Getting 1/3 of Emails
Hi, I've configured and validated a new domain for a shopify store. Set Up the DNS and can get around 1/3 of emails. Why is so inconsistent? No matter if its order confirmation, or regular email, not half of them get to my inbox. Hope you can guide me
Dark mode
I would appreciate to have a dark mode in Zoho, all my applications are in dark mode except Zoho.
Multiple Trash, Sent folders
I've just imported one users e-mails and I've noticed that they have multiple folders of the same or similar name in their inbox. For example, Deleted Items & Trash, Sent and Sent-Items etc. They also appear to have two Drafts folders. They also have
Error 554 5.1.8
Hi I'm unable to send emails and it is giving me an error 554 5.1.8 please help
Outbox blocked
I use zoho's email all the time. I just sent 2 emails from my cellphone and it was blocked telling that I might be spanning people!!! Can a live agent contact me to solve this problem?
All Zoho Mail accounts blocked, error code 554 5.1.8
Dear Zoho Mail Support, I am writing to you today because all of my Zoho Mail accounts have been blocked and I am unable to send emails. I have been using these accounts for 1 years and have never had any problems with them before. I tried to send an
Can't receive emails, but can send
I setup a mail using the domain I set this up using the correct CNAME record on Namecheap. When I tried to send a test mail from my Gmail account it was not able to send and I got the following error; The response from the remote server was: 554 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: undeliverable address: host mail-outgoing-fef.relay.svc.cluster.local[] said: 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command) I was able to send an email
I can`t send email to same domain
Hi, I can’t send email to same domain. I check to see if the right settings are done, both and say that everything is all right. I receive this message "The MX Records of your domain are not pointed to Zoho. You may not receive
email forwarding not working
Your email forwarding service does not work. I received the confirmation email and completed the confirmation, after that nothing and nothing since no matter what I have tried. Shame as everything else was smooth. I spose it's harder to run one of these web based internet mail services than you guys thought!!! can you fix the email forwarding asap PLEASE!
Email is in queue, waiting to be processed.
Dear Zoho support team, I have sent an email with two contact in BCC a hour ago. The email has been sent but not delivered, it shown "Email is in queue, waiting to be processed. ". Could you please write me when the email will be delivered or whats are the problems.
Cannot send emails
Please take a look at the following screenshot. Almost all the outgoing emails will be stuck at "in queue" state. And they have not been sent for over 2 weeks. Does that mean Zohomail is not able to work as an email provider? I sent email to
problema webmail
Is zoho webmail having a problem today? it is not getting in.
Error sending emails - Account blocked - URGENT!
Hello! We are with this message when sending emails. Domain:
IMAP Server no longer connecting
Hi, I can no longer get Outlook to work with my zoho email business account. I have been using the settings below for some time and it worked, but now it can't seem to connect to the IMAP server. Has something changed zoho's end? I have tried re-adding
How did I receive a "Mail rate exceeded limit" error?
I have been out of the office and haven't sent any emails the last two days, then today I sent one message to a list of 200 people, and about 150 came back with "550 5.4.6Mail rate exceeded limit" - What is the limit to send per day, I thought it was 250? The address I am sending from is Kyle
Migrate from hosted cpanel to Zoho Mail
I'm having trouble migrating my e-mails into Zoho Mail. Previously I had a web hosting account with a 3rd party which allowed me to host multiple sites. One of these sites was the domain I'm now using with Zoho Mail but it never had a website, just mailboxes
Send From Alias in Apple Mail
So I created my primary account and I added an alias to it I imported e-mails from both addresses from my existing provider and then created a filter to move all e-mails sent to to a separate folder.
Seeing multiple Zoho Accounts in one mailbox
I have taken free email plan from Zoho and created 2 mail accounts in control panel. I want to see both the mail accounts in single Zoho mailbox to avoid logging out and logging in. In settings I see the option to add POP3 account but not Zoho account.
