Is there a way to get a task's due date?
How do I get a task's due date via the API? TaskDetails dont seem to contain that info: <TaskDetail> <todolistitem_id>4DnPGEgICKn/SNSlOwGMug==</todolistitem_id> <todolistitem_title>Releasing API</todolistitem_title> <Tasklist_id>4DnPGEgICKng5jJNeTVJEQ==</Tasklist_id> <iscompleted>false</iscompleted> <priority>None</priority> <pcompletion>90%</pcompletion> <todolistitem_owner>Kannan.S</todolistitem_owner> <todolistitem_owner_zuid>164C+ovuxfI=</todolistitem_owner_zuid> </TaskDetail>
Passwords for Google Apps users?
According to this document (, I need to use users' ID and password to generate a ticket ID. But as we are Google Apps integrated, our users don't have passwords. How could I auth our users? Thanks.
How to get Task's author/creator/owner Id through API?
I would like to get creator/author loginID for tasks but I dont see a way to do this. ownerId seems to be coming in the <Details></Details> section but if a task has multiple owners, the section does not seem to carry all of them. How do I get all owners? Thank you
Creating tasks doesn't work?
Creating tasks doesn't work. There is xml in response, for example <response><result> <TaskDetails> <TaskDetail> <pcompletion></pcompletion> <todolistitem_title><![CDATA[new task through api]]></todolistitem_title> <todolistitem_id>15301e67103a37959bc71e6f273ec0741c5699de5e886561</todolistitem_id> <priority>None</priority> <iscompleted>false</iscompleted> <Tasklist_id>15301e67103a37956e2974ab7fd72a8b551803d538d0273c</Tasklist_id> </TaskDetail></TaskDetails></result><uri>/api/private/xml/task/add</uri></response>
response format - is it a bug?
Response xml has such structure: <response> <result> <TaskDetails> <TaskDetail> task 1 details.... </TaskDetail> </TaskDetails> <TaskDetails> <TaskDetail> task 2 details.... </TaskDetail> </TaskDetails> </result> </response> I don't understand why couldn't it be in such way, the result would be the same, list of tasks: <response> <result> <TaskDetails> <TaskDetail> task 1 details.... </TaskDetail> <TaskDetail> task 2 details.... </TaskDetail>
Is there a method for reordering tasks?
We'd like to have a way to re-order tasks within a tasklist. Is it possible with the current API?
mstatus in tasks retrieval does not make any difference?
Seems like notcompleted/completed status does not change the resule. I always get the same list of tasks. BTW, what is the difference between the display modes misc,delayed,upcoming? Thanks
Add log time method without
Hi, First to clarify, everyhting is working, I can get a ticket, I can list the project, that timesheet entry. But when I try to add a log entry in the timesheet with the API but I got this error each time: 'message' => 'Input Parameter missing', 'code' => '6831' I'm using a perl script to post the data, here's my code: my $client2 = REST::Client->new(); my $request_url2 = "$apikey&ticket=$ticket"; $client->addHeader('Content-Type',
Maximum parameter length
I'm trying to add a note to a task in Zoho Projects via the API, and I get an error with code 6831 and message "Input Parameter Exceeds Maximum Length". It would be really useful if this error message also said which field was in error (although I'm 99% sure it's the notes field), and what the maximum length is. But since it doesn't, can anyone answer that question for me?
Adding and Getting Users
Is it possible to Add and Get Users using the zoho Projects API?
Assign "roles" within users
I have 3 very distinct roles within my organization (Producer, Editor, Graphic Designer). It would be nice to be able to attached these roles to various users and then be able to run reports based on role... sometimes I have several editors work on the same project, and would love to be able to run a report on how much time for a project was spent "editing". Also - would be great if we could attach a "cost" to each resource (employee). Thanks!
Milestone Typo
The documentation for Project Milestones says the response includes MilestoneDetail but what's actually returned in the response is MilstoneDetail. Regards, Adrian.
I want to display all the tasks and their details for a particular Task list. How to do it?
Hi all, When I using "get all Tasks" i get all the Tasks from all the tasklist. I want to filter and only display the Tasks of a particular TaskList. How can I do it? Can I get all the tasks by providing the "TaskList Name" as a parameter ? Plz guide. Our customer requirement in detial. Our Customer is using zoho projects. In that he creates Milestone (M1, M2, M3) all Milestones have lets say 3 tasklists (M1 = T1L1, T1L2, T1L3 ; M2 = T2L1, T2L2, T3L3..ect). every tasklists has lets say
Rights in requesting API
Probably am not the owner of the portal but just a Project Member that's why I keep getting Wrongly Encrypted Values? As a project member, do I have a rights for APIs or just the portal owner?
Help. I always get "6832Wrongly Encrypted Value"
I just got registered in Zoho API key. I want to update my Timesheet easily using custom desktop application. Am just trying to test some. I have requested an Ticket and it returned this # #Tue Mar 09 23:21:22 PST 2010 GETUSERNAME=null PASS_EXPIRY=-1 TICKET=#MASK#66d95419fb84c30a3e2df0bcc3 RESULT=TRUE So I took the ticket and tested How to Add Log Time and keep gettings this 6832Wrongly Encrypted Value message. Please help what went wrong?
ZOHO Project API, how to get all timelogs of all users in all projects?
how to get all timelogs of all users in all projects?