Embedded form attachment not working after cusomtization
Hello, I am using embedded form in website. I have changed the code a bit to align and have the same language and theme on my webpage. I also made the mandatory fields "Last Name" and "Email" hidden but I set their values before submitting the form with correct data (already tested them and created a ticket) I have a problem only when attaching files. See below: 1) Clicking Attach files (blue text in above image) does not work, nothing happens when clicked. 2) When manually showing one of the attachment
Create ZOHo DESK webhook API
Hi, I a working with ZOHO DESK API, which is working fine. Now I am testing ZOHO WEBHOOK API. To check webhook API I need to first create ZOHO webhook . I just want to receive contact details to my web app when any contact is created in ZOHO DESK When I run below PHP script to create ZOHO webhook API I am getting response (400) "bad request". <?php $auth_token = '0e6934d204403eeaa67289xxxxxxxxxx'; //my_auth_token $org_id=6xxxxxxxx; //my_organization_id $ticket_data=array(
Is it possible to get the history for a ticket field?
I've been looking through the API documentation trying to see if there's a way to get the history for a particular field. Specifically I want to view how a custom field has changed through the life of a ticket, similar to looking at how the status has been changed since being opened. Is this possible?
Custom Field Data not showing up with API call.
I am working on an application that can create new tickets and read ticket details of current ones. When I submit a ticket with custom field data it creates correctly and I can view the newly created ticket. But the custom field data shows up as a empty field. This is how it is formatted when I submit the ticket. cf : { cf_store : data.store } This is what I see when I try to view the ticket. cf: Object { } Do I need to format my GET request a special way to view Custom Field
Reminder - Enhancement to Agent/Team-Related Permissions and Corresponding API Changes
We would like to remind you about a few changes to APIs related to agent profiles and teams. About eight months ago, we informed you about a more granular profile-based security setting for managing agents. We made a few enhancements with GDPR compliance in mind and provided a way to control who can view Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of your agents. We hope you took notice of the API changes detailed in the post and tweaked your API-based tools accordingly. If not, please read the forum
Unable to convert the java remote authentication code to .net
Has anyone successfully convert the MD5 API key code to .net (either c# of vb). We are really battling with this and cant use the remote authentication because of it. It is the last piece of the puzzle.
Link ticket to an account
Hi, Is there a way to link a ticket to an account through Zoho Desk API? Thanks. -Nimesh
Deprecating the isInvoiced and isBillable query parameters
If you offer paid support to your customers, it is important to track the time your agents spend on resolving tickets. Zoho Desk provides a time tracking capability and the option to create billable time entries. Besides, by integrating your Zoho Desk portal with Zoho Invoice, you can also create invoices and send them to customers from within Zoho Desk. You can view the time your agents spent on each ticket, under the Time Entry tab on the ticket detail page. All this while, this tab contained
Add what is the actual limit for the parameter "limit"
Hi, It woulb be interesting if your documentation could be more detailed. Ex.: For "List all Contacts", for the parameter "limit", it's a maximum of 99 contacts. https://desk.zoho.com/DeskAPIDocument#Contacts#Contacts_Listallcontacts
How to Pull all tickets with get request to API
I am currently working on an application that pulls all of our desk tickets in using the API. Currently I can only pull the most recent 20 tickets. We have over 200. Is there a limit on how much information can be requested per API request? If there is not how would I format the request to pull all data?
Desk API List all contacts returns less fields than contact find
Hi, I've noticed a problem with using GET /api/v1/contacts method. It does not return many important fields, like custom fields, address fields or social url fields - comparing to GET /api/v1/contacts/{contact_id}. For now the only solution what I see is to fetch contacts ids from the list response and then to do to single contacts fetch. This is very unefficient way (specially that users have rate limit on their accounts). Is there an option to request improvements to the list method (to return
How to get OAuth Authentication for third party apps using Zoho Desk Extension
Hi, I am trying to connect third party app via Oauth Authentication using Zoho Desk Extension. I want to sing up to get the access token from that app. Please help me to make redirect from zoho desk extension and get the access key and store in zoho desk.
Associate accounts/contacts with a product
Hi, I am trying to associate accounts/contacts with a product using an API call but receive the following error if I pass more than 10 ids. The data is invalid due to validation restrictions. [{"fieldName":"/ids","errorType":"invalid","errorMessage":""}] Is there a restriction on how many ids can you pass in one call? API : https://desk.zoho.com/DeskAPIDocument#Products#Products_Associateaccountswithaproduct
Get attach file of a thread
Hello Zoho Team, I'm having a problem with attach file of a thread. By api get thread detail https://desk.zoho.com/DeskAPIDocument#Threads#Threads_Getathread I've got link to attachment file but when this link is not accessible. Just got a message "Internal Server Error" This is attach link from API result https://desk.zoho.com/api/v1/tickets/<ticketid>/threads/<threadId>/attachments/362144000001509001/content Tried find in the document but have no result. Please help me check this problem. Thanks
Unable to run Zoho Desk in Dev Mode | Telephony bar is not coming Even after uploading a private app
I am unable to run Dev Mode using command runDevMode() in zoho desk. And on opening the connection Page i.e., https://zapps.zoho.com/zapps#apps/dreconnectors?service=desk It redirects to the login Page. And on Providing login credentials it takes to the https://zapps.zoho.in/zapps#apps instead of the connection page.
