Column Width Adjustment
It would be very useful to be able to slide / drag the width of columns in the record lists. For example in Excel or Bullhorn.
URGENT - LinkedIn profiles disappeared
Hello, LinkedIn profiles associated to Candidates disappeared. All of them at all Candidate records. Can you please fix it? Thank you
Secondary User Email Address Possible?
Is is possible to add a secondary email address to my user account? I'd like to send email/bulk email from my hello@ account from time to time (the GDPR consent email is a prime example), but at the moment I can only send from my personal work email (steve@) as it stands. Is this a possibility? Cheers, Steve
Reference Tab on Candidates
Hi, We are struggling on having manual on giving the reference check on their pass employment and reference contacts. Is it possible to have their own tab of the following fields: Relation to Candidate First Name Last Name Position Title Company Name Mobile or Phone Number Email Address and an opporunity to send automated email for reference checking.
Sending Emails in Zoho Recruit
Hi, Good Day. I would just like to inquire about sending emails to candidates in zoho recruit. As I understand, the sender of the emails will only be users of zoho recruit. Would it be possible if the senders email address is not a user of zoho recruit? Is there a way for us to change that option to a different email address instead of the user? Another thing is, the “Reply to” option in the email templates. Whatever email address we put there, when a candidate replies to the email, it is
PRIORITY - URGENT - Shortlisting or Tagging from Preview Pane
When we run a candidate search and use the Preview Pane (Binocular View), to review Candidates we have to individually open their profile to tag or shortlist interesting candidates. This kind of destroys the beenefits of the preview pane to an extent as you want to be be able to make an action. In bullhorn for example, you can add a tag or shortlist to a vacancy. This way if you are running a database search of 500 candidates you can quickly shortlist your favourites, then at the end go to the vacancy,
I would be useful if the window didn't close when you save a blueprint. When designing a blueprint it good to save as you progress and continually having to reopen it is frustrating
This needs to include Email & SMS Activity. Currently this is just Note activity.
Social Integration - Facebook - Candidates and Contatcs
Good Morning - I can no longer associate a candidates Facebook profile with their account - when I click the facebook icon - I get the message: You cannot search a profile in Facebook. You need to associate it from the Social Tab. I went to the social tab and there is no ability to do this. Can you help ?
Associate Job Openings to Candidates - FRUSTRATING! GRRRRR :-)
Hi Zoho, When we want to associate a candidate to a job opening from the candidate list or candidate record, it brings up ALL Vacancies for ALL Recruiters including OPEN & CLOSED Vacancies. If i am going to associate a candidate, it will most likely be to MY vacancy and also to an OPEN vacancy. Can we please change this so that when you look to an associate a job opening, it defaults to MY OPEN JOB OPENINGS? Again, this will save clicks and time and generally make it a more pleasurable experience
call recording
on zoho crm you attach the call recordings to the profile automatically this should also happen on zoho recruit.
GDPR Compliance & Webforms
Has anyone been able to log on and amend existing web-forms to include the new GDPR 'Compliance Information' box. I have dragged and dropped it as per the instruction but nothing happens other than header added, no further boxes are created and importantly the 'I Agree' box is missing. Please help
Advanced Zoho Recruit Training + notifications on new/updated functionalities
Is it possible to make some advanced Zoho Recruit Training to be able to fully use the system? It would be great. I am sure there so many useful things we do not use just because we do not know it is possible or we do not see the possibilities how to use them. There are also new functionalities/ updates of the current functionalities. Many of them are very good. It would be great if you could let the users know about them.
Moving my data & account from .com. to .eu?
Can somebody at zoho please explain hot to move my account, settings & data from the .com to .eu?
Need Filter Candidates by Incoming SMS (Unread, Not replied, etc)
There is no way for us to easily filter candidates by SMS messages that are unread or not replied to.
Migrate data to a user defined Combo Box
I have created a Combo-Box for Cities in order to reduce the data entry issues. How can I import my excel sheet with the list of Cities to the combo I created? Thank you
ZOHO Recruit & GDPR
Hello, i have read a few threads regarding GDPR compliance, however i have not found any real results or at least the roadmap describing the matter. We use ZOHO Recruit having literally thousands of candidates that we need to address regarding GDPR. To be more precise, we are going to make them decide on the action to follow regarding their personal details. This cannot be done one by one but in the batch asking and receiving decisions and taking particular actions (keeping details, updating details,
Is it possible to generate an 'Opt In' link for mail contact?
As we will need express permission as of next Friday (GDPR) to email and SMS a consumer/candidate, does anyone know if it's possible to generate some kind of 'Opt In' link to send to candidates that will then show on their record? Cheers, Steve
${Candidates.GDPR Consent Form} - how can I change the text
I changed GDPR consent to another language (czech) and I also need to change the text in the bubbles which they people click. Any idea where I can change it? Thanks, Lukas.
Candidate Tracker
how can we create a candidate tracker which can extract the details of candidates and send along with the resumes to the client
Email Option in Templates: Zoho Recruit Notification
Hello, I am not sure if this is technically a "new" feature but I have a suggestion. I would like the Alert emails via set up workflows to come from "". All of the "@usernames" emails come from "" and this works really well. I was hoping for all notificaitons to come from the same email. Thanks Steve Harrington
Assessments to Clients
Hi - I made this recommendation and was told the development team would discuss and let me know if it's possible: It would be VERY helpful and efficient if the completed assessment form could be attached/included in the email submitting candidate to client. Even better: Let the user create a profile summary/executive summary based that includes the assessment! Pretty please....?
