Enhancing Your Customer Experience: Integrating Zoho SalesIQ Chatbot with Chat GPT
Dear Zoho SalesIQ Team, I am writing to request the integration of Chat GPT with our existing Zoho SalesIQ chatbot. Our company has been using Zoho SalesIQ for some time now, and we have found it to be an invaluable tool for communicating with our clients
"Visit Summary" section is not populated in Zoho CRM
I integrated Sales IQ using JavaScript API, and when form is submitted - CRM contact is created. Zoho Sales IQ gets visitor's name and email, and in UI link to CRM contact appears. But in CRM "Visit Summary" section is still empty. I need some help finding
Need Support of Zoho developer to develop and integration with zobot
We're seeking the expertise of a Zoho developer to create a customized Zobot that seamlessly integrates with our Myclassboard platform. The bot will serve as a valuable channel for customer interaction and data collection, enhancing overall user experience,
Embed floating button
It would be helpful if Booking offered a floating button in addition to the iframe, similar to what Calendly offers (https://www.calendly-embed.com/popup-widget/). I looked into using SalesIQ for a floating button that "just works" but their Booking integration
Integrating Zoho with Turbolinks
Hi there, I'm trying to integrate Zoho SalesIQ with TurboLinks and could do with some help. Turbolinks means that instead of loading a new page, sections of the html are just update, giving you a SPA looks and feel. The problem is that means the zoho script doesn't reload. Theoretically, you should be able to move the code snippet to inside an event listener which is triggered when someone follows a link. But that doesn't work (it think due to the fact that the script needs access to the DOM). Any
zoho chat box request pending and loading issue
in my website taking time to loading because of zoho js issue and request is pending i have attached screen shot please ccheck and let me know how can i do for this
siq via js. null pointer execption
`Uncaught TypeError: JSON.parse(...).error is undefined` Nothing has changed, just load the page which has worked for a long time and I get a undefined error due to the object not containing `error` property. If you provide a private contact I can forward
Booking Integration doesn't work
Hi, I added the Bockig integration and activated it following the guide. However, the option to propose a visitor in the chat to book an appointment is not available in my backend
I need a custom AI Chatbot to be integrated with ChatGPT to Handle Customers inquiries
I need a custom AI Chatbot to be integrated with ChatGPT to handle Customer inquiries, and save the data to Zoho CRM as a Leads, Also to schedule a demo with clients and more options
Need professional assistance in connecting ZOHO API to my chatbot server
Hello there, I have developed a chatbot from Replit with the focus of connecting OpenAi to ZOHO Webchat. I believe that I have made considerable progress and at the moment, I am struggling with connecting the ZOHO backend to my server. I connected with
ChatGPT with saving user context
Hello, everyone! I've encountered an obstacle on my way that I can't solve. I want to create a Zobot instance connected to ChatGPT. I want to chat with ChatGPT while saving previous user questions (context). So, I have created a Zobot instance with codeless
Plug Sample #4: Improve your customer interacting experience by letting Zobot remember your website visitor name!
Hi Everyone! In our Plug sample series, we have another simple yet efficient plug for your Codeless bot builder. Before that, I have a question. Let's say you go to the same coffee shop everyday for your morning coffee. Wouldn't you be happy if the waiter
SalesIQ/Deluge script for Plugs not working
I am creating a plug function for my Zobot codeless bot and the below code on executing/saving throws the following error: Message : Argument type mismatches for the integration function 'zoho.crm.searchrecords' at index 3 Plugs Code ========= response
Now Zobot can log your appointments with Zoho Bookings!
Hi everyone, good to see you! Here's a simple yet efficient Zobot for organizing and scheduling appointments via Zoho Bookings. This Zobot can start a proactive conversation, schedule appointments/bookings with your website visitors on their preferred
saleiq {"error":{"message":"Invalid widgetcode","code":2411}}
你好,我已经在网站防止了代码,但是发现服务器一直反应非法的widgetcode ,我已经反复核对,没发现问题,请帮我查询下问题 widgetcode c2f8ec0xD3a6445C8Bf5F1A20210910B3390148E2937e4EADnPeUvb577f956bc <script type="text/javascript" id="zsiqchat">var $zoho=$zoho || {};$zoho.salesiq = $zoho.salesiq || {widgetcode:
How can I use Zoho's Sales IQ Javascript APIs if I have chat enable through Zoho's ASAP add-on and not with SalesIQ?
Hello Zoho Team, I am currently exploring the functionality of Zoho SalesIQ and would like to leverage the SalesIQ javascript APIs for updating visitor information within the chat. However, according to the API documentation, it is required to embed the
How can I set default fields with different language?
Hi, I would like to set diffenent placeholder following different languages for the default fields: name, phone, email, how can I set that?
Pushing Visitor data into SalesIQ?
