Bonjour, Je voudrai ajouter le montant des taxes aux dépenses mais je ne trouve pas où se trouve le champ. Pourriez-vous m'aider svp ?
Provision to customise fields on bulk expense interface is removed
Provision to customise fields on bulk expense interface is removed. As a result of which we are not able to add notes for the expenses wherever needed
how to assign credit cards to individual users
I have been unable to figure out how to assign corporate cards to individual users, and it doesn't seem like it should be as difficult as it has been for me. Our company uses Capital one credit cards. Upon syncing our account to Zoho expense by adding
RFQ Module in Zoho Books
It will be helpful to all ZOHO users if ZOHO implements the RFQ module in Purchase Order Process with purchase request (Zoho Expenses).
What's New in Zoho Expense: August - October 2023
Hello users, We're back again with our What's New post to inform you about the most exciting feature rollouts over the past three months. An all-new edition, an integration for business travel management, iOS 17 updates, and more are in store for you!
Missing ability to add bank charges to expense reimbursements is very annoying
When I reimburse an expense report, there is no ability to add bank charges to the transaction. Every other payment or deposit transaction I have seen in Books has this ability. However, with expense, I have to create a manual journal to account for bank
Automation of posting of invoices
Hello Community, This is my first project on Zoho to establish financial statements for a company, I recorded the sales directly in manual journal and I recorded the expenses in Purchases==>Expenses. Then I checked the report if it is auto posted and
Zoho expense
We are paying advances to our Managers to spend on Logistics, the expenses are being booked by the managers on Zoho expense and its approved by the manager. Now the advance paid is not getting synced with the expenses, so the employees advnces are not
Expense integration with CRM Custom Modules
For various use cases, I find it very interesting to be able to relate Expenses with custom CRM modules. Currently, the integration with CRM only allows you to integrate Contacts and Accounts. Please consider including the integration of custom modu
Trips (Zoho Expenses) to Zoho Books
Is there anyway, we can integrate the Trip Option - Zoho expenses (with approval matrix) to a PO and later on map it into the respective invoice. Idea is Trip (with approval matrix) -> integrate to Books through PO module -> Convert into Invoice -> and
Show expenses without taxes in analytics reports like the project expenses report
Analytics should allow reporting of expenses without taxes when drilling in a project expense report in ZOHO Expenses. The "Show-Hide columns" tool in the customize section of the report does not contain this column. I don't know any accountant who would
ZOHO - Account Expenses Report
When we create the expenses report, the items selection of the “Duration” bar is missing, why? Please kindly help to fix it.
Limit Expense Categories by Role
We need to have a fairly wide category of expense accounts exposed to Zoho Expenses so that a company principal or office manager can purchase a variety of things with company credit cards. However this presents a catch 22 because for employees we want to keep it simple - the only expenses they need are about 5 - hotel, airfare, meals etc. Seeing 20 different expanse categories slows them down when entering expenses and adds unnecessary confusion. Please consider the ability to define which expense
Incorporate Travel Document (Passport/ID) to Trip PDF
I'm Trying to incorporate "Travel Document Number" (image 1) of a Traveler in the PDF generated for the Trip. But can't find the way to manipulate the PDF generated in the Trip View (image 2) Image 1: Image 2: Some workarround will be to automatically
Webhook retry policy
Hi, I'd like to know how the webhook retries if the response status is not success 200. I saw that it continuously send request even if the report is approved. There is some specific documentation about webhook?
Disable approvals in Zoho Expense
Hello, is there a way to disable approvals for Trips in Zoho Expense? Thank you
Zoho Finance Workshop 2023 is coming to the USA. Meet the experts, get exclusive training on Zoho Finance apps and more.
Hello all, We'd like to invite you to our biggest Zoho Finance workshop in the United States. After a brief break, we are excited to be back. This year, we're bringing together our customers and community members for two days of curated hands-on sessions,
Approved Trips synched to Zoho Calendar
I would like for all approved trips to be automatically synched to Zoho calendar. I have tried to accomplish this task with a Deluge Script, but have been unsuccessful in getting it to execute consistently even after multiple online sessions with Zoho
What's New in Zoho Expense: July 2023
Hello users, We're delighted to present our monthly roundup of updates to help you stay informed and experience hassle-free expense management with Zoho Expense. From real-time budget insights to effective date configuration for policy rules and per diem
Custom Module
Hello! Our organization needs a module exactly like Purchase Requests but for the approval of incoming invoices before they're paid by accounting [we don't have Zoho Books yet]. Is it possible to create a module by duplicating Purchase Requests and changing
What's New in Zoho Expense: May - June 2023
Hello customers, We're back again with new features and enhancements carefully curated to make your expense management experience more seamless and efficient. A new edition, new permissions for admins, exciting mobile app updates, and more are in store
Zoho expense no longer auto categorize invoices
Hi, For the last couple of months none of the transactions I autoscan are auto categorized. These are from the same merchants I use all the time. Every single transaction I have to manually edit and supply a category. Thanks for any help.
