How to upload file to desk and attach it to a ticket
I want to bring tickets from a local private system to Zoho as part of a data migration. In doing so, I need to transfer attachments (database BLOB) to Zoho. These files should be transferred to the attachment of tickets. How can I accomplish this?
Total 37 Tickets on Zoho Desk but getting only 16 while fetching from API
On the Zoho Desk App (, in total there are 37 Tickets for a particular user. But when we try to fetch those tickets via API, we receive only a few results in response. Please find the details of the API used to fetch tickets
Metric Related doubts in Get ticket metrics API
Get ticket metrics API provides metrics such as firstResponseTime and totalResponseTime What is the difference between them? API Referred:
Deprecating the departmentIds query parameter
If you use the "List Products" API to fetch a list of products from your help desk portal, this announcement is for you. This is to inform you that we've decided to permanently deprecate the departmentIds param from both requests and responses presented
Command to open ticket counts?
Hi! I'm new to this but I'm wondering of there's a way to get just the count of tickets by certain status (in my case, I just want the count of open tickets... The command I'm currently using is: curl -X GET
Paging through API results. a major gap in your documentation.
There is no way for me. to get all of my data through a single API call. Typically REST APis have mechanisms for paging through API results. But the documentation for the API I am using: Has no mention
Automate Send Ticket Attachments
Good day Zoho Team! Is there a way to send ticket attachments automatically every time agent attach a file to a Ticket? Looking forward for your response. Thank you. Best regards, Lizz
Search Contacts API not working properly; Returning 204 status.
Search Contacts API returning 204 response when trying to fetch the contacts based on phone number. It is working abnormally. Sometimes when i try to hit the api it return the contact but soetime it returns the empty repsonse with 204 status. Bellow is
How to send reply in Tickets as Contact?
Hi, I've successfully created a Tickets by POST and included contactId and set the channel to EMAIL in the payload. Then I get a ticketsId from successful response. When I tried to send reply to the created Tickets as contact ( by POST{ticketsId}/sendReply and included all these fields : { "channel" : "EMAIL", "to" : "", "fromEmailAddress" : "", "contentType"
Getting Ticket Details by Status and Date
Hello, I'm trying to pull in all Active tickets that were created after a specific date. The URL I'm using is the following:
Desk /Deluge checking Macro's
How Can we check macro's used on a ticket with deluge in zoho desk
Use the searchBy parameter to find user by email address
I'm trying to find a user is Zoho Desk via the Api. In the documentation I see that there is the possibility to add a searchBy parameter in the request. But I can't find how the search values should be formatted. I've tried multiple things and get either
Zoho Desk Portal SDK for IOS
Hi, When will this be released, compiled with 5.1.2? Im getting error message when attempting a build in XCode 11.2 Module compiled with Swift 5.0.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1.2 compiler: / ZohoDeskPortalSDK/native/ZohoDeskPortalSDK.framework/Modules/ZohoDeskPortalSDK.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule
Issue with a blueprint transition using API request
Hello I have created a function in the Zoho Flow app, which should perform a blueprint transition. par = Map(); par.put("toNotifyContactForResolution",false); par.put("content","Solved"); param = Map(); param.put("RESOLUTION",par.toString()); result
Can't get a list of archived tickets via archivedTickets API endpoint
Hi. Each time I try to get a list of archived tickets I receive a 204 error (no data). I am using as my endpoint (valid department ID is appended after the equals sign). Am I
Forum Text Formatting
Hello, I'm not sure where the best place is to post this... It appears that there's some forced formatting that occurs whenever a message is posted in the forums that removes any spaces or tabs at the beginning of each new line. As someone who occasionally
Get Tickets for a specific date
Is there a custom function or api that I can use to get ALL Tickets on a specific date? Currently with the List All Tickets API, the most you can get is the 100 MOST RECENT (the default is about 20) for with in the last 15, 30, or 90 DAYS. We get more
Is there an API function for the customer to add to an existing ticket thread?
Hi Is there an API function for the customer to add to an existing ticket thread? example, customer puts in new support ticket. support replies and ask for more details. customer replies with more details -what api function is used for this (will add
Fetch all tickets with API
I want to get all the tickets from Zoho desk, because the API is limited to 100 tickets on each call, I will fetch the data from script, Is there a way to confirm that I got all the tickets? maybe with ticket number? When I try to fetch 100 tickets
Desk API - Reports
Hi, Is it possible to download the contents of a custom report through the Zoho Desk API? We need to be able to export all of the ticket data (header, threads, comments, resolution, time, etc.) so that the data can be used in our 3rd Party Reporting product.
