Feature Request - enhanced "Role" outline view
Under "Users and Permissoins", in the "Roles" outline, please consider adding under each role, a row for each User and their Profile. With many roles, a complex outline, and many users --this will be a BIG help in understanding the picture. Perhaps make it optional. (Currently we have to click each role to get a page that shows its users.) Thank you! CEO UserName - ProfileName UserName - ProfileName MANAGER
Export File using Webhooks!!!
For a product which blows all the competition away in nearly every other area, when it comes to handling uploaded file's ZCreator is severely lacking. I've just lost my 2nd client in as many months because of the inability of ZCreator to export a file using an api. @ZohoCreatorSupport: Seeming as you managed to allow files to be transferred from Creator to Crm, is there a possibility that the same capabilities could be extended for external api's??? Damien Cregan Hire an Expert
delete an Associate Existing Tasks
Hi from Roles How can I delete an Associate Existing Tasks ? Omar
Upon Duplicate - open the Edit form for the new record
When duplicating a record, the user has a very hard time knowing which one is the new duplicate, making it too easy to continue from there with the *original* record, assuming it is the new duplicate. Also: I'm able to duplicate a record multiple times where there is a name field that is both mandatory and unique. The records sit in the list with a blank name! Yet the UI would never have allowed their posting. To improve this: Upon Duplicate: always open the new record for Edit. Or at least
File too large to upload
why don't we use some algorithm to reduce the size of the image, if size is greater than 1MB and let user upload the image and let him compromise on resolution instead of showing file is too large to upload ................!
Logout statement??
I am using an openurl with form-perma to avoid showing the menu structure and the global search field. It works great except there is no way for the user to log out. Can a deluge statement be added that will log a user out? An added ability to automatically logout after a set number of minutes of no activity would close some security holes. Currently a user might login to an application on a public computer and walk away, leaving the application exposed for hours or perhaps days.
date flied multiple selection of days
hi i cannot figure out how to set the date field in order to allow multiple days selection and then sum the days selected into another number field any help or guide
Hide/Show Logic for Form Buttons in Stateless Forms
I've come across a number of situations with stateless forms where it sure would simplify things to have hide/show logic for the submit button. Essentially this takes the place of form validation rules for a full form. Cheers, John Whitney
Looking for a Zoho creator developer freelance
We are a small website design company, want to create a software to manage: 1.clients 2.quotation 3.working process(for website designer) 4.invoice 5.renew manage please contact tatazhang@gmail.com thank you. Jeff
Add in Grid view - Editable checkbox
On grid view it would be amazing to have just some of the columns editable. A simple check box could be added to add such functionality
Universal search, instead of one search per table
It could be very usefull to have a "universal search" in Creator, instead to search table by table. For example, the user search a person Mr "Little", and he wants to know all the rows of all the tables where "Litlle" appears. It could be very helpfull for basic users. Thanks in advance. Best regards Jérôme
Signature Field
Hi, We have equiped our Sales Team with Android tablets which they use to record site visits. What we would like is a field for customers to sign a free form with their finger or stylus which records their signature in a field as an image for future reference. Is there any way to currently do this or the scope to do it in any future release (if so, any ETA)? Lastly, would be good for paying users to be notified of any issues with the platform currently experienced. This will reduce support cases
Make Sign Out show the user's email address, not the zoho user name.
