Building an extension in ZOHO CRM
Hi, We are building an extension in ZOHO CRM. I need some help in building extension,can any one help me?
Create User interface on click of custom button
Hi there, I am currenty working on a native extension. I want create a user interface on click of a custom button that I am creating using the Native extension. Also, when I try to test the extension in sandbox mode it give 400 bad request error. Hoping for a prompt solution. Thank you.
how do i add position stick on my website?
Dear sir / madame, I would like to add positon stick on my website: Please help us to do it. Many thanks.
Problems with api getUsers
Hello, I want use getusers api with url Https:// And i have for result <Response> <url = "/ crm / private / xml / Users / getUsers"> <error> <code> 4600 </ code> <message> Unable to process your request. </ Message> </ error> </ answer> I do not understand. Thank you for your response
Embed login to my site
Hi i want to know if there is a way to embed zoho login to my website?
Learning Deluge, other resources ?
Hello Zoho Team, I'm a skilled programmer in SQL , PHP , However I'm not confident with ZoHo's Deluge script. I've been reading through the reference guide here : I found there is online training offered here : Question : 1) Can I get a hold of some past online training courses ? I learn best from examples. 2) Is there a demo system I can explore and study the custom functions within ? I'd like to see a ZoHo
Help - Remove blue text from Inventory Templates
Help, I can't seem to remove the blue colour text by using the formatting bar. Is it possible for you tell me how to edit the html ? Thanks Corinne <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="background:#fff;padding:2px;"><tbody><tr><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="border-left:1px solid #dadada;border-right:4px solid #dadada;border-top:1px solid #dadada;border-bottom:4px solid #dadada;padding:10px;background-color:white;"><tbody><tr><td
Need Freelancer to assist with automating POST and File exports out of creator app !
I am looking for a contractor who is skilled in Deluge and also web services for two functions: 1. Convert an existing function from a GET method to a POST method to a 3rd party API, to allow for more data to pass to the API. 2. Create a function that produces a tab-delimited flat file export from a zoho report, then pass that file to a 3rd party web service. Please reach back directly to arrange for contract. Kindly, Mark
New User Account Login Issue
I just created a new account, when the invite was sent to the email address, on click on that, it is requesting to login. No option for password was provided when we created the account. We tried login with the admin password with no success.
Outgoing mails are blocked
Outgoing mails are blocked at which I used for sending some automated emails. Also getting this error { [Error: Invalid login: 554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked] code: 'EAUTH', response: '554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked', responseCode: 554, command: 'AUTH PLAIN' } How can I increase the limit. Thanks
How to pass parameters from custom function in to Request body of API
I could get account name using a custom function but i want this value to be assigned in the request body of API Can any one please help me? Thanks Prudhvi
Zoho Date manipulation
Hi there, I'm currently working at a company (one of your enterprise users) that requires a specific type of scheduling app. I'm running into trouble. I'm looking for some information on manipulating date objects. I've checked the deluge docs and I can't find anything. I'd like to get a number of days (integer) and calculate the date in that many days. Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
Zoho is not displaying images in my email template
Hi , my .net application sends emails to all customers but it doesn't show properly on zoho mail , in fact wont display images. any one can help??
I am unable to publish the changes made to the website
I am unable to publish the changes made to the website, after publishing with the new changes the website is still showing the older version of website. please help
4600 Unable to process your request. Please verify whether you have entered proper method name,parameter and parameter values.
Hi, We have an integration solution that is used by over 200 customers. We send a standard call to test that the connection to the client Zoho instance is valid:<auth_token>&scope=crmapi where <auth_token> is replaced by the token provided by the customer. This works for the majority of customers, but for a couple we are now getting the following error returned: 4600 Unable to process your request. Please verify whether you have entered
Issue with creating CRM for Vertical
Hey there. I'm not sure where to start so I'll give a brief description of what I'm trying to do. Trying to create a standardized CRM for Vertical. Loving the features, I've had no problem customizing fields and screens or implementing workflow rules... however I cannot implement approval processes (there is literally no tab for it, anywhere). What is the reason for this?
Web Tabs Issue
I am in the process of creating an extension for Zoho CRM. Using that extension I need to open an external webapp link under Web Tabs, but I am unable to open it, shows cross domain issue in console. Is there any way I can achieve that? Kindly help.
How to add custom fields in User profile (Not in standard and custom modules) or in admin settings?
Hi, I want to create custom field in User settings, profile so that I can save some Auth-keys in that field and that field will not be used in basic CRM flow. That will be accessed by us in API to get that key and to use that for authentication purpose. I have does this thing in Salesforce CRM. So I hope this is allowed in Zoho CRM also or somehow similar scenario. Please help me to get over this issue. Thanks
How to get Auth Token of an account using custom function or Zoho API?
Hi, I am working on creation of a Zoho Extension using Zoho Platform. Here, I need auth-token of account on which our extension will be installed. So I need to get auth-token dynamically, means I need to get auth-token of the account using custom function/Deluge script or Zoho API. Is it possible to do this? Please tell me. Thanks
How to get/update record in a custom module in Zoho Extension through deluge script/Custom function?
Hi, I am working on Zoho Extensions, with a custom module and custom fields in it. And I am succeeded in it. Now I want to apply some workflows on that custom module. My custom module name is Test Services, and its API name is test_service, I think. I have written custom function for that, but it is giving me error: Error evaluating MAP expression. My code is: void workflowspace.autoPopulateFields(map test_service)
testService_ID = input.test_service.get("testextension4.Test_Services.ID");
How to write custom function in Zoho Platform for a portal/extension?
