Zoho Email Stopped Working
Hi, Hope someone can assist. I've recently launched my website (wordpress platform) and moved into production to www.rnlpropertyservices.com.au I did change some settings within my domain controller. I purchased my domain off crazydomains.com.au. My email address was working however ever since migrating over it stopped working. I still have the same DNS Settings. - CNS Stayed the same - MX Record stayed the same (10,20,50) Only thing i added to make my website live was Name Servers which i configured
Server denied POP3/IMAP access for the given username and password.
I have the same problem. Password tried to reset. That's just the story began after the mailbox volume was exceeded, but after clearing the mailbox, it still does not start up. Outlook tried to configure via POP and IMAP. When configured via POP, the password did not fit both the SMTP server and the POP server settings. When setting up access via IMAP, the password did not fit only the SMTP server. TFA is not included in any organization of the user. Tell me what to do?
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Stuck on email / domain setup
I've created a zoho account for email. I'm prompted to enter my domain. When I do that it says the domain is already registered. But I can't continue any further or get to access or use my email. Have I created two accounts ? What's going on. All I need is an email with my domain. Thanks Lee uk
The email address you have entered belongs to a different deployment/region.
Hello a friend mine has just created an account in zoho mail but he couldn't add his own domain, his domain is gydclimatizacion.cl. The issue happens with this domain exactly. Regards José Puma
A minha conta Zoho Mail encontra-se bloqueada pelo seguinte motivo informado: Tipo de bloqueio: A taxa de e-mails excedeu o limite Quais procedimentos devo efetuar para o desbloqueio??
SOS! Can't verify Selector on DKIM
Simple as, not sure what I'm doing added in the TXT to my domain DNS list
Mail Delivery Status Notification (Delay)
Dear Team, When I've sent an email automatically come the following mail: -----Original Message----- From: Sadid EFL [mailto:sadid@efl.com.bd] Sent: 31 July, 2018 11:10 AM To: safik.it@efl.com.bd Subject: FW: Mail Delivery Status Notification (Delay) -----Original Message----- From: mailer-daemon@mail.zoho.com [mailto:mailer-daemon@mail.zoho.com] Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 8:27 PM To: sadid@efl.com.bd Subject: Mail Delivery Status Notification (Delay) This message was created automatically by
spam messages from my own mail adress to me
In the past (2) monts I got many spam letters (like "Your password is XXXXXXXXX and your account hacked, you must pay XXXX to me)... the common is that every mail sent from my own mail adress to me. In the beginning I was marked thees mails as span, later made a filter to delete mail if it is sent from me to me, but the mails are coming sometimes... What can I do?....
¿we can change our primary domain in a free plan?
we have a free plan of zoho mail but now we need change our domain. ¿we can change our primary domain in a free plan?
zb number
Hi - where can I find my zb number? I have messed things up with my Zoho to Shopify connection and need my zb number to set it correctly again in Shopify. Please help. ;0
One mail account doesn't work with Outlook
Hi Zoho Team: I have a problem to set an account up for Outlook, even I tried to use all parameters for its propertly work, Outlook always show me a window where asking me again about password, and I typed and again ask me password, even I can login perfectly through Zoho mail via web. Can you check what's wrong? Account is: info@almaservice.com.co Thanks a Lot
554 5.1.8 Email Outgoing Blocked
Hi, my account has been blocked. Please, let me know how can i do to solve this problem. Best regards, my account is ingenieria@falconaviacion.com.co Jose Luis Leon B.
Please help ASAP
This message was created automatically by mail delivery system. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. The original message was received at Sat, 17 Nov 2018 01:52:10 -0800 from nate@prestonyfc.co.uk [nate@prestonyfc.co.uk] ----- The following addresses had fatal errors ----- [Status: Error, Address: <nate@prestonyfc.co.uk>, ResponseCode 421, Host not reachable.] Message will be retried for 4 more day(s) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- Received:from
How to have all POP messages in one inbox
Hi, I want to use one inbox. I have a main account, to which I log into, and one other account which I fetch with POP (also a ZOHO hosted account). I want to see everything in one inbox, I DO NOT want to have to switch accounts. I want all emails showing up in one place from all email addresses and accounts that I fetch. How can I do that? EDIT: I noticed on my phone there is an "All Inboxes" feature which seems to do what I want. Is there a way to do this in the web app?
Send and Received Error
Error >>>Task xxxx@wyndhamgrandyangon.com - sending reported error (0x8004010F) : the soperation faile. and object cannot be found. I can reveive but i cant send.
Problem with adding the name of the email info@atanor-eg.com
Hello I have problem i can't add user : info@atanor-eg.com When you enter the email, this message appears
Urgent assistance - "Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails."
Hello I have logged a case with support but wanted to post here as well. I urgently need this email account unblocked from sending,I cannot send important emails to my tax agent. this is a personal email account and I do not do anything suspicious with this account so don't know why this has been blocked Please help ASAP Account Block Information Your account has been blocked due to security reasons. Block Type: Block Type: Mail Outgoing blocked. Unknown Click here to read about our usage Policy.