My soho account is block
Good Day, My zoho account is blocked no outgoing email, my email address is
Email outgoing blocked 554 5.1.8
As mentioned in the title, I can't send emails for email accounts related to Kindly unblock it.
ERROR_CODE :554, ERROR_CODE : 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked
ERROR_CODE :554, ERROR_CODE : 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked Is there anyway to fix this from my side & from your side ? This happened a few days ago for our main E-mail account associated to my account & you can check that I have been used Zoho for 3 months and more without problem The E-mail account shows blocked & can't be removed I'm using Debian with Postfix mail server Regards
How to refresh mail in zoho webmail
Hi, I'm using Zoho webmail and it's working fine for me, except we I got mail, my phone beeps right away and than I have to wait couple more minutes (even 5 or more sometimes) to see new email in webmail. Is there any way to refresh my inbox in webmail or I have to reload the whole page? Thanks for your help. Wish you all good in 2017! BR, Andrej
cant use mail API
I have generate Auth token from Mail Username or Email ID&PASSWORD=Your Zoho Mail Password and get the token but when i use that token on
It's been days and i still can't use my email! It says everything is verified. I need help.
unblock account email
Could you please enable Thanks for your support
Instagram insufficent permission to publish
Facebook and Instagram became unlinked. I was able to relink Facebook but Instagram is still having trouble. I have attached the alert pop up I get when I try and repost the instagram post.
How to change plain text email font for viewing? (Lack of support for plaintext dev mails)
I receive emails in plaintext from dev mailing lists (say LKML), so I want to see the emails in a monospace font because otherwise it is useless to see the email since I can't see code changes properly, leading whitespace is removed, and tabs are translated
"Content" "Does Not Contain" filter not working
Hi I'm trying to use two filters to manage my emails. If both conditions are true, then the email should be deleted automatically. The first filter is the "From" & "Is" filters which can identify my emails without an issue. The second filter is the "Content"
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO
Dear sir, my collegue does not recevie emails. The following error appears: This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The
Pago suscripción Zoho Mail
Se ha hecho el pago por la suscripción de 6 licencias y no se han activado aun. El pago ya se hizo mediante paypal Desde el viernes 25 de agosto no he recibido respuesta
Footer Error
When I click on the element of footer it says {"response_code":"400","status_code":"1","developer_message":"Incorrect format."}. What to do ?
How to use Zoho Contacts and Calendar directly in Android phone
I have a Samsung S21 Android phone. When entering contacts into the phone directly, there is no option to save them to Zoho contacts, is there a way to do that? The same applies for calendar entries. I want Zoho Contacts and Calendar to be my primary
mail forwarded to a group
i cant seem to forward all emails from an account eg (individual user email) to (group email) i went into info@ user and selected the group as a forward. Is this not possible?
What are the differences between Zoho One and Zoho Workspace?
What are the differences between Zoho One and Zoho Workspace?
our outgoing email services are blocked
Zoho team. Please help us. Seems like we're not able to send the email from all emails hosted in Zoho.
error attaching a pdf file
Cuando adjunto un archivo pdf para enviarlo, se corrompe. Adjunto imagen de cómo está el archivo original y como se corrompe al adjuntarlo.
IMAP speed slow
For the past 18 hours, we have been experiencing slow speeds in IMAP. Please advise solutions. Thank you
IMAP Speed in US Significantly Decayed
For at least the last 5 hours, Zoho Mail's servers have been transferring data incredibly slowly via IMAP. Normally we use IMAP to store data on our servers, and tasks are taking ~100x longer. Anyone else seeing incredibly slow IMAP speeds (particularly
Account Problems
Hi I have a problem, when adding my signature......after I add the website at the end, example immediately after I add the last '.' everything dissapears and I cant click on the signature again to type or even write an email after adding
Name Servers
I currently have the zohomail service in another account, but I want to change the name servers of my domain to develop my site there? I want to know if I can do it without causing an error in my zoho mail service that I want to keep maintaining
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