How do I load a template document with format / brand
I am trying to configure my curriculum with format from the cv management section.
Currently I have a word format that is my template, which I want to load and fill the data when I generate the formatted curriculum.
But I do not know how to associate the fields in my word template
added features
i think you need the last 5 or 10 contacts viewed at the top of the screen to quickly jump back into previous screens also you need to automatically clear the search bar as its annoying having to manually delete each time you search
Sub-forms (such as Certifications) be included in Reports
There is a sub-form under Candidates called Certifications. However, the information we enter there can't be used in the left-hand "filter candidates by" or in the Zoho Recruit reports. and I'm being asked if that's something we could include in a report. Doesn't appear in the field list or associated items available for reports, however. So I'm guessing the answer is no. Is there a workaround
Advanced Search
At the moment within advanced search whilst searching for Associated Tags it is a bit long winded to create a search revolving around Contains and Doesn't Contain. We have Tags that contain similar words/phrases. Would it be possible to add the Is command into the options? This mean when we search we would only ever get the exact match to the Tag which is 99% of the time what we are trying to achieve. Thanks, Paul
Recruit and Cookie Data
Hi Zoho, As per GDPR regulations you have to seperate opt ins for marketing and giving details to third parties. We need two opt in buttons on the application form to be able to do this. Is this possible? Do you count as a third party? Are you doing anything with the data that is imported to the system? Do you have a piece of text that we can add into our privacy policy about zoho and that sharing of data in the states? We have colleagues that work in Canada and therefore need to prove that
RECRUIT Module // New job opening
Dear Zoho Team, In the recruiting module of yours, upon creating a new job opening, there is the option to assign account managers and recruiter. in both cases, could you remove disabled/inactive accounts from the list? The reason being, that they are no longer part of the company, and therefore shouldn't be able to being assigned to any NEW cases... Thank you for you prompt reply and I am looking forward to a hotfix in the near future. Best regards, Quintin Bauckhage
More Than 10 Components Allowed On Home Screen
We can use so many more than the limit of 10 components allowed. We find that we're having to create additional dashboards and it is way more cumbersome than being able to have more on our users Home screen. 10 is just not enough.
Indeed Integration
1) For the Indeed Integration, can you make a feature that allows you to save Indeed searches in Zoho? This would make workflow faster because Indeed does not allow you to name your searches. 2) The uploaded resume does not have a link back to the resume URL on Indeed. If there is no contact info on the resume, there is no way to go back to the candidate on Indeed to contact them.
Zoho Recruit is GDPR Ready.
Dear Zoho Recruit User, Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), recruiters and employers now have new legal responsibilities regarding how they handle candidate information, and be GDPR compliant. If you're a recruiter based out of EU, or
transfer calls
there should be an option to transfer calls and also put calls on hold. can you please look into this. you have most of the call center options but your missing some very important one.
Be informed of the improvements
Hello, I regularly notice I have to refresh my browser because you've made some changes/improvements. Keep up the pace, that's great. However, it would be nice to know what has been done, new features has been implemented, and so on...when we have this message. I know there is the "What's New" link on the right corner but I guess you update it for big features. Thanks Olivier
Tabbed page disappears when going back to it
Hi...I'm using my Recruit on Chrome, and when I have multiple tabs open (in Chrome) and start to add/edit something....if I go to another tab and back again, Recruit Page is completely Blank. Shows that it is still on my Zoho Recruit page, however I must refresh to see the page. When I do, all the data is gone and have to start from scratch. Has happened a dozen times today....what's up with the autosave when filling a form? What is the problem?
Candidate Tracker
Candidate tracker should be send alongwith submitted resume to client
Shorter links
Hello, Links as URL the one to share for the job description are far too long. It would nice to have close to where we can find these URL on the job opening tabs, a button to reduce this link with Zurl or any other shorten links service. Regards, Olivier
twitter accounts
I would like to automatically post to certain twitter accounts. like (this is just one of many) using the same format as my twitter account,
Champ : Statut Poste à pourvoir
Pouvoir mettre ''État fermé'' à certains nouveaux statuts que l'on crée. Par exemple, nous avons créé le statut ''Annulé'' et le statut ''Comblé par client''. Toutefois, quand on veut associer un candidat à un nouveau poste, les postes qui ont le statut ''Annulé'' ou ''Comblé par client'' apparaissent, au contraire de ceux ''Filled''.
Largeur colonne STATUT CANDIDAT
Dans l'ancienne version Zoho, la colonne STATUT CANDIDAT était beaucoup pour large et on voyait le titre du poste au long. Maintenant, on voit seulement 20 caractères du titre du poste, ce n'est pas optimale quand on trie les CV.
Fusionner des doublons
Si on ne fait pas de recherche précise, on peut avoir plusieurs pages dans Fusionner les doublons. Zoho nous permet pas de fusionner deux candidats qui ne figurent pas dans la même page.
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