Approved Reports
Hi, I did submit a report and that has been approved. However, I realized I submitted it through the wrong account and I'd like to know how I can possibly change the recipient of that report, if there is a way to recall an approved report? Many thanks,
How do I (admin) deny the possibility of recalling reports?
I would like to deny submitters in my company the ability to recall reports, at least without asking for permission from the admin. Is there a way to do that?
Add Purchase Requests to the User Activity
We check the activity logs of our users from time to time through the Analytics. But only Expense Activities are tracked, so please add activities through Expense Reports, too.
Importing AMEX Sub Cards Into Zoho Expense
Hello, my organization is currently trying to transition to Zoho Expense for credit card expense tracking. We have an AMEX account in which there is a primary card holder (CEO) and then secondary/sub card holders (about 6 other employees, we’re a small
Real signature in Zoho Expense PDF report ?
Hello ! Is there a way to put a real signature on the signature line when a PDF report is generated in Zoho Expense? Through Zoho Sign or another way? Can't seem to make it work.
Partial Reimbursement
This is a feature I would hope to see soon. I see that you are working on it but it has been awhile, and I think it is a feature a lot of us need, especially for government agencies where meals are only reimbursable up to the GSA rate. Thank you.
Improve Currency overview in Android App
We're trying to use Zoho Expense for our charity On ouf our challenges is that our local employees in each country - eg Tanzania - work in their own currency. Collecting the data works, but the Android App doesn't show the local-currency
QuickBooks Online Integration: Payment Account
When setting up the QuickBooks Online integration you are asked to setup a default payment account. This becomes the payment account for all expenses pushed by Zoho Expense into Quickbooks. However, we have multiple employee credit cards that are being
What's New in Zoho Expense: April 2023
Hello customers, We're thrilled to bring you the latest scoop on what's new with Zoho Expense this month. We have worked on a slew of exciting features and updates to make expense management even more powerful and user friendly. So, let's get started
Zoho Expense to Books integration is flawed
When a user submits a expense report for approval and then the report is approved there is a flaw where zoho books cannot break that single expense into multiple charges to match with any bank or credit card feeds. As we know once that report has been approved it cant be changed in zoho books. This becomes a major issue when purchasing through Amazon (or other retailer such as Alibaba) where they can break that single bill into multiple charges. The work around that I was given was to "Exclude"
Bulk Edit Mileage Rate on Expenses After Submitted
Is there a way to bulk edit or reprocess the mileage rate for all entries in a specified time period? I checked the forum here and couldn't find answer, nor could I find anything just poking around. I found out after the fact that my 2022 mileage rates
Expense - Search by Expense
Is there a simple way to search for a single amount of an expense in the admin view. In other words, in the ADMIN view I would hope that I could easily search for a single expense by amount. In other words, an auditor asks us for a receipt for $22.48.
What's New in Zoho Expense: January - March 2023
Hello customers, We're happy to see you on the first quarterly What's New post of 2023. Over the past three months, we've developed interesting features and made enhancements to help you perform functions in Zoho Expense seamlessly. Let's dive right in
Get autoscan of receipts to interpret mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy
I'm finding that the autoscan of receipts feature is interpreting abbreviated dates in the non-US form. So, a receipt dated 04/03/2023 is being interpreted as March 4, 2023 instead of April 3, 2023. I have to change every one manually. Is there a setting
Autoscan is now available for all Zoho Expense users
Hello users, Enhancing customer experience has always been our prime focus. We are delighted to announce that our Autoscan feature is now available for all Zoho Expense users. All Free plan users can use up to 20 receipt scans in a calendar month, and
Can I merge two expense categories into one newly named category?
Is there a way to merge two expense categories under one new heading?
Skip the project owner approval
How to skip the project owner approval if he/she submits the trip/report for his/her own project in zoho expense. Requirement : We have approval process for trip/report where project owner approval also required. So if he submits the trip / report for
E-Mail Erstattung Aufwendung: Übersetzung "Reimbursement Date" ins Deutsche
Wenn die Erstattung einer Aufwendung erfolgt, dann sendet Expense eine E-Mail (in Deutsch) an den Benutzer mit einem Englischen Wort "Reimbursement Date". Bitte ins Deutsche übersetzen!
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