Make fields Mandatory in Zoho Developer
Hi, I am currently working in Zoho Developer Console for creating extensions. In this, I have created a custom module and am in need to make some fields mandatory. But I haven't found any options for that. And also I felt that there is no alerts when I want to return some messages. Can anyone help me to solve this issue? Thank You,
Custom Action - how to create a custom action to view records in one table based on a related record in another table
I have two tables. One is called “campaigns”. The other is called “tactics”. You have multiple tactics for each campaign. The “tactics” table is linked to the "campaigns" table by the lookup field “campaign_name” in the tactics table. Each campaign is treated as a separate record in the "campaign" table. I know I could create a subform in the "campaigns" form that would allow you to enter tactics within the campaigns form, and the 1 to many relationship would be created automatically, displaying
How to get the joblist from api integration?
I develop integration the joblist from CRM to my site, and I don't know how I can do it. In documentation nothing about it (joblist support). Any idea?
IMAP emails report
I want to be able to create a custom field or a report that will show the last email sent date in a record (leads, potentials and contacts) for emails sent by both Zoho CRM and IMAP. I use Google Mail. How can I use the API to build such customization?
Zoho Creator integration with FedEx
I've to integrate Zoho Creator with FedEx Courier. So that I can get the tracking info like delivery status and delivered date should be updated automatically based on Docket/AWB no. How should I achieve this?
How can I install Zoho Developer Extension in Zoho sandbox?
Hi Team, Can you please elaborate? How can I install Zoho Developer Extension in Zoho sandbox? Using the following kind of Extension installation URL: Thanks, Parth
I can't save any new modules and layouts.
I am using CRM for Verticals in Japanese. I can not create and save a new module. I can not save a new layout. Save and Save Layout button does not respond. Japanese is garbled. Can not you use it in Japanese? Is it a bug?
Import Data before Publishing
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to import data using a module before actually publishing the vertical. For example if I wanted to create a module called Zipcodes and preload it with all the US info will this info be passed on to the final product or does the user have to create this. Anyone know? Thanks, Joe
Zoho Widget - Doesn't work when the app is published
Hi Team, We have used widget in our app. When tested on the sandbox mode. The widget worked and UI was displayed. After publishing the app and testing it on other CRM. The widget didnt not popup. Please can you assist to resolve this issue.
REST API Function - Webhook Url - invalid oauth token error
1. I get the error "INVALID_TOKEN" when I call the URL from browser? The following is the URL generated by the function. 2. At tbe end of function, I need to return a xml response to the calling application. How do I do this?
How to Rename of the Managed Package(Extention) Object in ZOHO CRM?
Hi, I have created one package(Extention) on Zoho Developer. And I have installed that package(Extention) on ZOHO CRM. Now, I need to change the label of that managed package object. So, is this possible? if this is possible then how I can change the label? Thanks, Parth
Debugging Custom Function with API Connection
We are developing a extension to use third-part app thru OAuth 2.0. We connected it with connector and authorized it in connector. We are debuging custom function to use connector API in extension. But can't get test response of the api in excuting of custom function. can you let me know the method to test connector api in custom function? Zoho gives the execute option to test the custom function. It is available with common functions. but in this case, what use OAuth 2.0 connector, I can't get
Integrating quickbooks not working
I have followed the tutorial at After the installation there was already a default workflow rule 'Add Invoices Records to QuickBooks'. But when I create an invoice in zoho crm, corresponding invoice is not created in quickbooks. I even tried creating my own custom function for creating customer in quickbooks. But it is also not working. What am I doing wrong? How to debug the workflow custom function? Please help.
Delete Authtoken API Php
I have an php api (website) that stores records in zoho, the application creates a key authtoken. How I can delete the authtoken when I finished store the record? (in php) Thankyou.
Not Able to update record
I don't understand this because I am an administrator, have checked the profile and field rights, While updating record using API am getting "You do not have the permission to edit this record or the "id" value you have given is invalid.(401.2)"this error . Can any one help me to resolve this issue.
Layout set into Sandbox
Hi Team, I am not able to set the layout in Zoho developer sandbox when I test the Zoho developer extensions. When I click on Edit Layout link, something like below. Please help me!
Access to Lead Custom View with API or Extension
Hello, everyone My goal is to sync leads between Zoho.CRM and external business tool. But, i need to sync them via Custom Lead Views. For example: customer creates a custom view with an expression "First Name" is "John" and we have 10 leads in this view, customer click "custom button" "sync this view", after that we sync these 10 leads via API request etc. But in the future i need auto-resync this view (if some leads are added or removed to it). So my question is: can i access (in any way: API,
Issue in creating note with attachment/text for cases
Hello, I am trying to add notes to case, But could not find url how to attach. I followed steps given in to get records of notes of particular cases, but it didnt work.. My code is - $xml = " <Notes> <row no=\"1\"> <FL val=\"entityId\">" .$openCaseId. "</FL> <FL val=\"Note Title\">".$Conversation. "</FL> <FL val=\"Note Content\">".$Message. "</FL>
Zoho Creator API and Signature Field
I have a form in a Zoho Creator app that has a Signature field in it, where the user can sign their name with the mouse or finger on the screen. The image gets stored in creator as a PNG file. I would like to have a VB .NET application be able to automatically download those PNG files locally to our onsite file storage. I can make an API call to get the correct https path to the signature files, but to "browse" to those files requires authentication with Creator. Is there any way to pass parameters
Creator API Add Record
smtp EHLO missing auth extension
When transmitting an EHLO, using: "scheme": "smtp", "host": "", "port": 587 I get only two extensions: The AUTH extension is missing, e.g. I thought it should be like: " S: 220 Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready C: EHLO S: Hello S: 250-SIZE 1000000 S: 250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5 " In my Mail client it possible to use the smtp settings with port 587 and authentication
Using widget in ZOHO Developer console
Hi there, I am using connected apps in ZOHO Developer console. I tried configuring a telephony widget. But when I test it in sandbox version it shows this error in browser console Ignoring Message from: with Data:[object Object] Can you please provide with documentation to use this widget. I have already refered Thank you.
