Vendor Portal is a system to manage relationships and candidates submitted by third-party recruitment/staffing companies. When a Vendor logs in to the vendor management portal (VMS), they gain immediate visibility to job orders (that you've shared), and can submit their best matching candidates. You can then review applicants through the system, and provide feedback to the Vendors. The status of candidates is updated within the VMS so that Vendors remain aware of the process, every step of the way.
To enable Vendor Portal, go to Setup > Portal Setup >Vendor Portal and turn ON the toggle button. You can see the link to the Vendor Portal, using which your vendors can login and submit their candidates to your job openings. You can also see the editable email templates that vendors will be receiving.
Sharing Jobs with Vendors
To share a job opening to a vendor, you will need to invite a vendor to your portal first. To add a vendor, go to the Vendors module and click the + icon. Enter the details of your vendor and click Save.
Once added, you will need to invite the vendor to join your portal. Click the Invite button on the top right. Note that the vendor's login status changes from Not invited to Invitation not accepted. The status changes to Active once the vendor accepts the invite, and only then can you share your job openings.

By default, you get 10 free portal licenses . Then, for additional portal licenses, it is $5/portal user/month. Click here to know more. Invited portal users are also part of the 10 free portal licenses. To share a job opening with a vendor,
- Go to the Job Opening you wish to share and click More Actions > Share to Vendors .

Specify the commission, as a fixed price (or) percentage , select vendors to whom you want to share the job and click Share .
Sharing Notes with Vendors
Upon sharing a job opening with a vendor or while reviewing their submitted candidates, you might need to convey instructions or feedback to the vendor. You can accomplish this using the Notes section of the shared job opening or submitted candidate.
To share notes with Vendors;
- While adding (or) editing a note, click the Share To option and toggle the Vendor Portal checkbox.

- Click Save when you're done. Your note will then have a Public Note tag to indicate you've shared it to a portal.

- The shared note will then be displayed under the Notes section of the job opening / candidate with a Recruiter Note tag.

Submitting Candidates as a Vendor
Vendors can log-in into their portal and submit candidates to your jobs. The submitted candidates will be directly added to your database.
Vendors need to access their portal from the invitation link which they would've gotten through email. After confirming the invitation, the vendor would need to set a password for their account.
The first screen the vendor sees after logging in is the dashboard
To submit candidates as a vendor,
- Click the Shared Jobs tab to see the job positions received from your company.

- Select a job to see its details.

- Click Add Resume and upload resumes individually (or) in bulk.

- For individual uploads , you will be able to review the candidate details parsed from the resume. Once you're done, click Submit Candidate .

- For bulk uploads , you will see the progress of your upload in the bottom-right of the page. You cannot upload new files if you have an upload in progress.

- You can view the submitted candidates under the Submitted Candidates tab.

Hiring Pipeline for Submitted Candidates
While configuring Vendor Portal, you can enable the Show Candidate's Hiring Pipeline to Vendors option to help vendors stay updated on the status of the candidates they've submitted and what stage of the hiring process they are currently in.
Once enabled, vendors will see a new sub-tab named Hiring Pipeline while viewing Submitted Candidates from their portal account. Keep in mind that the hiring pipeline view-only and vendors cannot perform any actions or move the candidate through the pipeline.
Candidate Unassociated from Job Opening
When a submitted candidate is unassociated from the job opening, vendors will not be able to view their hiring pipeline.
Candidate Submission Notes
When a vendor adds a note while submitting a candidate, it will be displayed in the hiring pipeline tab of the submitted candidate record.

- The Show Candidate's Hiring Pipeline to Vendors option will be available only if Hiring Pipeline is enabled.
- If you have enabled the Applications module then Hiring Pipeline will be enabled by default and cannot be deactivated. However, you can choose to show or hide the hiring pipeline to Vendors using the toggle.
Vendor Notes
In Zoho Recruit's Vendor Portal, vendors can seamlessly add notes to both candidate submissions and jobs shared by recruiters, enhancing the communication process. This feature allows vendors to provide valuable insights and updates on both job postings and candidates, ensuring recruiters have all the necessary information for a successful hiring process.
By maintaining this open line of communication, vendors and recruiters can collaborate closely to refine job details and candidate profiles, address specific client requirements, and ultimately improve the overall quality of job postings and candidate matches.
Adding Notes to Shared Jobs
To add notes to a shared job;
Log into your Vendor Portal account and click the Shared Jobs module.

Select a job and click the Notes tab.

When you add a note here, it will be visible to recruiters within their Zoho Recruit database.

Note: For your reference, notes added to the shared job will be also displayed under submitted candidates.
Adding Notes to Submitted Candidates
To add notes to a submitted candidate;
- Log into your Vendor Portal account and click the Shared Jobs module.

- Select a job and click Add Resume to submit candidate profiles. You can add a note to their record using the Candidate Note section. Click Submit Candidate when you're done.
- This note will be stored under along with the submission under the Submitted Candidates module. Here, both notes added by you, the vendor, and recruiters will be displayed.

- Since vendors are not part of your account as a user, the account's primary contact will be the owner for all notes added by vendors.
- Vendor notes will be added under the candidate record created via their submission. If your account has the Applications sub-module enabled, then the note will be added under the related application record too. For example, when a vendor submits a candidate John for the Store Manager position, an application named John for Store Manager is automatically created. When a vendor adds a note to John from the vendor portal, it will be added to the application record for you to view.
- Notes added for candidates in your vendor portal will not be displayed under the jobs they have been submitted for.