Zoho Desk - Searching for tickets within a specific date-range
Hey all! Currently trying to implement a weekly search job via Zoho Desk API. It doesn't seem like it's supported, but I figure I'd ask: Is there any way to utilize the "Search" API to find tickets within a specific date range? If not, what's the best way to approach getting the newest tickets for the week? I'd imagine once there are many, many closed tickets, the "get all" tickets call would be a little heavy. Best, Aaron
Update Custom Fields Not working
Hi Guys, I am trying to update the custom fields from a deluge script, however its not updating the ticket. Syntax as follows; recordValue = {"cf":{"cf_ticket_link":alarmurl, "cf_deployment":deployment}}; ticketurl = ""
Custom Prioritization Calculation Zoho Desk
Hello, I want to apply RICE prioritization by using custom functions (or maybe some other approach). Here is a sample of what I am trying to achieve -> I would like to
The image URL from Ticket API response is wrong
I attached a image when replying to a ticket on Zoho Desk. And the image URL that I got by inspect that image is image URL. But when I try to get that image URL by using "GET /api/v1/tickets/{ticket_id}/threads/{thread_id}", the URL I got is:
API error
Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I have created a "Self Client" app in the API console (the EU one as that's where our accounts are). I have copied the client ID and client secret. I have then generated a code, for scopes
Using the API to write/read data to a Custom field collection
We when create our tickets, we are selecting from a dropdown list of values. We would like to using the API add more values to the list so they can be selected. For example this is the ticket data. from .....
Draft Email Reply Using Template
Hi, I searched and searched but to no success. Is it possible to draft an email reply and use a template for that? Using custom function, of course. Thanks
Update ZohoHCAsapSettings
Hi, Is it possible to update ZohoHCAsapSettings? Example: I want to attach the current URL in a SPA to a ticket. How can I do that? Updating window.ZohoHCAsapSettings doesn't work and I'd like to avoid reloading ASAP entirely.
Can't populate hidden field with ZohoHCAsapSettings
Hi, I want to add some information to tickets created in ASAP. I can do so using ZohoHCAsapSettings as long as the fields are editable. However, I want to hide those fields, but as soon as I configure them to be hidden in the knowledge base, their values
Unable to add custom fields to Tickets through API
I have added two custom fields to our Ticket layout. Company ID and Location ID. The Fields page shows that in the API their names will be cf_company_id and cf_location_id. When I submit a ticket through the API I get: {"errorCode":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY","message":"An
Update Ticket description
Need help asap. I am trying to update description and found out i cant send html formatted string in xml. Its failing.<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><response><row no='1'><fl val='Description'>'asdf asdf asdf /nasdf <u>asdf asdf/n</u>asdfasdf<font size="5"> asdf asdf asfd /n</font>asdf asdf /nasdf/n'</fl><fl val='Status'>Closed</fl><fl val='Read Status'>False</fl><fl val='is
Creating Deadlines
We are trying to create deadlines for individual steps within a transition. Ex: in real estate transactions, each step(appraisal, repair negotiations, closing paperwork, mortgage inspections) has a deadline to meet to get to the ultimate deadline(closing
Deluge script assistance
I'm trying to figure out how to create a function in tickets (zoho desk) that would query past tickets from a contact until it found one that had a non-null value in a custom field, and then copy that value into the current ticket (same field) Can
How to search using custom fields in Zoho Desk (via Deluge scripting)?
In Zoho Desk, I have an account-level custom numeric field, called 'cf_vl_client_id', which is used to store the internal Client ID generated by our system. When I am trying to search records (in the Accounts module) using this custom field, I am constantly getting an error: zoho.desk.searchRecords(deskOrgId, "accounts", {"cf_vl_client_id": 1000}); Error: {"errorCode":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY","message":"The value passed for the 'cf_vl_client_id' parameter is invalid."} Surprisingly, I am able to find
Can't create a ticket via API
HI, I am trying to create a ticket, as per the documentation I am passing in the orgId and authtoken in the header and the two other required fields as perams"This
The Customer Happiness REST API is broken
1. We are unable to extract the customerHappiness ( object using the ticketNumber criteria. We keep getting HTTP 429 even when we limit to 60 calls per
I can't refresh token
I am using postman to test apis that I will be putting into an applciaton and I am having issues getting my refresh request to work -the redirect_uri is (is this correct? what should it be) and what should Authorization
Workflow rule to update contact
Hello, Is it possible to have a Workflow rule to updating a Contact as soon as that contact is created? So, when a contact is created, I want to update that contact's Title field.
How to determine which department KB articles are in?
tl;dr Is there any way I can tell what department an article is in from the List Articles API endpoint ( Hi everyone, I'm using the Zoho Desk API to integrate our knowledge base into our own
Issue on Upload API and href image URL
Here is my Full API Code , URL : URL: Headers* Authorization: 'Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.ed5ce2836bf5ba9b946f5ec9************88e73ff4883a3e9c58ffeb7870' orgId: 7586***** RESPONSE{ "errorCode":
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