How to trigger a specific workflow from Deluge?
Hi all How do I target a specific workflow in my code: updatedeal = zoho.crm.updateRecord("Deals",deal.get("id"),dealmap,{"trigger":{"workflow"}}); I dont want to trigger every workflow assigned to a Deal when its modified. I just want to trigger a specific
Change Currency symbol
I would like to change the way our currency displays when printed on quotes, invoices and purchase orders. Currently, we have Australian Dollars AUD as our Home Currency. The only two symbol choices available for this currency are "AU $" or "AUD". I would
Which WhatsApp API works seamlessly with Zoho CRM?
I’m exploring WhatsApp API solutions that integrate seamlessly with Zoho CRM for customer communication, lead nurturing, and automation. I would love to hear insights from those who have successfully implemented WhatsApp within Zoho CRM. My Requirements:
Is it possible to load a Module with a filter pre-applied by the URL?
In many of the CRM related lists, there is limited sorting, and no filtering available. I thought of the idea of putting a Custom Button on a Related List that would take the user to that module, but PRE-FILTERED by the Account from where they were viewing
Gravity Forms plugin not passing some fields
I use the gravity form zoho plugin to push data from my lead form into my lead page in Zoho CRM. Everything was working file for about 6 months. Suddenly on Oct 1st, some of the fields are no longer getting passed to Zoho. The fields with the problem
Introducing 'Queries' In Zoho CRM
Hello everyone! We are here with an exciting feature - Queries in Zoho CRM! A little context before we dive right into the feature specifics :) In today’s fast-paced business environment, immediate access to relevant data is essential for informed decision-making.
Auto Copying an field from auto generated field in zoho crm
I have products module in zoho crm, in which i have Part Number which is auto generated whenever the new product is created, i have made another field by name "SKU Number" i want that value of "Part number" should be auto copied to "SKU Number" whenever
Related Record Bug
Hi, Report a bug. Related record amount currency will display default currency (AUD) not the actual one (CNY). While if we click into the record and back, the currency will change to CNY (Correct). Then If we refresh browser, currency still show AUD
Posibility to add Emoticons on the Email Subject of Templates
Hi I´ve tried to add Emoticons on the Subject line of Email templates, the emoticon image does show up before saving the template or if I add the Emoticon while sending an Individual email and placing it manually on the subject line. Emoticons also show
How to display Motivator components in Zoho CRM home page ?
Hello, I created KPI's, games and so but I want to be able to see my KPI's and my tasks at the same time. Is this possible to display Motivator components in Zoho CRM home page ? Has someone any idea ? Thanks for your help.
Custom module - change from autonumber to name
I fear I know the answer to this already, but thought I'd ask the question. I created a custom module and instead of having a name as being the primary field, I changed it to an auto-number. I didn't realise that all searches would only show this reference.
Pushing GCLID info from Gravity Forms to ZohoCRM
We are switching to Gravity Forms from Zoho Forms and I cannot find any good info on how to make sure my GCLID tracking info is pushed through to the CRM through my new forms. There was an article in the documentation about placing something within the
Recurring Events Not Appearing in "My Events" and therefore not syncing with Google Apps
We use the Google Sync functionality for our events, and it appears to have been working fine except: I've created a set of recurring events that I noticed were missing from my Google Apps calendar. Upon further research, it appears this is occurring
Case assignment rules cannot be triggered when records are created manually???
I am new to Zoho, (Coming out of Salesforce) and I am shocked that Case assignment rules do not work for manually created cases. I think this is a basic need for a CRM and should be a functionality for Zohos native cases module. In Salesforce the Case
Is there an equivalent to the radius search in RECRUIT available in the CRM
We have a need to find all Leads and/or Contacts within a given radius of a given location (most likely postcode) but also possibly an address. I was wondering whether anyone has found a way to achieve this in the CRM much as the radius search in RECRUIT
New Module in Portals wont Edit
I created a new modular in the CRM and put a sub-form in it for costing projects. It opens in Portals, and Portals has the Edit option turned on, but it won't let me edit the module in Portals after saving. Anyone know why this would be happening?
Is it possible to trigger an action to automatically create a Deal when an email sent to a contact is opened?
Long story short we use Deals module to handle leads as well so that's why I'm not asking to use leads module. I've been asked to find a way to automatically have a deal created when an email that's part of an email campaign is opened. So, when the email
Creating Email template that attaches file uploaded in specific field.
If there's a way to do this using Zoho CRM's built-in features, then this has eluded me! I'm looking to create a workflow that automatically sends an email upon execution, and that email includes an attachment uploaded in a specific field. Email templates
Mapping custom fields from one module to another
I have a custom field, "Subscription Period" that appears as a required field in every Opportunity (Potential). I want that field to appear on any Quotes derived from that Opportunity (and have created a custom field of the same name in Quotes for that
Introducing Zia LLM: Zoho’s in-house Generative AI solution for CRM's AI capabilities
Hello everyone, We're excited to announce the launch of our in-house Large Language Model (LLM) by Zia to power our AI offerings. What is LLM? LLM stands for Large Language Model, a powerful AI technology that processes and generates human-like text based
How to associate email with record?
