Imports not available under Data Administration menu in Projects
Is there a bug or some maintenance happening today? I need to import a project and no longer see Imports under Data Administration, or anywhere else for that matter. I logged a ticket but I need to get this import done sooner than later so hoping someone
Copying Task custom view to another project
I have created a task custom view in a project, and would like to use that same custom view in other projects. Right now it appears that I have to re-create this same custom view in each project I want to use it for. Is there a way to make it available to other projects? I did see that if I use the "my tasks" widget on the home page I can access this custom view for all tasks for all projects. This is sometimes helpful. But I would like to also access this custom view just within each project
Types of Budget in Zoho Projects
Zoho Projects budget feature allows users to track costs at a project, milestone, and task level. Budget could be based on either amount or hours. If your project is based on hours then the Difference column shows the difference between planned and actual
EVM in Zoho Projects
EVM or Earned Value Management allows Project Managers to measure the progress of the project in terms of costs and its schedule. Zoho Projects lets users to evaluate projects by automatically calculating key metrics such as Planned Value, Earned Value,
Layouts and Fields editing values
It seems there is no way to edit a dropdown value within the Layouts and Fields. Any suggestions? This the best thing to create a new value and delete the old value. When I do that can I link or update the application where the original value was us
Sort Kanban by Status
Hello, wondering if someone can help. Is it possible to view all of my tasks across all of my projects and sort the Kanban by Status, so update status by drag/drop? See screenshot I see its available if I am in a specific project, but not if I am viewing all tasks Thanks!
Tasks and Subtasks lose their original model order when applied to a project
Hello, I hope you can help me in some way: I created a task model with about 2400 between tasks and subtasks, I don't know if I'm exceeding any Project limit, because when I use this task model in some project most tasks lose the original order of tasks
Task Model loses the ordering of tasks and subtasks when applied to some project
The referred model has 2400 tasks and subtasks, is it exceeding any Project limit? When the task model is applied to a project, the original order of tasks and subtasks is lost. I have already tried to recreate the project and also the model, yet the
Updating Project Fields - Only Saves on Mouseclick (not on Exit Field)
I am almost certain this used to work differently. In a Project, in a custom Integer field, we can click into the field and enter a value, then press Tab to move to the next field. But, doing so will not actually update the value until you click somewhere
Restrict Control - Project Status
We're using a combination of Blueprints (at the Task level) and Flows (monitoring specific task statuses) to drive accurate Project Status. My concern is that while this system seems to work well, anyone with access to the project can simply Edit the
What is maximum number of Tags in Projects?
What is maximum number of Tags in Projects?
Zoho Expense & Zoho Projects budget tracking
Is there any way to add the expenses (from the Zoho Expense module in Zoho Projects) to the total project cost in Zoho Projects? Currently, the only charges appearing in my project's dashboard are labor ones. Secondly, is there a reason why different
Due dates
If I create a task I add a start date and due date. This gives me a duration. I then add how many work hours I think the task will take. Then the task does not get completed so do I more just my due date or my due date and start date?
Quick Actions Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Did you know that Zoho Projects provides a set of keyboard shortcuts for performing routine activities? Take a look at some of the project actions: Key Description z + h Go to Home z+p Go to Projects z+c Go to Calendar z+s Go to Setting s p Add Project
Associating Project Templates with Layouts - Doesn't seem to be an option
The goal here is to create projects and then assign project templates to them after they are created. this used to be possible by associating a Layout with a Project Template to then pull the template (milestones, task lists, tasks) into these projects
Zoho Project CRM Contacts Link
Is it possible to create a picklist associated with CRM contacts in the Zoho Projects? When collaborating on a project with a team it is important that we know who the external/customer point of contact is for that project. I have created a layout that adds a point of contact text box and one for related contact information but I have to manually enter information. It would be more convenient and likely reduce the potential for errors if I could have a drop down list linked to Zoho's CRM where I
Lock Task List Order
Hi there, Is there a way to lock the order of a task list? If i mark the first task on a task list as closed, it will send the closed task to the bottom of the list, or underneath open task lists. This also is reflected in the Gantt milestone report and makes it hard to follow. I would prefer if i could order my task list in the way that i would like, regardless of the completion status. And, also if i could reorder tasks that have been marked completed. The only way i have found to do this is to
Final Reminder: Deprecating Authtokens
Dear Users, As mentioned in our previous post, we are deprecating existing Authtokens by 28 Feb 2021. Please migrate to OAuth tokens immediately to avoid any service disruptions. Zoho OAuth provides better security and more control compared to Authtokens. OAuth
Better/Wider Selection of "Custom" Colors
For statuses in particular (Tasks and Projects), the pre-selected palette of colors is a strange combination of pastels with very little - in may cases - ability to distinguish between them. Could we get either the ability to add custom colors ourselves,
Zoho Projects Integration- Cant Select Portal
I am trying to integrate ZOHO Projects with ZOHO CRM. These are the steps I have taken. Within ZOHO CRM: Setup Market Place > Zoho Zoho Projects > Setup Now > Get Started When I get to the Zoho Projects Integration Screen, under portal name, my portal
View Kanban tasks in "Status" layout for all projects
Hi I'm testing Zoho Projects Express to see if it is suitable for my business. So far it looks great and seems to do everything we want (except critical path on the Gantt charts), but one thing I can't seem to figure out is this: If I go into a project, and choose "Kanban", I can select the "Status" layout which is great. I can see the status of all of the tasks in that project, and who is working on what. However, if I go to: Home > My Tasks > Kanban, then the "Status" layout isn't an option - only
Allow time to be entered on a task by a user that is not the owner
Our company would like every person to be able to enter time on every task. At the same time we would like to utilize task owners in order to identify the responsible person. Our time is entered via Zoho People. Consider adding an option to allow time
Gant Chart Export - Customize
Hello. When exporting a Milestone Gant chart, the Legend shows up in the footer/bottom area, and there is a header with title and name, etc. I wish to remove these when exporting to PDF. Yes? Thank You.
milestone Gantt chart improvement request
I'm a big fan of having milestone Gantt charts across projects. its one of the reasons im considering switching over from over to zoho one. in milestone gantt, id like to get an overview of all my milestones across all projects. currently I can with your milestone view, but its a little hard. 1. the milestones seem randomly sorted, can we have a sorting option? maybe sort them by project and then by date? 2. can we color code milestones based on project? right now they all are red....
