Adding new fonts to zoho sheets
Greetings is there a way to add/import custom fonts to zoho sheets like in zoho writer? Thanks
Do buttons and vba msgbox work on mobile, specifially the iPhone zoho sheets app?
In Zoho sheets on the web, I inserted a button and assigned a VBA macro to it. It pops up a msgbox with some text. When I go onto the iPhone mobile zoho sheets app, the button is there. When I click on that button, the spinning asterisk appears for a
how do I put a newline in a vba msgbox string
In Zoho sheets on the web, I inserted a button and assigned a VBA macro to it. This macro has a msgbox(string) in it. In making that string, I'd like to add newlines. I tried: msgbox("one" & vbNewLine & "two") ' and msgbox("one" & vbCrLf & "two") Both
User Defined Functions available in Zoho Sheet?
Is it possible to make user defined functions? In the VBA editor I seem to be able to create Public Functions, but I cannot see them in the function wizard. Also if I try to use the functions directly in cells, they are not recognised. I wondered if UDF are supported, if they are is the some additional step to enable them? Gary
Auto complete in data validation
Hello, Until last week, when I activated data validation on a cell with a list or a cell range, when I typed some letters, the dropdown menu would be limited to the letters I typed (auto-complete/type ahead). This was very useful with long dropdown menus
Data Validation now available in Zoho Sheet
We are glad to release the 'Data Validation' functionality in Zoho Sheet. Using this, you could restrict the data that is entered in cells to a specific condition that you set. If it is a numeric cell, you could add numeric constraints like the number should be less than 20, or between 40 and 60, etc. This could be really useful when you have a calculator like functionality on your spreadsheet and expect the input data to fall within a range. Similarly you can set rules on cells with Text and Date
WorkDrive Browser Extension That Allows Direct Save to Work Drive
Hi, I enjoy WorkDrive a lot. I believe it could be enhanced if there was a browser extension that allowed pdf files to be saved from the browser directly to workdrive. This could be done as a save as option or print to pdf option that works with the
Missing Files after reinstall
Today I have trying to open my Zoho xl sheet with app, but more time I have failed. After I did uninstall and again installed this app again and logged with my own gmail account. But yet now my all files are Missing, thats not visible.
countif function with text compare
In a spreadsheet I would like to count the numbers of occurences of a certain text in an area. Both the area and the text are referenced. Example: The area with text cells is B3:K3 The compare text is in cell A2 In Cell A1 I would like to display the number of occurences, so I'd expect to use a formula like this in cell A1: =countif(B3:K3;=A2) Doesn't work as countif compares only values or expressions. Is there any workaround?
Crunch your spreadsheet data better with 7 new Zoho Sheet functions
Spreadsheet functions help you quickly compute, analyze, and visualize data. Zoho Sheet supports over 400 functions, now including TOROW, TOCOL, HSTACK, VSTACK, TAKE, DROP, and NUMBERVALUE to help you reorganize data as per your convenience. TOROW With
Publish spreadsheets, sheets, or ranges with specific customizations
Publishing a spreadsheet allows you to share your reports or data with a wider audience. To expand the publishing capabilities for your spreadsheet, we've revamped the publish controls in Zoho Sheet. New look, extensive options With the new publish
images don't appear in embed zoho sheet in my web page
Hello, I have a zoho sheet page that I published in my website through embed code but the images inside the sheet do not appear. The rest is loaded correctly. How can I solve it ? thanks !
Sheets: a cell has formula =now() is its value; In the Sheets iPhone app, when does it update to the current time.
I am using the sheets iPhone app. I have a cell with the value a formula =now() if I leave that sheet open in the app, use other apps on my phone, and come back to the sheets app with this sheet still open, the time in that cell is the old time I was
Hi. I am trying to filter data from one sheet to another and the formula kept on having this error: NAME! I want to have a separate sheet where all of the accepted data is in just one sheet. This is the formula I've been using but kept on getting an error:
Empty Cell Issue
Hi, I need something to keep cells empty on error. On other sheet-software both of these options work, but no on zoho. Option 1) =IFERROR(A1;B1;) This populates cells with zeros "0" Option 2) =IFERROR(A1;B1;"") This populates cells with an empty string
ADR Stock Prices
Hello, It appears as the stock price function for ADRs is one day behind. For example BAYRY, at the close of 7/12/2021, shows $15.15 for the share price. That was the previous day's close (7/9/2021) because the current day's (7/12/2021) close is $15.08.
Appending Arrays
Hi, how is the syntax for specifying an array manually? E.g. I have Data in A1, A2, B1, B2, that I need as a single array A1, A2, B1, B2 In Google Sheets I write {A1:A2,B1:B2} In Excel I write VSTACK(A1:A2;B1:B2) How do I do it in Zoho? Thanks
Are border patterns supported?