Is there a way in Deluge or with the API to associate an email to a custom module record? I'm using the v2.1 Send Email method so I have the message_id of the email but don't see a way to add that to the Emails section of the custom module record because
The dark mode in CRM is here!!!
Just by accident, I discovered that CRM now has the dark mode! I'm sooooo stoked! I tried so hard with various dark-mode Chrome extensions to make the huge database that I'm staring at all day look easier on the eye! Some work ok, but there were always
YET ANOTHER BUG: Client Script Flyouts no longer acting like Flyouts
As per one of the key benefits of a Flyout over a Popup is the ability to move it around the page. This no longer works. The "width" and "height" configuration settings
Global Subforms
Hey 👋🏼 We have a few subforms to calculate detailed offers for customers of car dealerships. These subforms are used in different modules and we need to create snapshots of them in different cases for documentation reasons. For example, an approved
Custom CRM to close task when lead lost
Hello, I am currently trying to create a workflow rule to close the tasks still opens of the lost leads. I tried the workflowrule and update the field but it does not work because they come from 2 different modules (task and lead). So I tried to write
Deluge Script In CRM To Deal With More Than 200 Records
Hi, I have a Deluge script, which works perfectly. We have a custom field in the Campaigns module called Total_Raised which looks at the Donation_Amount field in the custom module, Donations. The idea is to sum up the total of all donation amounts. However,
Email Behavior in CRM
At what level can you see recipient behavior when sending emails from Zoho CRM? We thought there was a way to see what links were clicked, how many opens, etc but can't seem to find that info now.
Deleting Salutation Field
We have updated our lead input screen and 'Salutation' has appeared. This is not visible in the 'Edit Pgae Layout' screen so cannot be moved to 'List of Removed Fields' Salutation is visible in the list in 'Customization - Fields' however I can only 'Edit' or 'Replace' I cannot delete and I do not need this field on my lead input screen. Please can you advise how to get rid of this. Screen shots can be provided if needed. Thank you Tasha
Access of Activities Module in CRM to Client Portal?
I want to enable access of Activities Module in Client Portal of my CRM to my Clients but not getting option to choose the module. By doing this I aim to give the access to the clients to their realtime status of the work going on and they can track the
Zoho CRM and Books integration (related list) column customization
I was wondering if it's possible to add more cloumns (more informations) inside the related list that we get when we enable the integration. As you see we would like to be able to add more information on the invoice (or the same for PO in vendor).
AGE field from DATE OF BIRTH Field.
HI! I have a field called date of birth in my CRM (LEADS, CONTACT etc…) How can I know the AGE today I would like to create a field AGE. I now how to create a field but I don´t which calculation (CUSTOM FUCTION) to make ¿ANY HELP?
Layout Rules / Quick create
Hello, is there a way to create a layout rule for quick create option? Regards, Katarzyna
Auto select template when "Send Email" button selected?
I have created a template for Contacts, and I want to have that template auto open whenever the Send Email" button selected on a Contacts page. I know how to do this in Salesforce so I assume in Zoho it would require a custom button on the Contacts page
Zoho Kiosk - Products module
I am creating a kiosk to build a new product. The Create Record method does not have the Products module as a choice. What is the procedure to get the Products module into this list?
Forms to CRM - is there a better way of doing this?
Good afternoon, We currently have an onboarding form for our new landlords and i'm struggling to understand the best way of getting the data from the form into the various modules in our CRM system. The process is as follows: 1. Prospective landlord is
New Customization options in the module builder: Quick Create and Detail view
Hello everyone, We have introduced two new components to the module builder: Quick create and Detail view. The Quick Create Component It is a mini form used to create a record and associate it to the parent record from a lookup field. For example, if you have a Deals lookup in the Contacts module, then you can associate existing deals or create a deal and associate it with the contact. You can customize this Quick Create form by adding standard as well as custom fields. There is no limit to the number
Connecting Physical Phones to Zoho
Hey everyone, I work for a phone and internet company that's looking to integrate our phones with Zoho. We have physical phones and a softphone that is connected to it Currently our only goal is click-to-dial I've looked through the documentation of PhoneBridge,
Updated Search Bar Will Not Go Away
After searching, the bar results will not go away, and there is no "X" bar to close the results. We've tried refreshing, logging in and out, clearing cookies, and using a different browser. When this happens, we're unable to use the software, which is
Create and embed custom capabilities across CRM with Kiosk, our latest low-code tool
[6 Mar 2024] This feature has been released to all users in all DCs. Exciting Update Alert: “Process Flows” is now “Kiosk” with a better and more accessible spot. Kiosk will be available under Setup -> Customization. As a result, the old help doc links
Effortlessly analyze a report with contextual quick-view filter
Dear Customers, We hope you're well! We are here with nifty enhancements to the reports feature in Zoho CRM. Reports gives you a real-big picture of your business' performance as processed data. This useful tabulation of data can sometimes be extensive
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