Custom function - How to get current logged in user details
Hi, I want to create a script where I can change some fields based on the logged-in user's division or role. But it seems like I only can get a hold of the following fields: zoho.loginuserid zoho.loginuser Any idea of how I can get a hold of the user
Change Zoho Recruit Org Type form Staffing Agency to Coporate HR
One of my Client seem to have incorrectly chosen the AccountType to Staffing Agency instead of Corporate HR, while creating a new Organization in Zoho Recruit. 1. Is there anyway that we could see the Account Type within the Setting or other location
Automatic change of status to HIRED in case of positive results during the interview
Hello Guys, I have already mentioned the issue in a chat, maybe now the community will support. When we give a review to a candidate in an INTERVIEW window, in case of positive interview I have an option to choose thimb up "hired" in this case the status
Gmail Zoho Recruit Add On - Additional Feature
Hi It would be great to be able to associate an email received in gmail to contact on Zoho Recruit by using the Zoho recruit for Gmail add on. Are there any plans for this?
Schedule email replies.
Recruit lets you schedule new emails for sending at a later date and time, however, it does not let you schedule replies to emails. This would be a helpful feature.
How to display skillset in a formatted resume?
Hi, I'm trying to make a good looking formatted advanced resume template. But i'm having a hard time of making the skillset field look good. The skillset fields is only returning a string of comma separated skills. I have figured I can set the field as
Why does the 'Last Emailed' option only shows up when creating workflow rules for Candidates or Contacts module in Zoho Recruit?
Hello community, I am trying to create a workflow rule for a custom module, and I NEED to set up the trigger on the last day we sent an email to the record, in other words, let's say we send an email automatically based on a blueprint, on this custom
Client Portal
Access to client portal and billing functions for temp staffing contractors.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Blue Print issue
When I am field is updated using workflow. Doesn't activate the blueprint automatically.
Resume Parsing Extension - Adding 'Current Title'
Hello, My team and I just started using Zoho Recruit. The resume parsing extension is very helpful. However, there doesn't seem to be a section for adding the candidate's current title on the Chrome extension. I've had to go into a new tab that has ZR
Zoho Recruit Currently Down; Unable to Access Status Page
Is anyone else unable to access Zoho Recruit today? Getting an error message? Do we know how long it will be down? I tried to access the Zoho Status page and even that was blank! ( Perhaps someone has a different URL? Thanks!
Lookup field not working
Hi, I am creating a Lookup field on the Candidate record (1 of our Modules), and I want the Lookup field to be based on the Client Module (another of our modules). Setting it up seems very straight forward - simply linking data from 1 module to another.
Need the option to upload JPEG, JPG, PNG to the Candidate Portal
PLEASE!!!!!!! add the file option to upload JPEG, JPG, PNG files to the candidate portal. All of our candidates must upload a photo of themselves and a drivers license photo. Please support those file options!!!!
New User with permissions cant see any data
Hello, Just added a new user with standard permissions but all of her database seems to be empty with no candidates found. I've checked the user page and the account is activated. Any ideas on this problem?
Tinder style app for CV's
What I would really like is an app that allows me to swipe left or right so that left sends the CV away and swiping right put the CV in the job association pile.
Allow more than 25 calendar bookings.
The new per job calendar booking link is great. But, you should allow more than 25. Many companies have many more than 25 open jobs. We want a calendar booking link for each. We shouldn’t have to choose which we want to have a link since your calendar
Site de carreiras e formulário de inscrição do candidato
Criamos um novo formulário para inscrição dos candidatos, conforme o sistema de recrutamento para a funcionalidade e estamos com problemas para ativar-lo. Levei o caso para o Zoho Brasil que passou para o Zoho Índia, o Zoho Índia passou para o Zoho
How do I delete a candidate?
How do I delete a candidate?
create merge field for Candidate id
I just noticed that when you build a custom link, there's two candidate id fields that can be inserted. The lowercase version is the number from the URL and is SUPER useful. Please, please make it possible to insert that number into email templates! Or
Outlook Emails All Being Shown As Read.
Hi, we’re a relatively new recruitment service and have just started using Zoho in the last few months. We’re having an ongoing problem with all emails in our Outlook inboxes being shown as read dealing not having opened them. This has only started since
Zoho Recruit Documents
I have 22 users and no one can see our Documents in Recruit. Every time I have an issue it takes days and sometimes weeks to get any help. I cant run a business like this. Anyone else having issues?
Zoho Recruit IT support
Looking for an IT support developer to help us set up and customize Recruit to serve our business model.
Client Reporting Hiring Pipeline
Hi, We have set up our process using the Hring Pipeline, we manage each job opening, updating candidates through each stage, with a comment to explain the rationale why they are being progressed, or rejected. This is a fantastic, transparent way of working. What we cannot do is report to our clients using this information, ideally what we would like is to run a report for each job to extract the information Candidate stage eg Research, Our Assessment, Client Interview Candidate name Current Employer
Is it possible to obtain all the values from a picklist into an array?
Hello community, I have a question... I am trying to make a round robin function to assign records to my team, I need to have the names of the assignees in an array so I can build a function in Deluge, so as you know, usually when you have a picklist
Authtokens Issues
Has anyone has issues with Authtokens disappearing? We have a custom function that has stopped working with no reason that we can understand. Zoho Support sent a link to their Help instructions but this does not correlate with what we see, so we are
How to embed search functionality while embedding career site?
I have succesfully embedded the career site on my page. However, the search input and filter input is lost while embedding. How do i achieve them while embedding them. Also, the presentation is different while embedding. I have customized the content
@Mention's in Zoho Recruit
Once an Admin / HR sends a candidate to the Hiring Manager, if the Hiring Manager is not a paid user in Zoho Recruit, it appears that the only thing a Guest can do is leave a note. This would be fine, but there needs to be some way to notify the Admin that a new note is left. The easiest way to do this should be to just use the @Mention feature. However, when using the @Mention feature, it does not appear to send an email to the person mentioned? Is it supposed to do this, as it does in other Zoho
Follow-up Zoho Recruit Queries
Hi Zoho Recruit Team, I have sent an email to Re: Queries - Zoho Recruit Requirements. It would be nice to get a response from you. Thank you.
Stop Automatic Change of Candidate Status when Interview Scheduled
Every time we schedule an interview, the candidate's status will automatically change to "Interview-Scheduled". This happens even when we schedule a second interview, and affects the flow in our pipeline. Is there anyway to remove this rule, and let us do it manually?
One Way Video Interview - No Audio Testing
Hi Team, we have done a bunch of one way video interviews with our job applications. The functionality is great and we see this as a powerful tool in assessing candidates - great work! We have ran into a problem with several of our candidates where the
Video Interview features
I tested the video interview feature. It's supported only on desktop version of chrome/firefox. Most of the times, the candidates are available on their cellphone. Need to have this for mobile devices too.
Home Pages
Hello All, I've just started trying to embrace home pages. As the admin, I'd like to have access to the standard company home page that we use for all of the reps within the company. For some reason, I can only access the admin home page from my home
Sandbox deployment fails if deployed all at once or in the wrong order.
We found that sandbox deployment will fail if the changes are deployed all at once or in the wrong order — presumably because of dependencies in the deployed items. Ideally, the deployment process should recognize the dependencies and deploy in the proper
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