If I were to tell you that your appointment scheduling page is one of the best ways to advertise your company and show off what you can do, would you agree?
Of course you would, because it is true.
Having an amazing appointment scheduling site is also probably one of the cheapest ways you can do this. You will be amazed by the number of new customers who will sign up with your company at the end of the month once you put up an awesome new appointment scheduling site.
I know for a fact that I will have confidence while booking an appointment with a photography company that has an amazing appointment scheduling site as compared to one that has a lackluster one.
You do not want to be a part of the latter. Definitely not.
Your own work can be used to make some amazing site designs.In this guide, I am going to show you how you can make the best out of your appointment scheduling page on your Zoho Bookings application.
We will not be covering everything here because this will then be a very, very long post. While this guide will teach you things that are specific to your industry, we have another
guide that you can check out if you need to know how to implement them your Zoho Bookings application.
Do you really need an attractive appointment scheduling site for your company?
If you work in the wedding industry, you will know that portraying the perfect image of your services to your customers can work wonders for your business.
This is because an amazing photograph will help preserve the moments in the most memorable way possible. The more you can achieve this and induce that feeling to them, the better they will appreciate your services.
Think about this. Even if you have good ratings on Google or any other website that you have a presence in, the confidence and expectation will be taken to the next level when they see your beautiful site. This applies to your website as well, if you have one.
Also, in this industry those who do this better than their competitors will attract more customers because for most people, photographs are the best way to capture the most important moments of their life and they want the best that they can afford for same. This means no compromises on quality.
How do you prove your quality to your customers? With an incredible online appearance.
In today’s world where photographers are a plenty, you need to stay at the top of your game to make sure that you make the most out of your business. The perfect appointment scheduling site will help you stand out from the crowd and at the top of your game.
Certain rules and guidelines need to be followed while doing this. But why?
Our goal with this guide is to create the best appointment scheduling site that you can by yourself. To achieve this, there are a couple of guidelines that you need to follow so that your site resonates the quality of your service within your industry.
Every industry has certain visual cues that you will notice that are characteristic to the industry when it comes to design. For example, government sites tend to use colors that are picked from the national flag because, you know, it is a part of the government.
In most cases, customers like to get the feel of your industry from your sites because it feels very authentic and natural.
Therefore, it is essential that you follow certain guidelines that are commonly used in your industry to make sure you look very much like a part of your industry while staying over your competition. Be it
Fitness or any other industry for that matter, having an attractive and good-looking appointment scheduling website can only work wonders for your business.
Note: This guide will provide an overview of what you need to know while designing your appointment scheduling page in the education industry. If you need an in-depth guide covering every step of the process, we have a guide for that very purpose.
All right, so, how should you go about making an appointment scheduling site?
Notice how the pictures go well with the site background.In addition to visual aesthetics, your site needs to have a very user-friendly interface that your customers will appreciate.
Zoho Bookings has already done this for you!
There are four templates that you can choose from in the Bookings application. Using these templates, you need to create a very attractive and intuitive site for your customers.
While building your site, you should keep in mind that it should not have too many things going on in it and the customer should find it easy to understand everything on the page with minimal time and effort. With the right color combination, background and text you can create an awesome appointment scheduling site that you can be proud of.
The best place to start is your background image.
Your background image is the part that takes the maximum real estate on your booking page. Needless to say, it is also one of the most important aspects of your page that you need to pay attention to.
Now, let us go over how the image of your page should look like. The colors on your background image say a lot about the mood of the image.
These colors are determined by the type of photography you do. Is it Wedding? Fashion? Or are you not restricted to just one industry?
If you do only one type of photography, you will need to pick the colors that are mostly seen in that industry. For e.g. You will see a lot of pink and baby blue colors on wedding, so, those are what you should go for if you specialize in wedding photography.
If you do not specialize in any specific type of photography, then you should go with colors that are neutral and go well with other colors such as white. This is so that any photographs or examples of your work from different settings can be put together on the background image.
After you have your colors, you need to apply those colors on your background image. Keep in mind that you will be using these colors on your buttons and text as well, so you can even go ahead with applying just a single color on your image.
After this is done, you can put some pictures on your site on top of the background image so that your customers are able to see what they are getting into by booking an appointment with your company. You can use the same image editing tools that you use for editing your photos to get this done.
If in case you have just started your business or if you really cannot find some professional images, fret not. There are many websites from which you can either buy an image or download one for free, for which the process is explained in detail on the guide which is mentioned at the beginning.
Even though there is always an option of going with a solid color on your background, we would highly recommend that you go with an image as the latter is much more attractive than just a single color on your page.
What about the other things on your site, then?
You may have noticed that the template had other elements such as text and buttons while picking the template as well (i.e. if you picked the Modern Web template).
To do this, you can use the colors that you had picked earlier and apply them so that you can maintain uniformity across the site. Keep trying out the colors and find the best combination that looks good and is visually nice.
One way that you can make sure that the colors do not vary while being applied to different parts of the site is by using hex values that Zoho Bookings supports to get them accurate.
We can sometimes run into a situation where any color from the ones that you had picked do not help the text or the buttons look visible enough. This is because all of them are either too bright or too dark.
If you ever face this situation, you can use white or black as alternatives on the text as they go very well with any color.
The text on your site is probably the most powerful part.
There are two lines above the buttons where you can give any text that you want on your booking page.
Do you want to inform your customer of something that they need to know about before booking an appointment?
Go ahead, you can use this for that.
Or do you want to write some catchy phrases instead to further attract your customer?
You can do that as well.
The choice is yours and make sure that you utilize that space effectively.
If you feel that the given space for text is not enough for you, you can always edit the space between the buttons and the footer of the page to write what you need. Just make sure that the text on the image is legible enough to be read easily by the customer.
Is that everything that you need to do? Not quite!
Almost always, one of the best ways you can get yourself evaluated is by asking for an opinion from a third party. Therefore, one of our most important recommendations in this guide is to get feedback after you have completed designing the appointment scheduling page.
Opinions of others are very important in creating such a site because they can sometimes point out things that you may have missed out in the process of making it. They also sometimes provide suggestions about your work that you may not have noticed in the past.
Make sure that you get different points of view from people that you trust such as colleagues, friends and family and incorporate that changes that you think will improve the booking page. The more similar they are to your target customers, the better. You can also start asking your customers for feedback on the same from which you can take in suggestions that can be used to further improve your appointment scheduling site.
We hope that this guide has helped you! If in case you have any questions regarding this guide, let us know in the comments below.