I can't send email
Hi, I'm working in C#, .Net core, I have a problem with zoho email, sometimes the email can't be sent, I don't know why it can't be sent, the content like this. <div style="padding-top:10px">You have created a new server TungTestExceptionEmail for project DSSP Test Project 2<p style="margin:3px;"> </p><a href="">Go to Developer Self Support Page!</a></div> The header content type is html/text utf 8. The problem is sometimes email is sent successfully, sometimes
Bind Deal With Contact WIth ContactID Not With Contact Name
I'm using zoho api's to bind the deal with the contact name.. But when i'll have more contacts with the same name then binding with contact name would be wrong because i'll have many contacts with the same name.. So please tell me how to bind deal with contact through contact id.
internal exception postUrl API call in custom function
Hello, I have a custom function written that makes a PostUrl API call to Hubspot CRM to create deals. It works for me in Postman, however I am getting an "internal exception" when I execute it. Here is the function code: myMap=map(); myMap.put("Content Type","application/json"); params="{\"associations\": {\"associatedCompanyIds\": [\"" + input.aHScompanyId + "\"],\"associatedVids\": [\"" + ccHSid + "\"]},\"properties\": [{\"value\": \"" + input.pPotentialName + "\",\"name\": \"dealname\"},{\"value\":
End Customer Support
Hello, If I resell Zoho CRM under my own brand, would I have to do on-boarding\training\support etc. myself? Thanks
Publish Extension On Marketplace
I have published the Zoho Extensions on MarkerPlace on Mar 22, 2017. Still, i did not get any notification mail from last 15 days. Any reason for I did not get any mail?
Hi, How can we develop our own/special PhoneBridge for Zoho CRM? Is it possible to add as an extension? Thanks, Aaron
Getting connected projects and accounts from API
Hi, I've been trying to get an overview of Accounts from the API. This is working fine. However, I want to show all projects connected to this Account (through the Projects <> CRM connection). Is there any way in the Projects API or CRM API to get these projects for a given Account? Thank you in advance, Marco Peters
Skype for Business and Zoho CRM - does it work together?
We use SFBusiness and have a dedicated pipe. We are evaluating CRMs and need to work with Skype for Biz or Lync. Is there a method of connecting ot them so we can leverage zoho and lync? Thanks Todd
Cross Module Mail Merge
Hello Everyone, Im wondering has anyone found a solid technique to use all modules on a mail merge document ? I have the need to use related modules to the client in a merge document. For Example. The Client (Contacts) are related to modules such as : - Home & Investment Properties - Employment, Income & Outgoings - Non-Mortgage Loans Each of these have information that needs to be collated into one document and presented to the client to sign.
Vertical CRM & Zoho Books
Hi All, Having an issue with integrating CRM for vertical and Zoho Books We take the ZSC key from zoho books go to our vertical crm > Setup > Extensions & APIs > Zoho > Finance Suite Then we get error " Please verify your Email Address and ZSC key " This has been verified by email sent to our inbox and still no joy.
How to Use one Custom Field in Button (Invoke URL) ?
Hi Someone know how i can create button and Invoke URL using like parameter Custom Field? It is possible?
Open a Windows program with a Zoho parameter
Hi: I'd like to be able to open a Windows desktop program using the Zoho Contact ID as a parameter. I'd like to have a Button that the user could click on to accomplish this. It would look something like: "C:\MyProgram.exe ${Contacts.Contact Id}" The resulting call would be: "C:\MyProgram.exe 2381191000000182055" I am in contact with Zoho Support on this, but I thought I'd also place this out on the Forum. Any suggestions? Thanks! Kim
SubTask API
My goal is to use the API and return all tasks & sub-tasks for a particular project. I notice the method 'All Tasks For Project' does not return sub-tasks. So I try the method 'All Task Lists' for a particular project. From there, I can use 'Task for Tasklist' method. I think that method returns all tasks & sub-tasks. But the next problem is that I do not know how many tasks lists each project contains. The method 'All Task Lists' will fail since I do not know the count of tasks lists. I must
Creating an Event with a related Lead
I can't create an Event with a related Lead. I include these two fields with my xmlData parameter but the field does not populate: <FL val="RELATEDTOID">2111963000000333438</FL> <FL val="SEMODULE">Leads</FL> I can only add a Related To Lead on the website, not through the API. I've tried using the lead's full name but nothing seems to work. Any help very much appreciated.
Estimados me pueden ayudar, estoy utilizando el siguiente código y la api me indica: "Unable to populate data, please check if mandatory value is entered correctly." Esta es la llamada que estoy realizando:<Potentials><row no="1"><FL val='Potential Name'>First Potential</FL><FL val='Description'>description of the potential</FL><FL val='Closing Date'> 01/04/2009 </FL><FL val='ACCOUNTID'>631505366</FL><FL
mark payment in zoho crm
We use Zoho books and have recently set up to integrate with zoho crm. We would like the crm to be the main access point to customer information for all of our sales reps. Payment, usually 50% deposit is taken through a virtual terminal or POS in retail store then marked onto an invoice in books accordingly. Would like to be able to do this all in the crm. Is this possible?
Help for building extension in ZOHO CRM
Hi, I want to Build an extension in ZOHO CRM,So I need some help.
Building an extension in ZOHO CRM
Hi, We are building an extension in ZOHO CRM. I need some help in building extension,can any one help me?
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