Permission denied to create a project for a Potential and Account etc
Hi, I am a Admin in both CRM and Projects, but when I try to add a project to a potential in CRM I get an error Create Permission is not provided in Projects.Contact you Projects portal administrator. Can anyone help me out? Regards
Project Start Date
I would like to have the ability to associate the Project Start Date with a specific task. Ex. What I consider to be my project Start date is actually in the middle of my project. All future tasks are dependencies and all past tasks are predecessors.
View All Projects and Manually Log Hours
Used Cases: 1. We want to be able to VIEW all the Projects and Tasks assigned to an individual in a single page when we click MY TIMESHEET > WEEKLY LOG TIME -- without a need to click the drop-down box and select Projects and Tasks assigned to an individual. 2. On point number 1 above, we should be able to manually log the hours by going into the column to log Time, selecting each row (each Tasks) without opening another screen to Log the Time.
z-Projects for organizing study?
Is anybody using z-Projects for study-projects? Not so much for "home-work", but rather for keeping track and organizing notes, progress, docs and next steps, etc. I would love to see examples and get inspiration/ideas on how to do this! (I am not a student or enrolled in a school, but an entrepreneur who needs to learn certain things for my business. So I'd like to gather sources of information, online courses, take notes and organize my approach & progress)
Zoho Projects is down
Is anyone else having problems getting to Zoho Projects? We are getting a Zoho server error, impacting our business.... I thought Zoho had HA for their Applications!?
Custom Task View for Due Date is Empty
I want to create a custom view so I can easily call up tasks for which due dates have not been assigned, so that I can go through and assign due dates to them. Is this possible? I tried to create such a view by selecting "due date" "is" and then leaving the criteria blank. However Projects will not let me save such a view and instead insists I make a selection for criteria such as "this month" etc. Thank You
Use Duration and Start After to set time lead/lag for dependencies.
I've painstakingly built tasklist templates only to find that if you don't set lag-times, the time between your dependencies is not retained when you slide the predecessor tasks forward in the Gantt chart. My project has 25 tasklists, with ten dependencies each. That's 250 separate entries I need to make! Surely there's a better way. What if I could use the Duration and Start After times I've already set, and apply those to the lag times for dependencies? Even better if I could do this in bulk, or
Emailing Project Dashboard
Management's interested in receiving daily emails with project's status. I reckon sending them a link to the Dashboard (or the dashboard itself) should suffice their needs. I looked around but can't find an option to email the dashboard, or summary of project advance. Is anyone emailing automatic project status to stakeholders? HELP!
UI Suggestion for External Task Lists
When a Task List is external, there is very subtle light gray text next to it like so: Task List 1 (External) IMO it should be exactly the opposite: Task List 1 (External). This is something you want to call attention to so that internal company information is not accidentally shared. Thanks
Issue with Custom Fields In Custom template.
Hello Team Zoho, This has been a issue where we are unable to Change the column width of the custom fields individually when we are customizing template. It is always changing for all. In many cases there are custom fields which are not always of same width. There should be a individual column width for each custom field which has been added to transactions.
User wise open issues & open task for all projects (Single Page report)
Dear all, As a manager I want know all projects status with user wise open and closed Issues and Tasks in single report. Please Help. regards Krish
Tip #31 - Dependency across projects
Dependencies across projects are often inevitable. While launching a product, there is often a myriad of functions to look into. For instance, a product cannot be pitched in the market until all aspects are thoroughly tested. Even as Sales and Testing are two different departments in a company, their tasks might overlap, causing dependency between them. Zoho Projects help you track your tasks easily and assists you in handling dependency a little more better. E.g., you can link the tasks of a Testing
Cost Control for Cosntruction Projects
Hello, we are a "turn key" (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) company and we strongly need a solution to control the costs of oou projects. We are currently using Zoho Projects to control activity scheduling, however your app lacks the tools to control budget. Actually you can control budget, but only worked hours. This is a huge lack of functionallt since in construction projects supplis normally weight for about 65% of the total project cost. Hope can include this functionality in the
Project Layout, main view and exporting data
Hello Zoho Team I have some questions/ problems to ask abut because I couldn't find a solution in the tool. 1. How can I extract all Projects with all Tasks and customized fields inside (because I need my customized fields for example formula based). Have tried with DATA ADMINISTRATION > Backup, but it just gave you the already customized fields by you. If I want to export all Tasks with my customized field, I have to go project by project and it doesn't make a sense to do for a lot of projects.
