It would be benficial to be able to send assessments as part of the attachment when submitting candidates to a hiring manager. Recently i created a recruiter assessment which ...
Hi, Could we add the possibility to send a candidate to a client or a hiring manager even without relating the candidate to a specific job? In our reality of searching for gre...
I would like to ask you to add this feature to the product: create an unique url for each job opening on Zoho Recruit, so that I can add a link to it when I post the opportuni...
Current experience/Issue: When a user (candidate) uploads resume to Zoho Recruit candidate portal, some fields are prefilled with the info from the resume/cv correctly. Howeve...
Hi, I feel the need of providing the link of candidate's page or his/her interview page to the hiring manager/ interviewer as not always the hiring manager would be able to lo...
Hi , pleasse can solve the problem with adding rating stars to candidates? It does not work and it is urgent for us. Please let me know, whats wrong and please ressolve with p...
Currently, candidates can book interviews any time after receiving the booking link. It would be good to make the links expirable, e.g., if they do not schedule interviews wit...
Currently, candidates can book interviews any time after receiving the booking link. It would be good to make the links expirable, e.g., if they do not schedule interviews wit...
The additional feature we have in mind is to allow vendors to see the comments associated with each updated status on the candidate's hiring progress in Zoho. This feature may...
I am looking for a real integration when it comes to arranging live interview. I hope Zoho Recruit can read my calendar, then allow me to choose few available slots from my ca...
Why isn't this feature available for Client tab? Seems kind of silly doesn't it? I've requested this feature almost a year ago and have not received any feedback yet. Is this ...
A "Located within" filter on the customer module would be very helpful so that you can narrow down customers within a certain radius for certain candidates. This would add rea...
Hello, As a the career site is useful for candidates to apply on jobs but also for showing to prospects (and candidates) what kind of jobs we are used to work on, it would be ...
Hello All, We often use template emails for internal automation. For instance, 3 days prior to a candidates start date on a job, an internal system email is generated to the c...
We would like to find out if there is a way we can share direct links with client who will fill in their vacancies in accordance with job opening fields and we will simply vet...
Right now it is possible to seach candidates in Recruit and filter them by their attachment to a certain job opening. It would be nice if you could make it possible to show on...