Email schedule feature in Recruit
Hello, With Zoho Mail, we can send scheduled emails at the time and date we decide. But through Zoho Recruit, it is not possible. Could you add a button next to the "SEND" one (or another way if you'd like) to schedule email to be sent please? Regards, Olivier
Track Email
Hi. It would be a handy feature in email if they could be tracked and we can see when they have been opened. I use email tracker in gmail. Unfortunately when emailing from Recruit through gmail it does not track. Regards Chris
Counter for Jobposting
Hi there, Is there a reporting system or counter within ZOHO Recruit where we can see which job posting has been watched and how often? We need a counter that show us Jobposting XY watched XX times on date XX. Please get in touch with me to discuss this. Thanks and regards Aldo
Search bar
Hello, Two things about the search bar in Recruit. 1) Sometimes we start a search but we do not realize that we are not the right tab (ex: searching for a candidate even though we are on the client tab, so the search results are empty, etc...) We have to close the search, move back to the right tab (or the general one) and start again. It would be useful to have a drop list (clients, contacts, candidates, etc...) directly in the search tab so we can change it on the go. 2) when there are positive
Need to be able to do assesement forms for interviewer
We need to be able to do an assessment for that the interviewer completes.
Texte message
Hello Zoho, We think it would be an advantage to send a massive text message to promote a job opportunities to candidates. Would it be possible in a near future?
Other Territory is able to see and manage Admin's Record
My role is an Admin for the account. I have created two territories for my business interest namely 'PH' and 'MY'. I have also created another user and assign it's profile type to be Territorial Admin, a type of profile that I have created specifically for the user, and its Role is a 'Recruiter' and this user will be managing PH territory. In Role type, Recruiter should not have access to view the admin's Records. However, I have found out that the user is able to view a job that is in the admin's
Mail tracker feature
Hi Guys, Getting feedback from candidates and clients is a nightmare now. Please think about mail tracking tool which is not a big deal, to be integrated to your mail service. It will make our lives much easier. No need to think or they read my mail or not. I just know that:)I'm using gmail utilita now, but if send mail from zoho, it doesn't work. So please think about this. Wish all the best to all great team!
Resume Importing Feature
Under the advanced features while importing resumes, can you add a section for the "recruiter" to be an option to fill in? It would be helpful during mass imports. Thanks.
Guest Download
Hi Zoho, Would you please allow Guest accounts to download resumes? We use guest accounts for our lower level hiring managers who don't need extensive access to Zoho. but they do need to be able to download and print resumes to take to interviews with candidates. Thanks! Rob Garnsey Intelligent Shift, LLC
Photos visual in Candidates list
Hi, We would really love to see a thumbnail of the profile photo of the candidate visible on the candidates list view with out having to open the candidates profile on another window. This is very important for new staff to be able to instantly recognise new interviewees when they come in the office or to know visually if they have met them before and for security concerns as well at interview time. This is super important to us and i am sure other recruitment companies would find this useful and
It would be very comfortable if you can add notes tab even for the ZOHO extract icon so we can easily add notes over the same time when extracting a profile in our database
Candidate Notes
I'd like to see a feature that allows me to open a candidates resume and then take note while I am looking at the resume. Meaning, the resume would open in a portion of the profile page and another part of the profile page would allow for notes so a call can be done from that one window.
submit to client screen
When submitting resumes to client it would be SUPER helpful if on the left side of the screen where you show the number of candidates, you could also list their names... thanks! Nicole
Hi Guys, Can you help develop "online timesheets" for the contractors. It would be helpful if the timesheets could pull the information from the job, into the timesheet.
Please add a sorting feature on the search page
Can you please add a sorting feature on the search page? For example, when the search result shows up, I would like to have a feature which I can sort by 1) the lowest to the highest salary or vice versa, 2) sort by the notice period 3) or even sort by the name It's a very simple and fundamental function, please help to add it, thanks
Subscribe to Zoho Recruit calendar
We've been using Zoho Recruit for a few years now and we're wondering if it's ever going to be possible to subscribe to the calendar via external programs such as iCal or Office 365? Looking back at the forum, this has been requested a number of times. This capability would certainly help us.
Sort dropdown attachement categorie order
Hello, I'd like to sort the attachment categories. alphabetically or just being able to change the order manually.
Issue with the candidate searching
Hi, Is there any new release regarding the candidate searching? It does not work. Showing the number of the found result and a sad dog. When can we continue the work? Will it be corrected soon? Thanks, Nora
Client Address automatic populating on Job Openings
Please allow the Client address to populate automatically on job openings instead of having to type it into every job opening or at least have the option to check a box that would allow you to use the current client address or enter a new address.
Zoho plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
Hello Zoho! We would like to use the Zoho plug-in to Microsoft Outlook, however we use Mac computers and it is not compatible. Is it planned on your side to develop this feature for Mac users? Thank you for your feedback, Best regards Stephanie
Resume Extractor
Have a way that the resume extractor can tell you if the candidate is already in your database (when on LinkedIn).