Signing in using a zoho account username has been deprecated (although you can still do it). Most people sign in using an email now. People are confused about their username showing up in the sign out link. I get requests all the time to change it to their email address or change their username to something different. The request is to make the sign out link the user's email, not username. Cheers, John Whitney
User List & Group Member List
We use the User List and Group Member Lists all the time to manage the many people who access our Applications. We would find these lists much more functional if they appeared in a basic table format rather than thumbnails format. The tables would just have two or three columns (username, email address, and I suppose maybe avatar), which could be sorted by either username or email address. We've got to imagine that many other Zoho Creator users would find this more functional. Please jump in, if
Usernames and Emails
Zoho has been busy lately changing some of the authentication processes. The sign-in form in Creator now requests the user's email, although the username also works. I'm happy with this because in the past people forgot their usernames and complained. Since we are moving away from usernames*, it seems confusing that after sign-in the application shows the username and not the email. My suggestions is simple: show the sign-out with the email. *Usernames are now autogenerated by Zoho Accounts and are
Option to prevent search engine indexing of public views
I make a lot of use of public views that clients access via a url we send them. The url has a filter parameter so that they only see there own data. Ideally, I would very much rather this data was not indexed by search engines. An option to do this would be fab.
success message "<specify message>";
Please enable this for stateless forms. Cheers, John Whitney
Translate to Portuguese
Hello, Is there any plan to translate Zoho Creator to portuguese, or a feature for the developer to translate commands of ZC like Delete, Edit, Add and staff like that. I have several clients that do not read english so I have to create html views with buttons in portuguese, so I have to re-invent the wheels all over again, and I'm not using one of the best things than ZC have, the views. Thanks Rodny :)
Zoho creator - real time search filtering
Is real time search filtering available in zoho creator? i.e. where the results narrow as you type in the search field. See link for video demonstration (note that it searches through all fields and not just one as in zoho creator): http://youtu.be/wfNIK-nhySc Or is there a google search plugin that can be used to search the zoho creator database? google search has some intelligence built in whereas zoho creator creator requires that the user types exactly what theyre looking for eg if i have a field
Allowing electronic signing on forms
Hi folks, I have developed some online forms and I was wondering whether I can now have clients sign these online on a tablet without having to print them out and then scanning back in for emailing? Thanks.
Ways to Hide the Passing of Variables by URL Strings
I was recently working with a client on a rather complex search form for his ZC database. Rather than create multiple views with filters, the client wanted a single form that would create these views on the fly. This is mostly possible with functionality-based URL strings, but there issues with this as detailed below are no provisions to make "group-by" views there are limitations to the Boolean operations in the url strings: for example with view criteria you can do much more the strings can become
Could you please code a scale on every axis of a radar/web plot?
Hello there, I checked with other developer and curiously enough, seems there is no way to see a scale on the axis of a radar/web plot. See example below: Maybe I am wrong, but this is quite odd. What is the use of a plot without a reference scale? Could anyone suggest a solution on this? Thank you D
Function to Look-up User Name or Email
I recently imported a bunch of records from one table to another and lost all the zoho.loginuser names. Yea, I know...should have been more careful. What I'd like is a function that can lookup Zoho's SSO usernames based on zoho.loginuserid or vice versa. This would allow me to run a script to update all the unique usernames, since these are essentially the keys for each record that determine who can view them. Cheers, John Whitney
Employee Management system announcement link on homepage
in the employee management template, it seems when i create an announcement, that it appears on the home page but not as a link just as a listing. that you physically have to go to the announcement form to see it. How can I create a hyperlink to that view?
Bug with capitalisation of variable names in new builder
See screenshot.
Can't set up lookup criteria using Deluge script
I've now discovered I can access Lookup fields (they appear as Forms - e.g. the Publication lookup shows up in the dropdown box with all the fields within the Publication form). Nevertheless, I prefer using Deluge script. This GUI version slows me down.
API Edit Multiline via XML RPC
I'm trying to edit a multi-line field via the XML-RPC API. When I ADD a record, the format is: <field Name='myfield> <value> the value which can be multiline </value> </field> However, in the EDIT spec, I have to format it like this: <field name = 'myfield' value='some value'></field> This format, where the value is a parameter of the field node, and not a separate node, doesn't seem to support multi-line. Any suggestions on how to work around this problem?