Zoho API returns incorrect data
The zoho Webhook for time entry add returns a string with value "null" as json instead of just null [{"payload":{"secondsSpent":"0","parent":{"associatedTicketId":"null","subject":"rehalose for Europe","id":"321","type":"TASKS"},"customFields":{},"departmentId":"321","minutesSpent":"0","description":"To","hoursSpent":"8","ownerId":"321","isBillable":false,"mode":"MANUAL","isTrashed":false,"createdBy":"123","createdTime":"2019-12-05T04:39:53.000Z","invoiceId":null,"id":"123","totalCost":"0.0"},"eventTime":"213","eventType":"TimeEntry_Add","orgId":"232"}]
API for searching list of knowledge base articles
We want to build a HELP Search button in our solution that would list all the relevant KB Articles in Zoho Knowledge Base. We want the search and the list of articles to stay on our solution in order for the user not to have to leave our application before going to see the article. Is there a Rest API or the like that would enable us to post a Search string and return list of relevant Articles that match the search?
Zoho Support - Integrate with Harvest?
Any chance zoho support will integrate with Harvest at some point in the future? It would make our lives so much easier if we could convert a Zoho request into a Harvest project. Thanks! http://www.getharvest.com/add-ons/?utm_source=harvestapp&utm_medium=welcome
Batch ticket update
Hello, I need to update a large number of tickets of every user of my zoho deks platform. For this task I wrote a console app scheduled in windows server (without user interaction) that read my work report in the business manager software and for every closed work I will update the relative ticket. I used AuthToken for login but when I tried to read organizations and tickets the api send me unauthorized result. I think I can't use the OAuth2.0 because I need an auth ticket without expiration (not
E105 - Request Delayed
Hi, When redirecting for a "signin" operation, we are getting the following error: {"result":"failure","cause":"E105 - Request Delayed"} What does this mean? Thanks
Breaking Change Related to Time Entry APIs and Webhooks
Dear Zoho Desk API users, This is a heads-up about a breaking change coming up soon. This change impacts the responses to time entry APIs and webhooks. Read on for more details. Currently, time entry APIs/webhooks related to contacts, accounts, agents, calls, tasks, and events return the string value "null" for the associatedTicketId key, if there are no tickets associated with them. We have planned to change the string value "null" to just null, to denote that there are no tickets associated.
Final reminder about removing organizationName key
Dear Zoho Desk users, This is the final reminder about permanently removing the organizationName key and stop supporting it in our APIs. About a month ago, we announced that the responses to the Get organization and List organizations APIs and the input payload for the Create/Update organization APIs would not include the organizationName key. The key will be replaced with the portalName key in these cases. The organizationName key has been deprecated already, and it will be removed entirely on
Custom fields returns empty in Create Ticket API
Am sending custom fields like below in create ticket API but am getting empty response. Is there any error in my request? Request: "category": "general", "cf": { "cf_storeid": "1001", "cf_storename": "Test" }, "status": "Open" Response: "cf": {},
getting a ticket
Hi i'm trying to get a ticket from zoho but through api ''https://desk.zoho.com/api/v1/tickets/450046000000205000?include=contacts,products,assignee,departments,teambut" but the remote server return 404 error can you help out
Extension: Send reply to customer, with attachment
Is there an API call available for extensions to send a reply to the customer with an attachment attached? We have created an extension that generates an RMA sheet based on custom fields from the ticket and makes a PDF file out of it. It would be great if with one click on the button this would be sent to the customer. Many thanks!
I had issue with getting PhotoURL from Agent by API
Hi, I got broken image from Agent PhotoURL like this : Is there any way to solve this? Regards, Mahdi
Using zoho desk oauth API without user consent form ?
Hello, Is it possible to authenticate with oauth API without getting a user content form ? I am trying to embed a ticket form creation on my site, using the oauth to get access token, but I don't want to get bored with the user content form (Because using ticket creation api is already consented in this site).. Regards.