Sort the columns in Issues view
Having the option to sort how columns appear in the Zoho Project Issues screens would be ideal. At now it is possible only to enable/disable a column, but no to choose the order in which columns appear. This is possible only in tasks. Please enable the same function in the Issues page
Adherence to plan report
In addition to calculating hours planned vs actual which is already in the reports, it would be great to also be able to get a report for days planned vs actual and get an adherence to plan percentage. I noticed it already gives the number of days late when a task is 100% completed, so the information is already available. So in brief : ((Actual days taken - Planned days )/ Planned days ) * 100. Thanks!
Two project link
Hello, How can i link two zoho projects
Further Improvements to the Zoho Projects API
Under the Zoho Projects API documentation for Timelogs, there is an option to get all user time logs, but not to get time logs from a specific date range. Upon further research I learned that Zoho people's API has that functionality. It would be great to add that functionality to Zoho Projects rather than going to a completely different service to do this. This is forcing users to overdevelop for functionality that is already present in another service.
Project overview fields and deleted entities
Dear Zoho community, Please help on these queries, 1) We want to get project overview informations like project category, pm contact, type and client using Zoho project api. We already set flag to access project overview information for those projects. Still not able to get those fields using Project API. Let us know how we can get those fields using API? 2) Is there any way to get deleted entity information like logs, tasks, project and users using Zoho API? We assume soft delete on your side. Currently
Why can't project name column be resized = huge amount of wasted white space
Please look screenshot. Every other column can be resized. All the wasted white space causes the user to have to scroll horizontally if they have several columns they want visible. Thank You
High Priority Tasks
I would love to see high priority tasks have a little bit of a different look on the calendar maybe with an exclamation mark or some other symbol so they stand out against regular tasks.
Zoho Projects Calendar, view tasks statuses
Dear Zoho community, is it possible somehow to view in Zoho Projects Calendar not just Open/Closed tasks, but exact task status? Because even when I do mouse hover the task, then it does not display me its status. I'd like to see tasks status directly from the calendar; to see which tasks are, for example, new (means that I didn't start work on them), and which are blocked (means I was working on them, but smth stops me from finishing it). Now both of it is shown as Open tasks, and it is confusing
Deal to Project Invoice
When I create a deal I sometimes create an invoice. Once the deal is closed I create a project, however the invoice does not show up in the Finance--> Invoice section of the associated Project. Is there a way to more fully integrate the Deal and Project so the Invoice shows up? Of course I would want this to show up in Books too.
Recurring tasks - number of occurrences limited to 30? Any option of an 'end date'?
Hello, I note that when setting up recurring tasks, the options are limited for "occurrences" (maximum I can select is 30. When I attempt to input another number it is not accepted and defaults to 2. Some of our projects require weekly tasks and may run for eg 10+ more than 30 occurrences. It would be useful if we could input an "end date" (or at least input any number of occurrences). Is this possible? Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks
Make Searches Not Require UPPERCASE Project and Task IDs
Please change your search bar so that ID's are not case sensitive in searches. For the longest time we could not search by a project or task. We thought it was a bug or a missing feature, but then we found that if we typed ID's into the search bar in uppercase, Zoho Projects found them. We have a task with the Task ID SU1-T65. Searching for SU1-T65 works but the lower case su1-t65 does not work. T65 works but t65 does not work. Neither SU1 nor su1 work. BTW, there is no mention of the need to
Any way to copy a task inside a task list?
I only saw a feature request from 10 years ago with a whole lot of people harping on it for 5 years and then radio silence. I would assume it was added. It would be really foolish for it not to be capable, it is such a basic function. I'm building a project and need to quickly copy task so I can rename them and save myself some time without exporting, excel hacking and then importing.
Native Gmail add-ons available from/for Zoho!
To my knowledge Zoho never announced that they now have native Gmail addons for both CRM and Projects, so I was very surprised to find them available in the Gmail add-on store today. Cross posted in the CRM forum.
Ask the experts: 5-hour knowledge exchange marathon on 'Critical Path and Baseline' in Zoho Projects.