Displaying subform results as sets
Hi, My suggestions would be to display subform results by a set number of result eg 1-10, or 1-20, etc. This will allow users to see a small subset of the subform results and increase page load times. I have many instances where I have 100+ subform rows and raised an issue about slow performance at https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/form-load-is-very-slow#2266000004566169 Zoho, can you please implement the feature to improve page load times? Thanks
Report: chart & pivot type
I want to show both a line chart & the table chart of the same data. Rather than create 2 reports, my suggestion would be to include a chart type that shows both. I've used other reporting tools that have that feature. It would be a nice add on.
Meta reports
Hi, In larger applications with many forms and views with different permissions, it is difficult to track which report has which permissions, and who is able to view what. It would be great if admins were able to run a report which would show all meta information, like all forms in the application, and views associated with those forms, as well as views permissions (add, edit, delete...), who has access to forms and view and other useful meta information. Thanks, Lyubko
Password Input Field
Suggestion: Password Input Field Purpose: A standard password field Motivation: There are instances where a form can be public, but locked by a password. Also, this would allow custom authentication schemes built inside ZC. As an alternative, have a Zoho account sign-in box right on the form. People are simply used to typing a password that appears obfuscated as asterisks. Example: A self-serve membership application. The user types in his email for a user name and then obfuscated password. Implementation:
Security Groups in Deluge
Security groups are a great way to partition what users can and cannot do with forms and views. However, the granularity stops there. There are no deluge commands to reference security groups for specific form actions and controls. For example, I have a work-order form process that requires one field to only be editable by admins. If I hide the field in the form, nobody can access it. So the hidden aspect must be a function of who's in my admin group. What this means is that I have to recreate the
Multiple developers
This suggestion is a follow up from the post https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/select-multiple-developers#2266000004395125 Zoho currently has a constraint where you can only set 1 developer per application. However, you can set multiple users as developers via the Manager User screen. Can Zoho please support multiple developers per application in future? As zoho creator applications grow in size & complexity, projects may require more than 1 developer.
Scrolling in Sections
When rearranging sections and components in a very long list, it would be much easier if Creator scrolled up or down when an item is dragged beyond the boundaries of the Sections window.
More buttons on regular forms
When a form has lots of field I break it into multiple stateless forms with Prev & Next buttons to move from form to form using the openurl statement. Each form reads & writes the data to a Master form. This does work but is complicated. There has been discussions about being able to create buttons on regular forms similar to what can be done with stateless forms. This would give us the ability to use show/hide to mimic several pages. When the user clicks on Next then all the fields from page one
Requirement of Developer Edition (User Edition) in Zoho Accounts.
Dear Zoho Support Team & Developer Community As a Developer, I want to explore my idea in front of you; It is required that Zoho should be start a Developer (user)edition for the Developers, By that way it will be a good support and inspiration for the Developers and also Zoho will be more popular and affordable by the Developers/Enterprises. This same trick is also used by the SalesForce Corp, and today you will be seen that where they are, they have a large community of Developers, and also they
Refer Fields box should show the current form
Hey Zoho, it bugs me slightly that the Refer Fields box shows the most 'alphabetically superior' form rather than the current form. Could you change this? (See screenshot below)
Facebook Connect Only Login
Hi, is it possible to allow users to login exclusively with facbook connect and not show the other federated logins ? (yahoo, google etc) thanks
Help Needed
I am looking at using zoho for my small business. It is just me. I do about 15-20 invoices a month and have about 50-100 or so clients. If I just use the free account, how fast will I eat up that space and size restrictions? I don't know much about all of that. I don't want to end up having to pay $25/mnth when there are cheaper options out there so I don't want to start using zoho if I quickly run out of space.
User parameters
Good day, I'm waiting with impatience when you will make system table (or Form), where developer can see all users with access to application, and developer can create fields in this form (like in other forms in zoho) to assocoate different parameters with users (and also lookups to existance forms). And very important is to have ability to use this extra user parameters in criteria fields, deluge scripts and so on. So, for example, if I have add "group" field to this Users parameters table, I can
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