Hi, I am working on extensions in Zoho Platform. Here I am following the help guide of Zoho Platform. i.e. Here I am trying to create Workflow in Zoho extension to perform some automated tasks. But I am getting an error while executing my code. The code is: void workflowspace.Roll up amount to account(map potential) { accountid = input.potential.get("ACCOUNTID"); potentials = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Potentials", ("(ACCOUNTID|==|"
Integration with webinar software
I am researching different webinar software products and am thinking of opting for Webinar Ninja - can this be integrated with Zoho CRM?
couldn't access ServiceDeskPlus On Demand API
What ever API I used, I'm getting the below response { "operation": { "name": "GET_REQUEST", "result": { "status": "Failed", "message": "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_NOT_CONFIRMED", "error_code": 4001 } } } Any suggestions regarding this would be great.
Related List
We have related lists in the left sidebar which are connected with our Zoho Creator links. Previously we were able to click the '+' button and the Zoho Creator application would open up as a pop-up in the same CRM window. However, today the links are not opening up as they did previously. Attached is our current set up and how we could previously add Zoho Creator records in the CRM. Will you be adding this functionality back into the CRM setup?
Showing content from one form in another form
I have a form, "Project registration", containing information about my company's projects. In another form, "Project evaluation", I want the user to enter the user to enter the project number. Based on this number, informaton about the corresponding project in "Project registration" should be retrieved and displayed (no editing) in the form (Project leader, budget etc.). This is useful as background information. Any suggestions, tips? Best regards, Howie
Alert when someone registrates via webform
Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to receive a Email when someone registrates via the webform? Thank you, Joeri
Running a report for activities
Is there a way to run a report that will search clients that have a certain open activity and then pull the address information from each client?
Mobile App Quotes
As a Road Warrior, I can tell you that not being able to access quotes by a quote number really sucks. I had a customer interested in making a significant software purchase and I could not access his quote to discuss it. Be aware that often we have multiple quote in to the same account, for example University of Anywhere, and trying to access it by account is not easily done. At any rate, it just should work that way; that I could pull up a quote by its reference number.
I Need support to understand what happened to my admin/ super admin access
I loged in through and which was my admin access and created additional email id's. I think I deleted and recreated the same with a different password. Now when I login, Iam unable to see my admin setup in this login. So please assist me on this. This is very urgent.
I would like to retrieve a value from the Query String in the URL from a form.
I am trying to pass a value from one application to another. I have the variable that I want in my url, but I cannot figure out how to get it to the form I need it for. My URL looks like this " .../#View:Opportunities_List_Page?UserEmail=" + User.Email I would like to get my form to populate the field "UserEmail"
Problem while trying to send e-mails in C# using zoho smtp
This is the code i am using to send email... MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.From = new MailAddress("from email"); mail.To.Add("to email address"); mail.Subject = subject; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Body = body; mail.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.High; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("username", 465); smtp.EnableSsl = true;
Accordion Open on hoverintent How do I add Icon on a sub-menu
I have only a modest grasp of how to work with jQuery and this site, so please bare with me. I have Accordion Open on hoverintent working with the icons on header <h3> elements. What I need help with is adding a sub-menu to the main menu (the one that's working) using an unordered list with the <li> as the sub-menu item. <div id="accordion" class="ui-accordion"> <h3>Photo Admin</h3> (working here) <div> <ul>(not working here) <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">link 2</a></li>
Can't verify my account
Hi, I have FOLLOWED those steps however I still can't verify my account! PLEASE HELP ME
Zoho Java SDK
I am looking at a custom software project (Java) where I would integrate other systems with Zoho's CRM. I see there is a raw HTTP API but that will be tedious building that out to a full fledged SDK with all the various methods and parameters. Does Zoho have a Java SDK for CRM integration or if not is the Zoho API exposed as WADL (or some REST schema) so I can auto generate a client for the Zoho API? -Dave
Increase the size of attachments to 10 Mb
to whom it may concern, I am fed up with your eighties-kinda technical limits of the emails: I can't send an email greater than 3Mb? Please change this limit ASAP, Kind regards Abdelkrim BOUJRAF
Any explanation
Hi I have create api to get records, it give information when i hit in browser, but not give any information from curl or fopen function in php. thanks zaheer
Problem while trying to send attachment in email C# using zoho smtp mail
CDO.Message message = new CDO.Message(); CDO.IConfiguration configuration = message.Configuration; ADODB.Fields fields = configuration.Fields; ADODB.Field field = fields[""]; field.Value = ""; field = fields[""]; field.Value = 465; field = fields[""];
Is Upsert Method available in Zoho API?
Hi, Want to know that is there any upsert method is available in Zoho API? This method will automatically check wheater particular records needs to insert or update by that method itself. Thanks, Parth Shah.
Can you convert a closed potential into an installed system
We sell capital equipment. Once the system is sold we close the potential. What we would like to be able to do is convert it into an installed system. All the associated contacts and history would copy across. Has anyone done this? It would be a module that behaves like the potentials module but is for installed systems.
Lead Source Screen
I'm the administrator on my account. I have defined the leads screen but when the other users login they are not seeing the same format as I have. They are fields that do not show; i.e. State How do I setup a screen that can be viewed by everyone?
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