Selection from the tables are not all on the Homepage
hello, I have the following problem. for example, I select lines A1 - A12, but when I look at this in my homepage, only A1 - A9 is displayed, although the selection is correct. Does anyone have an idea?
Give external sheet user ability to "Submit" or "Notify" me
I use external sheets to collect data from external customers. I want to give them an in-sheet way to tell me that they are finished. Ideally it would be something like a "Submit" button that could trigger a crm-side event/action that sends me an email
Instantly locate any feature inside Sheet with Feature Finder
We count on spreadsheets to store voluminous sets of data, so we can analyze and revise them later. Zoho Sheet provides multiple features to simplify your data-related tasks. But at times, selecting the required feature to perform a desired action can
Please let it remember the position and zoom ratio of the last screen(not starting from the selected cell).
Please let it remember the position and zoom ratio of the last screen(not starting from the selected cell).
when I open my sheet ,it always start at "A1" despite I left it at "N234"
when I open my sheet ,it always start at "A1" despite I left it at "N234" Is it possible to make the sheet start where I left it, by default?
How to restore deleted data on a spread sheet?
I tried using CTRL Z but it's not working. Please mind that the sheet is not deleted. There was just data in that sheet that was deleted and can not be restored using the CTRL Z command.
error "Something went wrong
I can't open the document because I constantly get an error "Something went wrong and we're unable to generate a preview.".
Tip #14: 5 Zoho Sheet features that make collaboration easy
The world has indeed become small, with teams and organizations now spread across the globe. So why should data be kept in offline silos? Here are five Zoho Sheet features that help you share your data across your organization, and work seamlessly with
How to calculate the running average over the last x days?
Hello, I have a spreadsheet with a header row and two columns - date (A:A) and measurement (B:B), see example below. The rows are sorted by date but not always sequential - on some dates there is no measure and hence no corresponding row. I use the formula
Sheet Superscrpt/Subscript
Why is there no superscript and subscript available for Sheet. It is available for Writer; however, this option is quite necessary when work with mathematics--particularly statistics.
Is there a Sheets API to Publish a Named Sheet as an external view-only link?
I want to publish an external link to a specific worksheet within a workbook. I've reviewed the Sheets API and do not find this capability? If there is an Early Release / Beta api that offers this, I would like to use it.
Share Sheet / Invite non-Zoho Member to join
Hi Zoho - great product(s)! I'm new to Zoho myself and I'm trying to organise some testers to collaborate on a project. I've set up my spreadsheet and now I want to share it with them, but Zoho is telling me I can't because their email addresses are not Zoho accounts. How I'd hoped it woud work would that Zoho would detect that an take that opportunity to grow it's userbase Facebook style by sending them an email: Mr X has created a spreadsheet in Zoho and invites you to collaborate. Please click
Problems Accessing Shared Sheet
I have a workbook containing around 30 sheets which are each shared with a different user. On a number of occasions, these users are having a problem connecting to their sheet. The only way we seem to be able to resolve this is to drop the sharing and reinstate. HAs anyone else experienced this issue?
This link is no longer valid
I need my spreadsheet yesterday link no longer works HELP
How do I automatically generate a new sheet from a template?
I have a template in Zoho Sheet that I'm trying to use to automatically generate a spreadsheet. I was looking through the Zoho Sheet API and I found a way to create a spreadsheet through the API but it only creates a blank spreadsheet and not one that
How to cell.content.set when the content is a mailto: hyperlink?
Here's my code to set a cell value with plain text. resource_id = response.get("data").get("id"); // Put some data in the sheet params = Map(); params.put("method","cell.content.set"); params.put("worksheet_name","Order_by_Athlete"); params.put("row",1);
Creating Countdown timer
Hello, I'm trying to create a count down timer using a specific time I have already figured. For instance i have a time of "01:30:00". I'm wanting to incorporate a button into my sheet that starts counting down 1 second at a time. Ive tried using a formula
How can I setup the notification if someone that I shared sheet with!! For example he/her edit something will I be able to get notification from that specific person?? So I can check out his/her work Regards
Email Zoho Sheet API
Hi, Please suggest how do i email a zoho sheet residing on your server... i have docid with me.. ticketid and apikey. please let me know is there any api through which i can directly email a zoho sheet ? or how do i save zoho sheet from your server onto our server and then attach it in an email please suggest
Tip #13: 3 important chart customizations to make them more readable
Charts are great tools for representing data. Visualizing can give you a new perspective, and help you unlock new insights from your data. Here are three customization options that can enhance your charts for maximum impact. Labels: Cover all the basics
How to programmatically create a Published Range link with Allow Interaction enabled?
I have a very complicated data entry use case for which, (unfortunately) a spreadsheet is the best solution. I have a Named Range in a "master" workbook that needs to be Published to the external world with "Allow Interaction" enabled. I copy the workbook,
ERROR: Did the API keys change all of a sudden? E108 - API Key / Portal Name mismatch
Getting following error when requesting for remote authorization
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