Duplicate replies in Tickets from EMAIL channel
Hi, I had issue with duplicate replies in Tickets from EMAIL channel by calling this API : https://desk.zoho.com/api/v1/tickets/{ticketId}/sendReply With this payload : { "channel" : "EMAIL", "to" : "support@my.zohodesk.com", "fromEmailAddress" : "mobile-app@my.zohodesk.com", "contentType" : "plainText", "content" : "Hello", "isForward" : "true" } Then it shows duplicate replies in the tickets : Duplicate Tickets repliesIs it caused by multiple support email address? Here are my email
Creating and updating tickets from the client side
Hi, i'm creating a mobile app (Unity3d), it will be used by my customers, and i need them to be able to create tickets and add comments to tickets. I haven't found a way to allow customers to add comments or conversations to tickets through the REST API as they do from portal. Please Help. Thank you.
[ASAP Mobile SDK - Android] Community is disabled for your portal
Hi, I got this message when I'm trying to startCommunity from Zoho Desk Instance. I just followed this guide : https://www.zoho.com/desk/developers/asap/mobile-sdk/android/displaying-help-components.html and found that there's configuration for Community from this : https://www.zoho.com/desk/developers/asap/mobile-sdk/android/community.html Did I missed something? Thanks! Mahdi
Permanently Removing the organizationName Key
If you are someone who extensively uses Zoho Desk APIs, you would have already known that the organizationName key has been deprecated. We have mentioned this piece of information in the documentation of our organization-related APIs. This is to let you know that we will be removing this key permanently and stop supporting it in our APIs. Going forward, the responses to the Get organization and List organizations APIs and the input payload for the Create/Update organization APIs will not include
Zoho Support GetRecords API filtering
I'm using the Zoho Support API GetRecords method to return tasks. Is there a way to filter the results on one or more specific fields to limit what data I return? Can I filter on custom fields too? Also, if I query the tasks, is there a way to get the parent request for that task? Perhaps I could get the request CASEID returned in the tasks GetRecords and the follow that with a request GetRecords with a filter on the CASEID? Of course this assumes I can filter GetRecords queries on a specific
Ensuring Transparency of Agent Costs
At Zoho Desk, we believe that some data points must be accessible for all users (except light agents). One such data point is agent cost per hour. Right now, this value is presented through the agentCostPerHour key in time entry APIs. You can restrict which types of users can view or not view this value, using profile-based field permissions (Read & Write, Read Only, and Don't Show). Going forward, the Don't Show option will be disabled for this key and only the other two options will be applicable.
Call Zoho API via API
Hi, Is it possible create ticket via api without oauthToken? I tried call Zoho API from my back-end with authorizationToken generated in https://accounts.zoho.com/apiauthtoken/create?SCOPE=ZohoSupport/supportapi,ZohoSearch/SearchAPI. and allways I get "errorCode":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"You are not authenticated to perfom this operation." Regards
Zoho Desk Debug
When we get an error message in zoho desk , it shows the error text but we dont know what's the line number, can you please add that feature? That will make our debugging easier. Thanks
Deprecating a Key from Responses of Time Entry APIs
This is to inform you that we are deprecating a key from the responses presented for time entry APIs. This change relates to the way agent names are returned. Now, the details... The owner object in responses to time entry APIs returns the name of the agent and URL of the agent's profile picture. These data points are presented through the name and photoURL key respectively. The name key returns both the first name and the last name of the agent together. However, in APIs pertaining to other Zoho
Enabled multi factor auth on Office 365 Zoho will not send mail
I have tried to follow instructions to work with multi factor authentication activation on my company Microsoft emai account. When trying to send an email I get the following error message: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [MWHPR2001CA0018.namprd20.prod.outlook.com] How may I fix this?
Zoho Desk Search Endpoint
Hi, we are using https://desk.zoho.com/api/v1/search endpoint and we are struggling to understand the behaviour from the documentation. How would we perform a search for all resources with a particularly property value. For example to search all resources where ownerId=123345678 ? At the moment it looks like whatever is in `searchStr` param, will be matched across all properties of a resource. Thanks
Getting 302 response on trying to get authorization grant
Hi! I am experimenting with the Zoho Desk OAuth2 API but when trying to get an authorization grant via curl, I am getting a 302 response which seems to indicate the api endpoint having been moved to somewhere else. What am I doing wrong? curl -i https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=<insert id>&scope=Desk.tickets.READ,Desk.basic.READ&redirect_uri=<insert redirect uri>&state=-5466400890088961855 Of course I have removed the client id and redirect uri in the example
Submit Ticket from Custom Form on Website
Hi I would like to create new tickets from our custom form on our website including some custom fields like serial number. I would prefer PHP to create the ticket. I know there is the Zoho webform but we would like to create our own. I have now read into the API and with AuthToken this would work with PHP but it is deprecated and will not be supported any more in the future, so this not an option. OauthToken on the other hand needs an interaction from the ticket creator (customer) which we would
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