Tab change order skips the "Mandatory Field" box on Field Property entry windows
I'm creating a new project template and recording over 10 picklist fields in it. I wanted to use my keyboard to quickly edit their properties but the tab key order doesn't stop on the "Mandatory Field" box. I have to switch to my mouse everytime to check
Order by in Issues view
Having the option to "order by" the rows in the Zoho Project Issues screens would be ideal. At now it is possible only to order by "creation date", "last modified date" and "due date", but for example I cannot order my issues by severity or status. The option to order by severity is almost a requirement please! The option to order also by custom-fields would be great Order by all field is already available in tasks, please enable the same function in the Issues page.
Recurring tasks
My team has to complete some tasks every day so we set up recurring tasks. These get duplicated though when we look at projects by Gant Chart view which makes. a project look messy. Is there a better way to manage recurring tasks so they don't create
Automatically assign Primary Client
When converting a CRM Deal into a Project, please automatically assign the associated Account as the "primary client'.
Filter Question
We use two main project groups - Internal and Client. I am using the brand new Zoho Projects. In the My Tasks view, I would like to filter tasks by a Project Group. For instance all tasks belonging to Client projects. If I click on filter there is an option to filter by project group, but it never works for tasks. No results are ever returned. Please advise. Thank You
[Projects] Invite email in English, and not personnalized
Hello, A Client received an email from in English with a little mention of our brand... It seems that the invite email isn't customizable... since several years of asking. How ? why ? I need them to be customize as the others. Telle me that now we can, thanks.
Tip 51: Time log restriction based on work hours
Timesheets are used for tracking time logs of task, issues and approving them. You can control the number of hours a user can log into timesheets. Businesses enter into agreements with their customers that stipulate the number of hours a job can take and the rate at which it is billed. Logging additional hours would mean an increase in billable hours. Zoho Projects lets you restrict time log entries based on work hours (planned hours) allotted for tasks. A user cannot log more than the allotted
Release Milestones - what they are
In Zoho Projects, what is a Release Milestone ? Could you give me a synonym term for that concept ?
Task Comments Permitions
I have a suggestion. You can give the capability to the user in specific comments to give permissions which user can see it and for the other can be hidden. Of course default is all and then you can pick. I suggest this Idea because we constantly have a minor problem when in one task there is collaboration between managers and employees. The problem is that we can not say all thinks public. For example "i do not like his presentation but lets give me a second chance etc etc. So we change messages
Google Calendar on Projects
hello, this is a very good feature but has a litle bug. When you want to add an event the time is always 1200-1200 as in image. Can this take the task time because we have each time to just clone the task hours there wehile we could only just create an event with one click thanks
Hay alguna posibilidad de compartir el diagrama de Gantt con algún cliente para que vea los procesos en tiempo real?
Quiero ver la posibilidad si mediante una URL el cliente puede acceder a la vista del proyecto y los progresos del mismo. Cualquier variante para que no tenga que ingresar a una cuenta
Tip 44: Annotator for Zoho Projects
Images can convey any information in a more meaningful manner and sometimes you may want to annotate them for further clarity or better presentation. The annotator allows you to add more context to the images by letting you: Highlight portions of an image Write comments on them Blur or smudge confidential information The annotator option is available when you add attachments in Zoho Projects. You can also try the annotator plugin to capture and work with images from any webpage or screen.
When creating an invoice in Zoho Project, can we change field of the invoice with custom fields ?
Hi Zoho I use timesheet with Zoho Project. We assign Task to different user. They add Note. We also use Product in CRM. Integration work fin between CRM and Project. When creating an invoice in Zoho Project, can we change field of the invoice with custom fields ? I mean, I would like to show on the invoice each line with the Product (custom field in timesheet or Task - sync with CRM) like this: Product - Task Name - Task Description - Hours - Rate It is possible? When selecting the Show
Tip - 45: Custom Views in Zoho Projects
Perspective differs from person to person. Customizing your project makes it unique and helps you implement your own perspective. Besides the predefined views, you can now create your own custom views for Projects, Tasks, and Issue as per your preference. Consider a scenario. Monica owns a construction company and wants to keep track of projects that have exceeded the budget. She chooses Budget Health from the predefined fields and filters the projects with cost overruns. She saves this as a custom
Common Communication location
HI all, for our office we usually have 3/4 different users interact with any given project/task. I really like the fact we can CC an email to have it go into the comments. But when you close the task, you end up 'losing' visibility to that communication. Other than creating a task {common comms} where we would use to 'dump' email communications in there, how do you manage this type of communication? Thanks
bulk edit tasks, pin task lists, default column sort
hi, 1. it takes too long to bulk edit tasks when you are trying to change multiple options on all. Would be much better if we can choose all the options we want to change, and then hit save. 2. please allow us to PIN certain task lists so they never close. Right now i have to create dummy tasks called .DO NOT DELETE so those task lists never close. 3. Please allow us to set the default columns to show on all projects via the project template. The order of the columns, and which columns show and
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