Error when using numbers in custom forms
I have created a custom form to let employees book their worked hours. For the hours I have added a number field. When I create a record with decimal hours (e.g. 5.50) the number will completely disappear on saving! :(
Wrong date format in custom form
I have created a custom form with a date field in it. In my company settings the date format is set to dd-mm-yyyy. However the date field in my custom form is with format mm-dd-yyyy. :(
Post in Website
It would be nice if the post in website would automatically update your job postings on the website, instead of having to regenerate the code every time a job posting is added or removed.
It would be nice if there was a way to archive submitted resumes to keep them out of the main view. That way they can be retained for the required amount of time, and then be able to delete them when they hit that point.
Web to lead form charset is broken for Russian
Please, help......... I've implemented web to lead form on my site but russian letters are broken. I changed charset to cp-1251, windows-1251, utf-8, but nothing changed. I used to use Sales Force web to lead form. They have additional parameter for form action url <?encoding=windows-1251> SF: <form action="" method="POST"> ZOHO: <form action='' method='POST'> What should I do.............???????
Is it possible just to put a login prompt on a separate website that will direct the user to just the people module without access to the other zoho applications?
Couple Feature Requests
Here's a couple features I'd like to see added. When someone is viewing an open position, I would like to see an apply for this position link right in the job listing itself instead of them having to return to the main list. Also, when they click the link, from either the main page or inside the job listing, that the job id automatically be filled in to that particular job id. When editing a form, I'd like to see a place where just a sentence or 2 can be placed on the form. Such as a longer description
Error when inserting a new resume
I am using the iframe code for inserting the resume form into my website (). However some of my users (ie those submitting their resumes for a job) are encountering errors when they do so. No record of their submission is found in the back office even if they get a successful message displayed. Has anyone encountered this? Is it because I have added a field where they can upload their cv document? Justyn
suggested features
Hello there, I have a few questions/suggestions in relation to the People interface: 1. Is it possible for the latest comment, or status next to the person�s name to be visible without having to open comments or profile (just like contact number or location)? 2. Is it possible to place a sign of some sort by the person�s name if there�s a CV attached or not ? 3. Sometimes we want to associate one CV with two job orders � is this possible? Thanks! Taroon
Possible bug in add resume form
Hello, I have just customized the add resume form. The changes show up when I log in to my account, but none of my colleagues are able to see the changes when they log in - is this a bug, or is there something else I should be doing? Many thanks! Taroon
avoid invitation emails
Hello, I think I'm ready for using Zoho People. However, I don't want the employees to be invited when I create them. Initially I just need to allow access to a few people from management. I thought about using a dummy email when creating a new employee and then just use a text field for the actual email address. Problem is, that email is a required field and it has to be unique! Is there any way to get around this? /Dan
Job Openings: Page not found
I�m experiencing a problem in Zoho People: When I try to see the list of Job Openings, this message appears: "Sorry, the page you have requested was not found.Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Zoho People, try visiting the Zoho People home page." How do I solve this problem? Thanks! Alisson Sato
How do we shortlist a candidate?
In the job opening list, how do I move a resume to the shortlist stage? Many thanks! With best wishes, Taroon
Removing Duplicate Resumes
Hello, Is it possible to remove duplicate resumes? If yes, how do we do this? Many thanks! With best wishes, Taroon
Where do I specify the "Resume Upload Complete/Thanks&q
How can I specify the URL that the user should be redirected to after she uploads her resume? I've copied the iframe code to my website and tested an upload. It all seems to work fine except that after I submit the form, I'm redirected to a blank page. thanks tom
Removing an associated resume from a job opening
Hello, Is there anyway of removing an associated resume from a job opening? Thanks!
Creating new forms from scratch??
Is it possible to create new forms from scratch? i.e. not just customize existing forms?
Hi.... I am not able to post feedbacks... :?:
Good base product but some upgrades needed
I've been evaluating Zoho People this week for our business and have found some features that are needed or need to be changed: 1) Custom recruitment workflow - our company has a different recruitment model than the Zoho People's standard workflow. We would like to evaluate resumes before associating them with jobs. We tend to build jobs around our potential applicants so we need to be able to do more with them than just associate them with jobs. 2) More than one job associated to an applicant -
I have not been able to find any information regarding the cost of this product (to use beyond the 10 employees you get for free). Thank you for your response.
Headhunting firm use...
Hi there. This app looks really promising. This note is a bit long, so please bear with me. Here is how we're trying to use it -- We are a headhunting firm that recruits for hedge funds. So we have multiple clients with multiple openings. I think the recruiting module (I still have to spend more time on it) will meet our needs with regards to managing the candidate "movement" as their status changes from new/qualified/presented/interview/.../offer/etc. My concern is that we may not be able to manage
Deleting new (custom) sections from Forms
How do I delete a section I added to a form. I can select it then enable or disabl but I need to blow it away
Customizing Job Opening Form Bugs
I'm running into a few bugs when trying to customize the Job Opening Form in Zoho People: 1) When I create a new section in the form and drag other fields to it they do not stay there but appear in the old section when I try to add a Job Opening. When I drag field into the new section the "Drag and drop fields here and edit their properties..." message continues to stay in the section. 2) Can not seem to create new fields other than the ones found in the "other fields" section. We need more multiline