Do I have to do something in Support to activate the new UI? I have it in CRM. 2. When I integrate with CRM it only import from CRM. In the instructions it would with the new UI also update CRM (2-ways). But it wont work? What should I do to get it to work? Have the same db, email and referens API.
Facebook Group Integration
Is it possible to integrate a Facebook Group into Zoho support? If so who can help?
Portal user to support contact
If I create a portal user to support user, not using invite, how do I link the portal user to a support contact? This question reasked.
Retrieving TAGS associated with cases?
We are successfully pulling various properties, but have been unable to pull TAGS with the selectfields parameter. Is retrieving TAGS possible? If so, what is the field name we should include in the request? /json/requests/getrecords?authtoken=mytoken1234&portal=SAMPLEPORT&department=SAMPLEDEPT&selectfields=(CASEID,Ticket+Id,Category,Subject,Status,Resolution,Created+Time,Modified+Time,Account+Name)
Reg: To fetch all fields, from your web helpdesk
Hi, I have reviewed your api here - There is no methods are available to fetch fields from your web based help desk. Can you guide me please ? Here my questions are, 1) How can i fetch the fields ? 2) How can i send the data to the tickets module via API ? Thanks, Fredrick.
Associating remote auth users with zoho support contacts. without inviting
I have the remote authentication working! From what I can see there is only one way to make a contact a support user that can login. "Invite the contact" which expires. Is there a way to bypass this signup process. Since we are using a different credentialing system, they have accounts but not tied to the zoho support system contacts. How do we manage this for existing customers? How do we manage this for new customers which we assign a system id and password?
API cannot find case numbers???
Hi, We've been building the API for weeks and cannot find the field name to retrieve Case IDs. the Case ID API returns is not the 6 digit case ID assigned in the system. This is very important. thanks
Path to RemoteAuth
Hi, What is the proper path to the RemoteAuth end point if we are using a custom domain (CNAME)? We've tried a wide range of paths and always get a 404. Examples include:
Remote Authentication Login URL Missing Timestamp
Hi, We're trying to get remote auth set up. When being redirected to our login page, the timestamp (TS) GET var is not being passed. Isn't this required to handle authentication between systems? Here is an example of the request coming off the support "Sign in" link: Request URL: Request Method:GET Status Code:200 OK Remote Address:104.236.XXX.XXX:443 Response Headers ---------------- Connection:Keep-Alive Content-Encoding:gzip Content-Length:24001 Content-Type:text/html;
How to upload external css and javascript files in customize?
Greetings Sir/Madam, How to customize theme in zoho? How to add external CSS and Javascript files. I moved my html source code in html editor but deleted my external css and javascript source code and etc. Please advice how I will achieve this. 2. I read one article about theme files structure. How to upload template files and configure please guide me. 3. Right now we are using trial back. its achievable please advice
Is it possible to use support contact credentials to authenticate on a third party website?
Zoho Support "Description" not returned from API call
Hello, Currently I am calling the the Zoho Support API using the getRecords query. In the response, the description field (the comments between the support agent and the user) do not come back by default. In order to see them, the field "Description" must be included in the selectfields query in the request. When the Description is included, the response only includes the first comment. Is there anyway to receive the entire conversation thread from the API? Also, is there anyway to update the description
ZOHO support API, Unable to search records
Hi, I have managed to connect to the API successfully using authtoken. I see all the content as required, but I am not able to search the records based on the fields as suggested here. Here is what my url looks like : This is what is been returned, when I actually have 'Support' in my Subject fields <response uri="/api/xml/requests/getrecordsbysearch">
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