Excluir Zoho Mail
Olá, boa tarde! Não estou conseguindo excluir minha conta Zoho Mail. Segundo o Cpanel constam 2 usuários, mas já deletei todos os ativos, só ficou o Super Admin, o qual não consigo deletar. Sem isso não consigo excluir a organização. Aguardo instruções.
send blocked
Dear support, The Ms outlook test account fails on send task with server login reject. and in my account it prompt that my account is locked. the unblock not working. what should I do.
Cannot login due to change the mobile phone
Now our company cannot login to administrator control panel due to we have changed the mobile phone and we forgot to reset 2 authen first. Please help us to resolve this problem Pls reset 2authen or disable 2authen first. Thank your very much.
Can I use Zoho Mail as a multi account email manager?
I currently have 7 emails that include My Domain emails, Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook. I am using the Blue Mail application to manage them all. Does the zoho mail application allow this?
Email Outgoing blocked, Unusual Spamming by unknown senders
Hi, Dear Support team member, we are facing the following problems 1. One of our users had been automatically marked as spam, and his outgoing emails are completely blocked. Even I cannot change this status from mail admin panel. Please help in this regard 2. We are receiving spam emails as below in inbox from unknow senders - Screenshot is pasted below. 2a Inbox displays email sender same as display name of our company email addresses. 2b. Email sender address is not our company email 2c. This email
DKIM - DomainKeys Identified Mail
Cann't setup. We are unable to get TXT record for DKIM right now. If you have added the TXT record just now, please wait for 30-45 mins for the changes to propagate and try again But check on https://dkimcore.org/c/keycheck is ok!
Spams in my Sent folder
Hi Everyone, I noticed today that there are a lot Spam emails in my sent folder. All of them are adult related. If it's in my sent folder, does it mean someone has login to my account and sent emails on my behalf? I've never given away my password to anyone. I've changed it today but how can I prevent it happen again? Best regards Al
Not Receiving Emails
Good Afternoon, All of my users are not receiving emails inbound from MailChimp. Newsletters I send out as syndication@enpointe.tv, thejetset@enpointe.tv and shawn@thetechshow.tv shawn@thejetset.tv are not being delivered to us. And any replies to these emails are not coming through. I know of many emails sent to shawn@thejetset.tv that have not been received and my email newsletter with the subject line: Subject: ❗*NEW* THE JET SET DELIVERY: S03E20 Was sent to myself at bobby@enpointe.tv and I
Mail - saving attachments to Google Drive - corrupts files
I've been trying to use the "save to cloud" feature on Mail. When I save a file to Google Drive, the files are always corrupted. This has happened with .png, .pdfs and .zip files. Is this a known issue?
Numero de telefono
Hola trato de contastar alguien que hable espanol. yo quiero saber como volver a usar mi numero de celualr en otra cuenta ya que la que tenia se cerro
Linking Zoho-mail to Squarespace domain on free account?
Hi all, Like the title says - is this even possible? I need my CNAME to be able to do that but I can't for the life of me find "Control Panel > Domains" nor do I have any clue what logging in as "Super Admin" means. Are all these things exclusive for the paid service and the only way to have my Zoho-mail linked to my Squarespace domain is to pay? Thanks in advance
Pasting Sheet Cells Right-to-Left
I'm gradually trying to move from GSuite to Zoho. One feature I use frequently on GSuite doesn't seem to work right with Zoho. I do a lot of my work RTL (right-to-left). When I create a RTL sheet, often I want to take a block of data cells and simply copy/paste them into the body of an email message. Obviously I want to send that RTL as well. With Google Sheets and Gmail it works very smoothly. When I try pasting from a Zoho sheet into a Zoho email message, the cells get pasted LTR and flush left,
Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails.
i can´t send emails, please i need your help urgent! show this message "Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails." my email is freddy.martinez@fymconsultoressa.co.
Account Created with Google SignIN
Hi There, I have Created my account with google sign in wich is not recognised through the desktop app it asks me to put in a password and same thing happens when i try to set up a password as my primary email is hosted on ZOHO. Thanks
Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails
Can any one from zoho team to assist us to un locked our emails.
I am trying to add a new from email address but cant receive the verification code. Please advice???
Deleting a user from mail.zoho.com
Can I delete a users mail.zoho.com account without impacting their ZOHO CRM IMAP integration?
DKIM private key
Hi. How can I see private key related of a dkim public key generated? Thanks in advance.
How to recover deleted file?
Can you please help recover the file, named: Versiclad Thanks
Deleted invitation - Not working
Hi, I deleted invitation by miss. I am trying add new invitation for it. I get the message, email id already exists in log. Regards Sriharsha
Ask the experts 10 : A 5 hour online Q and A on optimizing your team collaboration using Streams in Zoho Mail
Teams that work together are the teams that are more productive. Streams in Zoho Mail helps your organization teams to work together, in a more transparent way and helps everyone achieve more. Streams is an email centric collaboration platform inside Zoho Mail that enables your organization groups to communicate and collaborate around emails, events, tasks and notes using likes, comments and @mentions. In this month's 'Ask the Experts', we would like to focus on: Email groups (Email based distribution
Group Email Authentification
I am a member of a camera club and we use zoho mail. We have two groups set up to receive emails. One group is members and the other group is for the steering committee. I am attempting to add a new person to the steering committee email list. When he gets the email to authenticate, he clicks on the link and is asked to put a password in and it displays his email as the user name. When he puts a password in, he gets an error message stating he has an invalid email. This makes no sense to me as he
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