Need a way to update start date for large number of recurring invoices. Either bulk update option for that field or an import function with the ability to set "duplicate handling logic" (like when importing customers) so that one (or more) field can be updated.
I have 200+ recurring invoices that all need their date changed from the first of the month to the 15th of the month, and I can't figure out any way to do it, other than delete and reload them all. Seems like a simple change.
We understand your requirement, but unfortunately, there is no option to bulk update the start date in recurring invoices. Additionally, there is no overwrite option when importing recurring invoices after making changes. The start date can only be updated manually by editing each recurring profile individually, and the changes will apply only to future invoices.
If you need any further assistance, please write to us at support[dot]usa[at]
Naveen | Zoho Books
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