Hey folks! We are happy to be back with our “ Ask the Experts ” community series. The Ask the Experts initiative for this month focuses on “Critical Path and Baseline” as it has invited many a query. Some of the topics that relate to the discussion are: 1. Is there a way to see the bottleneck of any project? 2. Project ABC is not going ahead because of Task 3 in Milestone 2 whose owner is Mr. X. 3. How do I track changes in my project schedule? I plan a schedule and if the dates change midway, is
Zoho project purchases
Hi Folks, I think having a purchase module in projects will help in putting together a project p and L. Project wise purchases and expenses. Do let me know your thoughts.
Business Rules: Update to include ${current_user} and/or ${action_performer}
Hello, Please consider the following change request to Business Rules: My objective is to be able to automatically add anyone as a follower when they make a comment. The purpose is to get email notifications when issues are updated that they aren't necessarily assigned to and aren't the reporter or project owner (ie the manager). This would also avoid the requirement to #tag someone for every comment. "Assigned to" in Actions includes the variable action_performer, while current_user is available
Document Dialog: Add "Select All" checkbox and remove arbitrary selection limitation
Hello, Please consider the following change requests: 1) Please remove the what appears to be an arbitrary 10 item limit on associating documents to a task. This limitation doesn't exist within the documents upload feature (not to be confused with the documents sub action to a task). 2) Please add a checkbox in the document header to serve as a "select all". Thank you.
Document handling: Change default upload behavior (if same name)
Hi, Please consider changing the following feature: Current Behavior: When adding documents to the document area, the default behavior is to add additional "copies" of the same file with the same name in the same folder structure. In order to update a new version, one must right click - select upload new version - for every single file. Requested Behavior: When adding documents with the same name, prompt on initial replacement (like most OS dialogs with copy or replace), if replace is chosen this
Basecamp Data Import Failure
I've tried to import our Basecamp 3 data into Projects but have received the following email. I have even tried to do it one more time and the result was the same. Could you please check our logs to find out the reason behind this issue? I've checked our Basecamp plan and there wasn't any statement about 3. party connection or data migration limitations. I did not try to use an Admin account though but I don't think that this could be the reason for this problem. We could not import your Basecamp
My Task Filters
Hi, use Zoho Projects heavily. When we create a project, not every task has a date assigned to it, because it is not yet known. When we look at the "My Tasks" view that we access from the homepage, we can filter for dates on tasks, but we cannot filter where the date is empty. As a workaround, we created a task status called "planning", but it is very painful to update that status one task list at a time. It would be great if we could filter the open tasks view for tasks with no start/due date.
Owner filtering is missing in task listing page
Reecently, we have issues of the owner searching column is missing in Zoho project task listing page. May we know is there any other way to search all tasks filter by owner?
Can we select which users to add into Projects before a Basecamp migration?
We have too many users on our Basecamp projects because Basecamp doesn't limit us about the amount of users and we did add even people from other departments who only needed to stay in the loop about certain projects. How will the migration process apply when a certain Basecamp project has more users than our account limit on Projects? Is it possible to only select related people from a Basecamp project during the migration?
Blueprint: Preview Criteria from task view
Hello, Please consider adding the following feature: Adding a preview ability to a blueprint transition that has criteria requirements associated with it. Since I'm the one creating blueprints, I understand what the transition requirements are, however users without access to task settings will not - and won't be able to easily understand what they need to accomplish in order to trigger the next transition. If the transition was grayed out with a lock icon, and with a popover of criteria, it would
Project > CRM integration.
Hi, I've associated CRM and Zoho Projects successfully but when I add a task and try to add to CRM I get a message saying "no accounts or deals found". I had this issue once before and managed to fix by disassociating the project and then reassociating but this hasn't worked. Can anyone suggest a fix?
MS365 Calendar Integration
Hello, I am testing the calendar integration between ZProjects and MS365 and there appear to be two important limitations: The Integration appears to be one-way (from ZProjects to MS365) only as I have been unable to update an event in MS365 and have it go back to Zprojects. A repeating event created in ZProjects only goes over to MS365 as a single event and does not have any of the repeating times. Are both of these true or am I missing something?
Edit filter lists
Can I reorder/edit the drop down filter lists?
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