I have a large screen back home, 24".
When viewing the screen on my iphone using ZA everything is very small, so I have to zoom in to click.
I previously used TeamViewer, and they had a neat feature in which the mouse cursor is always in the middle of the screen, and you scroll the screen underneath the mouse cursor. Mouse click was done by tapping ANYWHERE on the screen.
This way it is possible to pin point the cursor exactly where you want to click, then tap anywhere and you get exactly what you want.
With ZA I have to use my fat fingers to click small areas in the screen, like the "X" that close a window or maybe small areas near the edges of the screen, and I can't really click on them unless I use a huge zoom in so my finger will fit into the object. Clicking using TV approach is much faster, easier and more accurate, can you add a feature, maybe some kind of control feature for the mouse cursor to be always in the middle of the screen like in TV and mouse click will be a tap anywhere on the iphone screen?