How can I push visitor data to SalesIQ? I can't see a REST method that I could use. We have implemented a solution that tracks "offline" visitors for brick and mortar stores, I would like to push Visitor's: name email info: key, value "info" or what ever available fields to store path. "info" would be the physical area/department (offline) visited, instead of page (online). Thank you in advance. AdES
Reset SalesIQ Widget from ready event
Hi, we have a Problem with the JavaScript API for the SalesIQ Chat Widget. We want to make sure that the SalesIQ visitor information in the chat are not displayed after logout. In our application logout is possible through other means than just a button click. For example, the user needs to reauthenticate after a day, if he hasn't ticked "stay logged in". A reload of a page will thus delete authentication cookies and load the page as if he wasn't logged in. This and other means make it rather impossible
Is there a way to pass the source of the chat from SalesIQ to the CRM lead creation?
Currently when I update the values of the visitor and the lead is automatically generated in the CRM it says that the lead source is Chat, but in reality it was from either Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. Is there a way to make sure that the correct
integrate the zoho calendar in zobot
I have integrate the zoho calendar in zobot and created the connection but the booking is not displayed in the zoho calendar i need help in handling the script
How do you setup different Zobots for different pages?
I have setup two zobots that I'd like to appear on different pages. They work - but not reliably. They seem to interfere with each other. They're both scripted Zobots. Zobot Bridget is only meant to appear on our brand page https://www.forbesbaxter.co.uk/brand-marketing/.
close chat button inserted in the window + other issue
Hi everyone, caht on mobile has a formatting problem: the window is too big and the close button is almost impossible to reach. Is there a way to make closing the chat window more accessible? Perhaps it is possible to move the close button right into
Need to edit message field in zoho salesiq contact form but didn't get it under it
No tabs or field is there to change or edit the placeholder of message filed, is there any ways to make it change.
Title was error when set the language to Vietnamese
I'm integrating ZohoSalesiq into development app by flutter When I set language to Vietnamese, title worked on ios device "Chat với chúng tôi", but when I opened on android device, it showed "Chat vi chng ti ngay!" I have no idea for that. Can anybody
Customized Coding for SalesIQ AutoPilot Block
Hi We need a Customized Coding for SalesIQ AutoPilot Block. We need a Developer and a Quote for the project. We will conduct the meeting on GMeet or Zoom Thanks
Auto Pilot Code to be used in Plugs Card
Hi, Anyone have a complete running Auto Pilot Code to be used in Plugs Card? Need to add a rewritable Context in the code so that everytime a question is ask from the Auto Pilot, it will log the question and will be used in the Criteria Card. Thanks
Zobot alignment issue in wix website
Here I made a bot for my Wix website by sales IQ Zobot, But the overlapped item by the bot is not clickable. Thank you in advance
Zobot won't close ticket and open new one
Hello! I'm having a trouble with Zobot while trying to open multiple tickets for the user during the same conversation. I've created a simple SalesIQ script to close the ticket by its ID and implemented it into a plug. It really does close the ticket
Add training features to Answer Bot (similar to Dialogflow)
I am a Dialogflow consultant and I get requests from people asking if there is a way to add a chatbot to their website without using sending their data over to the big cloud providers. I wanted to recommend the Answer Bot, but I noticed a major issue
Code Sample: Zobot Script to create a card that displays upcoming webinars from Zoho Meeting
Hi folks, This took me a few days to figure out, so I am sharing to others. It is a good example of: 1. how to pull data from another service and then 2. format the data into a card. I've made comments in the code and fleshed it out with lots of info
How to re-use context id to parse value of variable.
I'm using salesiq script for zobot. i want to take variable's value of one context to another. how can i do this? Thanks, Prachi
Error on init SDK in flutter
Hi, I have a problem when init SalesIQ SDK in flutter. I have used the correct appKey and accessKey but still error on init. Here is the guide that I have used: https://www.zoho.com/salesiq/help/developer-guides/flutter-sdk-event-handler-chatEventChannel.html. I
my SalesIQ livechat integration failed to send chat on iOS
Hi guys, I have a problem on SalesIQ livechat integration with my own iOS application. The chat from my iOS application can't send to the SalesIQ portal. But for the android version, it's working fine. I have tried using the correct appKey and accessKey
The Slots Input Block in code less bot builder does not work
I tried adding the Slots input block in the code less bot builder and it doesn't seem to work. When I add the control, and input some information, and click on the Save button, nothing happens and it doesn't actually get saved.
SalesIQ not Showing
I have installed SalesIQ on my client's website whose account we have but it does not display the chat. We tried in many ways. I'm even in this moment in the chat and nobody answers. I need to make SalesIQ display the chat screen on the website. The site is www.aztelecom.com.br Awaiting return.
Chat not routing correctly to the correct Zobot inspite of filter criteria
I have just implemented the SalesIQ chat via React Native SDK in my mobile app. I have 2 chat options on the app - one for general support and one for advice. I initiate the 2 chats separately and set the department name before initiating the specific
Can I add a table in the response? If yes, how?
I am fetching certain details from the API call and now I want to display the same as a table is that possible to do using the codeless bot builder?
how to host Zoho static files on CDN
Hi there, my websites speed metrics shows that zoho sales IQ CSS and JS are loaded from 2 different domains, is there any way for me to host those files on a CDN instead since i am trying to reduce the number of requests the client has to make.
chat in marketplace b2b buyers with sellers
hello do zoho support b2b chat in buyers with sellers??? i use laravel php
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