Candidate Selection
When you are associating single candidates on the system during a search it takes you away from the page and you lose anyone who may have already ticked. Maybe a good idea would be have an assoaicte tab when you are looking at them and you can just click assoicate with the job or jobs you have clicked next too and they are added as Researched From Database and then you can move onto the next person. This would both help with researching candidates and also reduce doubel work.
French jobboards
Hello, As the French market seems to be also interesting to Zoho, you should consider linking Recruit with more other important jobboards here : APEC Regionsjob CVaden Directemploi Leboncoin Pole Emploi ... And so on. Regards, Olivier
Parsing of phone numbers?
Seems that on LI the phone numbers are a straight 10 digits, 6305378982, as opposed to a more easily read format (630) 537-8982. Can Zoho parse these phone numbers into this more easily read format?
Zoho Recruit compared to other ATS's
After almost three years of using Zoho Recruit, I decided to go on a free trial of another well recognized ATS for 3rd party recruiters. My biggest concern with Zoho is maybe it was not as robust as others. What I have found is that Zoho is at very similar level of performance. In my opinion, here are some items that would make it better. * Make the search field function on a partially spelled name or word. Sometimes you can remember a name closely but perhaps mispelling last name. * Improve
Per user time tracking for job openings
Hi, We are currently looking for a time tracking solution that would be bound to job openings and users. With this, it would be possible to report on job openings costs and employee performance. As a recruitment firm, this is a must have and we are currently tracking time outside of Zoho. We have explored Zoho People for it's time tracking feature, but the Zoho Recruit integration doesn't seam to include time tracking functionalities. I understand that we could still add a custom integration with
Notes Section on Candidate Page: Recommendation
Notes Section on Candidate Page: The notes section in each module is great! I think you can truly improve it functionality to work with Hiring Managers and for us Directors who want to do more via their email. 1. I would like to create templates based on note types that pull Zoho Recruit fields to customize notification emails. This would also save time for my recruiting team. 1.1. I would also like those notification emails to list the note type in the email. It just says "Note" on it now. 1.2.
Hiring Pipeline Widget: Recommendations
Hiring Pipeline Widget: This is a great new feature and fixes your views problem. Views are an issue because there is no ability to combine two different modules info together. Its either Candidates or Job Openings. Not both. I recommend making the following updates to the Hiring Pipeline Widget. You should allow the option to remove "Hiring Stages". As an everyday option, I don't need to view two of them ( In-Active or Hired). These are specific to our Zoho Recruit but I think you can get the
Recruit mobile app
A possibility to take a picture on a client directly with the phone app and put it on the right place in Zoho Recruit.
Adding key word search to filters
when viewing a list of candidates you can filter by criteria on the left hand side of the list, it would be nice to have a key word search included in that criteria thanks
Candidate Page: Positions Applied
There needs to be better visibility to show which position that a candidate has applied. I would like to be able to see with out clicking or opening a new page. I recommend making it a section on the candidates page. Similar to the job opening section on the client page. Thanks Steve Harrington
Contract duration field and hourly margin
In the field where we can select if the job is full time/part time/contract etc... can you add in a feature where we can put the contract duration and also a field where we can add what the hourly rate should be?
When a candidate applies for a role on my career website, can I get a notification from Zoho ? Tony
Auto suggest for Candidate Employer and College/ University names
Hi, In our years using ATSs, we find that the biggest challenge is multiple variations of Employer Name and University/ School/ College Name in Candidate records entered by recruiters. While naming conventions can be created, it is much easier and cleaner from a data management perspective to have an auto suggest feature for such fields. Best, Robin
Keyboard shortcut
I have noticed that some of the other Zoho applications offer keyboard shortcuts. Is this something that has been considered for Zoho Recruit?
Could you add a "Question Type" with the option that a candidate can select more than one answer? If I choose "Radio" as the question type, a candidate can only choose one answer. We'd like to have an assessment for candidates to choose days of the week they are available to work, but with the "Radio" option, they'd only be able to choose one day of the week. Same goes for all the other question type options. Please look into this.
Candidate status note - status should be marked in the notes overview
Hello, could you please customize the title of notes related to candidate status change in the notes overview? Now it appears only as a Note, not saying the note is related to the change of the candidate status. We always have to write it manually. It is needed for a quick orientation in the notes. When the candidate has more notes in his/her records, it becomes a mass. Thank you Miroslava
Possibility to associate a note to all modules in the same time
(ieinterview feedback) - repeated request
Hello, could you please enable adding a note (simple note or when changing the candidate status) to all related modules (candidate, job opening, client contact)? It would be very useful (and time saving) for ie interview feedbacks, etc, presented CVs feedbacks, etc. Now we always have to do a double entry (one in a candidate record and one at a client contact). We have been asking for this feature for a long time. The answer is always the same ..... thank you, we will give your requirement to our
Can we add an option to add notes to multiple contacted in a Mass Update?
Hi all, we are always looking for efficiencies in our recruiting process. One of the more tedious aspects we've noted w/ ZOHO after year is that we cannot do a mass update of the notes. At times we are entering the same note for 10-20 candidates 'left candidate a voicemail message for ZZ job" It would be great if we could add an option in the Candidates Module, where we can Add Notes to multiple candidates that we select at one time. please let us know if this is possible. Thanks, Leticia Garzon
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